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R. Wayne Bowman, M.D. Answers Questions On: Cataract Surgery
Does everyone with cataracts need cataract surgery?
The approach we take includes looking carefully at a patient’s problem to make sure there’s no other explanation, as best we can tell, for the visual impairment before we recommend cataract surgery.
We often need to educate patients about cataracts and remind them that it’s not cancer; it doesn’t have to be removed just because it’s there. The reason we operate is to improve their vision. There has to be something specific that they’re having trouble with that surgery will help.
Are results of cataract surgery immediate?
There are many people who are astounded by the change to their vision the very next day. Sometimes it can take a little bit longer but rarely more than a week unless there’s another medical condition involved causing a longer recovery.
How has cataract surgery changed over the years?
Cataract surgery has always been considered a signature operation of ophthalmology. The control that we now have, how quickly patients recover, and how little of an adverse impact cataract surgery has on their lives compared to 30 to 40 years ago is nothing short of miraculous.