- Fellowship - University of Missouri School of Medicine (1990-1992), Academic Family Medicine
- Graduate School - University of Missouri (1990-1992), Public Health
- Residency - Duke University/FAHEC Family Medicine Residency (1987-1990), Family Medicine
- Medical School - Boston University School of Medicine (1983-1987)
- Other Post Graduate Training - University of Missouri (1990-1992)

F. David Schneider, M.D.
- Perry E. Gross, M.D. Distinguished Chair in Family Medicine
- Family Medicine
Accepting Virtual Visits or 214-645-3900
or 214-645-3900
F. David Schneider, M.D., is Professor and Chair of the Department of Family and Community Medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center.
Dr. Schneider earned his medical degree at the Boston University School of Medicine. Following his residency in family medicine at Duke University he received advanced training in academic family medicine through a fellowship at the University of Missouri, where he also earned a master of science in public health in epidemiology.
Prior to his arrival at UT Southwestern, Dr. Schneider was Chair of the Department of Family and Community Medicine at Saint Louis University from 2008 to 2017. Prior to his time in St. Louis, he served as a faculty member at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, where he was also Director of Medical Student Education, Residency Program Director, and Vice Chair.
Dr. Schneider is the founding President of the Academy on Violence and Abuse, and he serves on the board of directors of the Association of Departments of Family Medicine. He previously served as Chair of the National Health Collaborative on Violence and Abuse, President of the Texas Academy of Family Physicians, and Chair of the American Academy of Family Physicians Commission on Public Health.
Dr. Schneider was included in D Magazine's Best Doctors list for 2018.
Meet Dr. Schneider
Family Medicine Specialist in Dallas
F. David Schneider, M.D., a family physician at UT Southwestern Medical Center, is nationally recognized for his nearly 30 years of work in the field of family medicine.
Dr. Schneider says family medicine allows him to form deep, long-term relationships with patients.
“I enjoy working with all kinds of people and investigating all types of medical problems,” he says. “Helping people is important to me, and I truly enjoy talking to patients, listening to them, and developing those relationships.”
Advancing Education and Research
Dr. Schneider’s commitment to patient-centered care extends beyond his clinical practice. In joining UT Southwestern as Professor and Chair of the Department of Family and Community Medicine, he is leading new initiatives in population health, working with Texas Health Resources to improve the health of the entire North Texas community, as well as initiatives to strengthen the primary care workforce in North Texas and develop a strong family medicine research core at UT Southwestern.
Dr. Schneider has focused much of his academic career on improving medical education. Part of that effort involves fostering a better physician understanding of the factors that can impact a patient’s health, such as violence and victimization, drug and alcohol use, and other sources of toxic stress.
Working with a group of other dedicated physicians, Dr. Schneider helped start the Academy on Violence and Abuse (AVA), an organization that focuses on violence and toxic stress and its effects on people's health. The AVA is helping to advance education and research into the health effects of violence and victimization on both children and adults.
Greater awareness of the impacts of toxic stress will help to improve the quality of health care, Dr. Schneider explains, because physicians will be working from a more patient-centered perspective.
“Some physicians don’t really want to deal with these issues,” he says. “Sometimes it's easier to just not go there. But when you don't go there, the underlying cause of the problem is never dealt with and the patient doesn’t get better.”
A Community Effort
Combating the effects of toxic stress goes beyond educating physicians; it also requires involvement from the community, as Dr. Schneider discovered during his work with patients in St. Louis.
“I was previously the Chair of Family and Community Medicine at Saint Louis University, where we created an initiative to make St. Louis a trauma-informed community,” he explains. “What that means is educating the community at large about violence and toxic stress and its effects on health, and how we can help people cope with it better, understand it, and not let it affect them in such a negative way.”
The initiative, called Alive and Well St. Louis, included public service announcements to educate St. Louis area residents about toxic stress, along with trainings in health care facilities and schools. Several school districts used it as part of their efforts to recognize and help their students who came from very stressful homes. The program was launched just two months before 18-year-old Michael Brown was killed in nearby Ferguson, Missouri, an event that sparked nationwide protests and reignited conversations about race and what it means to be young and black in America. In March, Dr. Schneider and the AVA convened community-wide summit to teach health care providers in St. Louis how to work with patients to combat the adverse effects of toxic stress.
It’s the type of much-needed work that Dr. Schneider looks forward to doing in the North Texas area as he moves toward his goal of cementing UT Southwestern as one of the top family medicine departments in the country.
