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High-Risk Pregnancy

Are wearable breast pumps worth the hype?

Dive into the future of breastfeeding technology and discover whether wearable breast pumps are right for you. Factor in cost, effectiveness, reliability, and more.

RhoGAM shortage: Managing Rh incompatibility in pregnancy

UT Southwestern is taking a proactive stance to protect women and newborns who may be Rh incompatible during a nationwide shortage of Rho(D) immune globulin (RhIg).

Closing gaps in postpartum care: the IMPACT study

Learn how the patient-centric IMPACT study is measuring the effectiveness of virtual checkups to reduce postpartum mortality and reduce social barriers to health care.

Congenital syphilis is on the rise: What pregnant women need to know

Congenital syphilis rates are increasing in the U.S. and Texas. Timely diagnosis and treatment in prenatal care can help save babies lives.

Is genetic screening recommended during pregnancy if you’ve had IVF?

Even if you get preimplantation genetic testing with IVF, pregnancy is a blank slate. Learn why you might still want genetic screening during pregnancy.

Studying the connection between anxiety and preterm birth

Patients with a history of preterm birth have higher rates and severity scores of anxiety, according to a new study conducted at UT Southwestern Medical Center.

Why pregnant women should resist ‘vaccine fatigue’

Vaccine fatigue is real and pregnant women are not immune. Robyn Horsager-Boehrer, M.D., explains which vaccines are recommended during pregnancy and when.

How does a father’s age affect fertility and a baby’s health?

How can a dad’s age affect fertility? Explore potential age-related risks to sperm health, pregnancy, and the baby’s future health.

Can genetic testing explain the cause of recurrent miscarriages?

Half of all miscarriages are caused by chromosomal abnormalities. Leen Al-Hafez, M.D., and Heather Fisher, M.S., discuss when genetic testing might be valuable after a miscarriage.

First postpartum depression pill approved by FDA: What to know

The FDA approved the first ever pill to specifically treat postpartum depression. Zuranolone is taken once a day for two weeks, and studies show it can begin easing depression symptoms after only three days.

Bottoms up! Tips to prevent and treat diaper-area skin irritation in newborns

How can you help your baby avoid diaper rash? Jessica Morse, M.D., discusses best practices and products on the Your Pregnancy Matters blog.

What is eclampsia, and how is it different from preeclampsia?

Eclampsia is a severe form of preeclampsia. It’s a rare but serious condition in which high blood pressure leads to seizures during pregnancy.

Amniocentesis and CVS: FAQs about the prenatal diagnostic duo

Chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis provide definitive answers about a baby’s genetics before birth. Learn about these safe, quick procedures.

Don't wash breast pump parts in the sink, plus more safety tips

Practicing good breast pump hygiene helps protect babies from potentially dangerous germs. Lactation consultant Kelli Hulsman, M.S., B.S.N., RN, IBCLC, walks parents through the steps of correctly cleaning a breast pump

What noninvasive prenatal testing can (and can’t) tell you about your baby

Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) screens for chromosomal abnormalities before birth, and the terms you’ll see in the results can be scary. Get definitions for common terms in this Your Pregnancy Matters blog.