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Dentistry and Oral Surgery

What's causing ‘electric’ facial pain? It might be trigeminal nerve damage

Trigeminal neuropathy and neuralgia can cause shock-like, debilitating facial pain. But with a precise diagnosis, significant pain relief is possible.

Laser surgery treats gum disease, cold sores, and more

Laser therapy for gum disease offers fast healing, less pain, and reduced need for stitches. UT Southwestern discusses the many uses of laser for dental health.

Dental implants: A 5-step plan to restoring your teeth

Dental implants can help you talk, eat, and socialize more confidently. UT Southwestern discusses five steps to getting a healthy smile for life.

Osteonecrosis of the jaw: Treating bone loss triggered by drugs for osteoporosis, cancer

Osteonecrosis of the jaw is a rare effect of antiresorptive drugs for osteoporosis and cancer. But early, specialized dentistry and oral surgery can cure it.

When toothache turns out to be a tumor

Matthew Ladin of Dallas contacted his dentist about his nagging jaw pain, thinking it was probably just a toothache.