Education & Training
Professional Associations & Affiliations
- American Academy of Family Physicians (1985)
- Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (1989)
- National Health Collaborative on Violence and Abuse (2001), (formerly the AMA's National Advisory Council on Violence and Abuse)
- Academy on Violence and Abuse (2005)
- Association of Departments of Family Medicine (2008)
Books & Publications
Sex Differences in the Association of Depression Symptoms and Cardiovascular Disease in Adults in the United States.
Thakur B, Strenth C, Arnold EM, Schneider FD, American journal of health promotion : AJHP 2024 Jun 8901171241262249 -
Reconnecting to "Vision, Voice, Leadership": ADFM's New Strategic Plan.
Schneider FD, Weidner A, Elwood S, Annals of family medicine 2024 22 2 178-180 -
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Diabetes: Testing Violence and Distress Mediational Pathways in Family Medicine Patients.
Strenth CR, Mo A, Kale NJ, Day PG, Gonzalez L, Green R, Cruz II, Schneider FD, Journal of interpersonal violence 2022 Feb 8862605221076536 -
Perspectives of primary care physicians on acceptance and barriers to COVID-19 vaccination.
Day P, Strenth C, Kale N, Schneider FD, Arnold EM, Family medicine and community health 2021 11 9 4 -
Increased Smoking Cessation among Veterans with Large Decreases in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Severity.
Salas J, Gebauer S, Gillis A, van den Berk-Clark C, Schneider FD, Schnurr PP, Friedman MJ, Norman SB, Tuerk PW, Cohen BE, Lustman PJ, Scherrer JF, Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 2021 Sep -
Emergency department presentation of opioid use disorder and alcohol use disorder.
Xierali IM, Day PG, Kleinschmidt KC, Strenth C, Schneider FD, Kale NJ, Journal of substance abuse treatment 2021 Aug 127 108343 -
Recent Trends in Faculty Promotion in U.S. Medical Schools: Implications for Recruitment, Retention, and Diversity and Inclusion.
Xierali IM, Nivet MA, Syed ZA, Shakil A, Schneider FD, Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2021 Jun -
Identifying and overcoming barriers to trauma screening in the primary care setting.
van den Berk-Clark C, Gallamore R, Barnes J, Oberle A, Meyer D, Schneider FD, Families, systems & health : the journal of collaborative family healthcare 2021 May -
PTSD improvement and substance use disorder treatment utilization in veterans: Evidence from medical record data.
Salas J, Norman SB, Tuerk PW, den Berk-Clark CV, Cohen BE, Schneider FD, Chard KM, Lustman PJ, Schnurr PP, Friedman MJ, Grucza R, Scherrer JF, Drug and alcohol dependence 2021 01 218 108365 -
Prescription opioid use duration and beliefs about pain and pain medication in primary care patients.
Day P, Secrest S, Davis D, Salas J, van den Berk-Clark C, Kale N, Hearing C, Schneider FD, Scherrer JF, Journal of opioid management 2020 Nov-Dec 16 6 425-434 -
Combined effect of posttraumatic stress disorder and prescription opioid use on risk of cardiovascular disease.
Scherrer JF, Salas J, Lustman P, Tuerk P, Gebauer S, Norman SB, Schneider FD, Chard KM, van den Berk-Clark C, Cohen BE, Schnurr PP, European journal of preventive cardiology 2020 09 27 13 1412-1422 -
The association of opioid use duration and new depression episode among patients with and without insomnia.
Salas J, Miller MB, Scherrer JF, Moore R, McCrae CS, Sullivan MD, Bucholz KK, Copeland LA, Ahmedani BK, Schneider FD, Lustman PJ, Journal of opioid management 2020 Sep/Oct 2020 16 5 317-328 -
PTSD improvement and incident cardiovascular disease in more than 1000 veterans.
Scherrer JF, Salas J, Schneider FD, Friedman MJ, van den Berk-Clark C, Chard KM, Norman SB, Lustman PJ, Tuerk P, Schnurr PP, Cohen BE, Journal of psychosomatic research 2020 07 134 110128 -
Clinically meaningful posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) improvement and incident hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and weight loss.
Scherrer JF, Salas J, Friedman MJ, Cohen BE, Schneider FD, Lustman PJ, van den Berk-Clark C, Chard KM, Tuerk P, Norman SB, Schnurr PP, Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association 2020 May 39 5 403-412 -
Trends in Tenure Status in Academic Family Medicine, 1977-2017: Implications for Recruitment, Retention, and the Academic Mission.
Xierali IM, Nivet MA, Syed ZA, Shakil A, Schneider FD, Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2020 Feb 95 2 241-247 -
Large posttraumatic stress disorder improvement and antidepressant medication adherence.
