- Fellowship - Buenos School of Medicine and Harvard School of Public Health (1999-2000), Family Medicine
- Residency - CEMIC Center of Medical Studies and Clinical Research (1993-1996), Family Medicine
- Medical School - Medical Doctor University of Buenos Aires School of Medicine (1985-1992)
- Internship - Postgraduate Lister Institute (1996-1996), Family Medicine

Nora Gimpel, M.D.
- Dr. John L. and Louise Roan Professorship in Family Medicine
- Distinguished Teaching Professor
- Family Medicine
Nora Gimpel, M.D., is a Professor and the Vice Chair of Community Health in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center.
Dr. Gimpel earned her medical degree at the University of Buenos Aires School of Medicine and performed her residency in family medicine at the Center of Medical Studies and Clinical Research in Buenos Aires.
She joined the UT Southwestern faculty in 2004.
In addition to her departmental roles, she is Director of the Medical School’s community health scholarly activity and distinction tracks and Director of the Community Medicine Fellowship Program.
She serves on the board of the Society of Student-Run Free Clinics and on the board of the North Texas Alliance to Reduce Teen Pregnancy.
Dr. Gimpel’s work focuses on community-based participatory research (CBPR). She has mentored numerous pre- and postdoctoral students in CBPR principles, training them to create innovative research models and culturally appropriate approaches to care for the underserved. She has published several academic articles and delivered scores of international, national, and regional presentations on CBPR and topics related to community medicine.
She is a member of several professional organizations, including the Dallas County Medical Society, the North American Primary Care Research Group, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the Society of Teachers in Family Medicine, and Alpha Omega Alpha. She also works with numerous community service organizations in the Dallas Fort Worth area.
In 2018, Dr. Gimpel was awarded the Dr. John L. and Louise Roan Professorship in Family Medicine. In 2016-2017, she held the Fellowship in Leadership Award from Alpha Omega Alpha. In 2015, she earned the Exemplary Teaching Award from the Texas Academy of Family Physicians.
Education & Training
Professional Associations & Affiliations
- Argentine Association of Family Medicine, Annual Congress of Family Medicine Mendoza, Argentina (1999-2000), Member of the Scientific Abstract Review Committee
- North American Primary Care Research Group ( NAPCRG) (2006), Member and Scientific Abstract Reviewer
- American Academy of Family Physicians (2006)
- Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) (2009)
- Dallas County Medical Society (2016)
- Alpha Omega Alpha (2016)
Honors & Awards
- 1st Place Innovation in Health Science Education Award 2010-2010, UT System Annual Conference on Innovations in Medical Education
- Public Health Award 2013-2013, Texas Academy Family Physicians
- Outstanding Physician-PA Partnership 2014, Texas Academy of Family Physicians
- Distinguished Teaching Professor 2014, UT Southwestern Academy of Teachers (SWAT)
- Communitarian Award 2014, UTSW
- 3rd Place Innovation in Health Science Education Award 2005-2005, UT System Annual Conference on Innovations in Medical Education
- LEAD Leadership Emerging in Academic Department 2016-2017, The LEAD Program is designed for junior faculty who aspire to develop their leadership skills.
- Alpha Omega Alpha Fellowship in Leadership Award 2016-2017, This award recognizes and supports the development of outstanding mid-career physician leaders
- Aesculapius Teaching Award 2010-2010, Outstanding Teaching Award
- Dr John L and Louise Roan Professorship in Family Medicine 2018
- Exemplary Teaching Award 2015-2015, Outstanding teaching award from Texas Academy Family Physicians
- Certificate of Clinical Effectiveness 1999-2000, 2 years Program organized by Buenos Aires University - Argentina, Harvard School of Public Health USA, Hospital Italiano Buenos Aires Argentina. Field of study: EBM, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Clinical Research, Public Health
Books & Publications
Pleural effusion in Medicina Familiar y Práctica ambulatoria
Gimpel N (2001) -
Osteoporosis in 5 Minutes Clinical Consult
Gimpel N (2015) -
Community Action Research in Family Medicine Residencies: A Community Medicine Handbook
Gimpel N, Mokuria S. (2014)
Pleural effusion in Medicina Familiar y Práctica ambulatoria
AOA 2017 Fellows in Leadership complete successful year and are prepared to serve.
Richard Byyny, Brian Clyne, Gimpel N, Susan Lane. The Pharos 2018 Winter 12-19 -
Community action research track: Community-based participatory research and service-learning experiences for medical students.
Gimpel N, Kindratt T, Dawson A, Pagels P Perspectives on medical education 2018 Jan -
Community action research experience (CARE): training family physicians in community based participatory research.
Gimpel N, Pagels P, Kindratt T Education for primary care : an official publication of the Association of Course Organisers, National Association of GP Tutors, World Organisation of Family Doctors 2017 Feb 1-6 -
Community health fair with follow-up.
