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Jamie Morgan, M.D.

Postpartum hemorrhage: How much bleeding after delivery is normal?

While some bleeding is expected following delivery, postpartum hemorrhage, or excessive bleeding, occurs in about 3 to 5 percent of women. Learn about common risk factors for excessive bleeding at delivery and potential treatment options.

Who should consider low-dose aspirin to prevent preeclampsia?

Aspirin helps reduce heart attack and stroke risk in older adults, but in low doses it’s also one of the only effective tools to prevent preeclampsia, or high blood pressure during pregnancy. Jamie Morgan, M.D., discusses how it works and who might benefit.

Coffee, sushi, and wine: What’s safe during pregnancy?

Should pregnant women give up coffee? Skip sushi night? Avoid deli meats? Jamie Morgan, M.D., discusses common food concerns and offers tips for avoiding foodborne illness during pregnancy.

5 unexpected advantages of having a baby in the NICU

It can be scary to have a newborn who needs to stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). However, the experience can include unexpected advantages for new parents. Learn more.

Itchy eyes, sore throat: How to manage allergies and asthma during pregnancy

Not properly treating seasonal allergies and asthma while pregnant can lead to an array of health problems for women and their babies. Learn why.

Yoga and pregnancy: A safe, effective fitness option for moms-to-be

Yoga has a number of benefits for pregnant women: it can help reduce pain and anxiety and help promote better interpersonal relationships. Learn how yoga can lead to a healthier pregnancy, as well as gentle poses to try.

Womb with a view: Sensory development in utero

Before they are born, babies can already hear, see, touch, and taste.

Part Two: Assisted reproductive technologies and fetal risk

Assisted reproductive technologies can help women struggling with fertility to conceive. But using ART carries some risks. In part two of this series, Dr. Morgan explains the possible risks to fetuses conceived via ART.

Part One: Assisted reproductive technologies and maternal risk

Assisted reproductive technologies can help women struggling with fertility to conceive. But using ART carries some risks. In part one of this two-part series, Dr. Morgan explains the possible risks to women who become pregnant with ART.

Normal Pregnancy Symptoms: Here’s What to Expect

Many pregnancy symptoms are completely normal. Know what to expect as your body changes during the next 9 months.

5 things to know about buying and using breast pumps

Dr. Jamie Morgan and lactation consultant Denise Bulpitt answer five of the most common questions patients have about breast pumps.