Background Placeholder

John Pennant, M.D.

  • Anesthesiology and Pain Management
  • Pain Management
Education & Training
  • Medical School - King's College London, United Kingdom (1973-1979)
  • Residency - King's College Hospital, United Kingdom (1980-1984), Anesthesiology
  • Residency - Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, United Kingdom (1984-1985), Anesthesiology
  • Fellowship - King's College Hospital, United Kingdom (1985-1989), Anesthesiology
  • Fellowship - Dallas County Hospital District/Parkland Hospital (1989-1991), Anesthesiology
Professional Associations & Affiliations
  • American Society of Anesthesiologists
  • Association of Anaesthetists (UK)
  • British Medical Association
  • Obstetric Anaesthetists Association (UK)
  • Texas Society of Anesthesiologists
Honors & Awards
  • Faculty Teacher of the Year 1992, Department of Anesthesiology
  • MB, BS Honours 1979, Pathology
Books & Publications
  • Airway management

Clinical Focus

  • Pain Management

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