Squiers JJ, Purmal C, Silver M, Gimpel N Medical education 2015 May 49 5 526-7 -
Training Family Medicine Residents in Effective Communication Skills While Utilizing Promotoras as Standardized Patients in OSCEs: A Health Literacy Curriculum.
Pagels P, Kindratt T, Arnold D, Brandt J, Woodfin G, Gimpel N International journal of family medicine 2015 2015 129187 -
'Don't Be Scared': Demystifying Statistics in Postgraduate Medical Education.
Kindratt T, Raza A, Anderson J, Evans DJ, Gimpel N Education for primary care : an official publication of the Association of Course Organisers, National Association of GP Tutors, World Organisation of Family Doctors 2015 Jan 26 1 53-54 -
Knowledge and attitudes toward breastfeeding in an african american male population.
Jolly L, Pagels P, Woodfin G, Silver M, Kindratt T, Gimpel N Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing : JOGNN / NAACOG 2013 Nov 42 6 664-71 -
Health literacy Objective Structured Clinical Exam for family medicine residents.
Pagels P, Kindratt T, Arnold D, Brandt J, Woodfin G, Gimpel N Medical teacher 2013 Oct 35 10 874-5 -
Health Literacy, Health Information Seeking Behaviors and Internet Use Among Patients Attending a Private and Public Clinic in the Same Geographic Area.
Gutierrez N, Kindratt TB, Pagels P, Foster B, Gimpel NE Journal of community health 2013 Jul -
Churches as targets for cardiovascular disease prevention: comparison of genes, nutrition, exercise, wellness and spiritual growth (GoodNEWS) and Dallas County populations.
Powell-Wiley TM, Banks-Richard K, Williams-King E, Tong L, Ayers CR, de Lemos JA, Gimpel N, Lee JJ, Dehaven MJ Journal of public health (Oxford, England) 2013 Mar 35 1 99-106 -
The cardiovascular health of urban African Americans: diet-related results from the Genes, Nutrition, Exercise, Wellness, and Spiritual Growth (GoodNEWS) trial.
Carson JA, Michalsky L, Latson B, Banks K, Tong L, Gimpel N, Lee JJ, Dehaven MJ Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2012 Nov 112 11 1852-8 -
The GoodNEWS (Genes, Nutrition, Exercise, Wellness, and Spiritual Growth) Trial: A community-based participatory research (CBPR) trial with African-American church congregations for reducing cardiovascular disease risk factors - recruitment, measurement, and randomization.
Dehaven MJ, Ramos-Roman MA, Gimpel N, Carson J, Delemos J, Pickens S, Simmons C, Powell-Wiley T, Banks-Richard K, Shuval K, Duval J, Tong L, Hsieh N, Lee JJ Contemporary clinical trials 2011 Sep 32 5 630-40 -
Reaching the underserved through community-based participatory research and service learning: description and evaluation of a unique medical student training program.
Dehaven MJ, Gimpel NE, Dallo FJ, Billmeier TM Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP 2011 Jul-Aug 17 4 363-8 -
Anthropometric measures, presence of metabolic syndrome, and adherence to physical activity guidelines among African American church members, Dallas, Texas, 2008.
Shuval K, DeVahl J, Tong L, Gimpel N, Lee JJ, DeHaven MJ Preventing chronic disease 2011 Jan 8 1 A18 -
Awareness and prevention of osteoporosis among South Asian women.
Shakil A, Gimpel NE, Rizvi H, Siddiqui Z, Ohagi E, Billmeier TM, Foster B Journal of community health 2010 Aug 35 4 392-7 -
Evaluating the Impact of the Fitness in Nutrition and Exercise (FINE) Program within Shared Medical Appointments (SMA) on Reducing Childhood Obesity in a Community-Based Clinic.
Gimpel N, Teng R, Billmeier T et al Texas Public Health Journal 2010 -
Diabetes mellitus in long-term survivors of childhood cancer. Increased risk associated with radiation therapy: a report for the childhood cancer survivor study.
Meacham LR, Sklar CA, Li S, Liu Q, Gimpel N, Yasui Y, Whitton JA, Stovall M, Robison LL, Oeffinger KC Archives of internal medicine 2009 Aug 169 15 1381-8 -
A community action research experience (CARE) program for family medicine residents.
Shakil A, Gimpel N, Ohagi J, Dobbie A Family medicine 2009 Mar 41 3 158-9 -
Reaching out to those in need: the case for community health science.
DeHaven MJ, Gimpel NE Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM 2007 Nov-Dec 20 6 527-32
AOA 2017 Fellows in Leadership complete successful year and are prepared to serve.
- Public Health
- Family and Community Medicine
- Evidence Based Medicine
- Community-based Participatory Research