Salas J, Scherrer JF, Tuerk P, van den Berk-Clark C, Chard KM, Schneider FD, Schnurr PP, Friedman MJ, Norman SB, Cohen BE, Lustman P, Journal of affective disorders 2020 01 260 119-123 -
Adverse childhood experiences, depression, and cardiometabolic disease in a nationally representative sample.
Salas J, van den Berk-Clark C, Skiöld-Hanlin S, Schneider FD, Scherrer JF, Journal of psychosomatic research 2019 12 127 109842 -
PTSD symptom decrease and use of weight loss programs.
Scherrer JF, Salas J, Chard KM, Tuerk P, van den Berk-Clark C, Schneider FD, Cohen BE, Lustman PJ, Schnurr PP, Friedman MJ, Norman SB, Journal of psychosomatic research 2019 12 127 109849 -
Disability Benefits and Change in Prescription Opioid Dose.
Gebauer S, Salas J, Scherrer JF, Burge S, Schneider FD, Population health management 2019 12 22 6 503-510 -
The association between depression and type of treatments received for chronic low back pain.
Zubatsky M, Witthaus M, Scherrer JF, Salas J, Gebauer S, Burge S, Schneider FD, Family practice 2019 Nov -
Association Between Clinically Meaningful Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Improvement and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes.
Scherrer JF, Salas J, Norman SB, Schnurr PP, Chard KM, Tuerk P, Schneider FD, van den Berk-Clark C, Cohen BE, Friedman MJ, Lustman PJ, JAMA psychiatry 2019 Aug -
Factors Associated With Receipt of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy or Prolonged Exposure Therapy Among Individuals With PTSD.
van den Berk Clark C, Moore R, Secrest S, Tuerk P, Norman S, Myers U, Lustman PJ, Schneider FD, Barnes J, Gallamore R, Ovais M, Plurad JA, Scherrer JF, Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.) 2019 08 70 8 703-713 -
Comorbid Conditions Explain the Association Between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Incident Cardiovascular Disease.
Scherrer JF, Salas J, Cohen BE, Schnurr PP, Schneider FD, Chard KM, Tuerk P, Friedman MJ, Norman SB, van den Berk-Clark C, Lustman PJ Journal of the American Heart Association 2019 Feb 8 4 e011133 -
The Role of Obesity in the Association Between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Incident Diabetes.
Scherrer JF, Salas J, Lustman PJ, van den Berk-Clark C, Schnurr PP, Tuerk P, Cohen BE, Friedman MJ, Norman SB, Schneider FD, Chard KM JAMA psychiatry 2018 Aug -
Association between posttraumatic stress disorder and lack of exercise, poor diet, obesity, and co-occuring smoking: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
van den Berk-Clark C, Secrest S, Walls J, Hallberg E, Lustman PJ, Schneider FD, Scherrer JF Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association 2018 May 37 5 407-416 -
A Model for Educational Survey Research.
Paladine HL, Everard KM, Seehusen D, Burge SK, Peterson L, Barr WB, Theobald M, Schneider FD Journal of graduate medical education 2018 Apr 10 2 233-234 -
Impact of adherence to antidepressants on long-term prescription opioid use cessation.
Scherrer JF, Salas J, Sullivan MD, Ahmedani BK, Copeland LA, Bucholz KK, Burroughs T, Schneider FD, Lustman PJ The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science 2018 Feb 212 2 103-111 -
Gender and the Association between Long-Term Prescription Opioid Use and New-Onset Depression.
Salas J, Scherrer JF, Ahmedani BK, Copeland LA, Bucholz KK, Sullivan MD, Burroughs T, Schneider FD, Lustman PJ The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society 2017 Oct -
Three Types of Intimate Relationships among Individuals with Chronic Pain and a History of Trauma Exposure.
van den Berk-Clark C, Weaver TL, Schneider FD Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland) 2017 Sep 5 4 -
Do Patient-Centered Medical Homes Improve Health Behaviors, Outcomes, and Experiences of Low-Income Patients? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
van den Berk-Clark C, Doucette E, Rottnek F, Manard W, Prada MA, Hughes R, Lawrence T, Schneider FD Health services research 2017 Jul -
Childhood Trauma, Social Networks, and the Mental Health of Adult Survivors.
Schneider FD, Loveland Cook CA, Salas J, Scherrer J, Cleveland IN, Burge SK Journal of interpersonal violence 2017 Mar 886260517696855 -
Characteristics of new depression diagnoses in patients with and without prior chronic opioid use.
Scherrer JF, Salas J, Schneider FD, Bucholz KK, Sullivan MD, Copeland LA, Ahmedani BK, Burroughs T, Lustman PJ Journal of affective disorders 2017 Mar 210 125-129 -
New-onset depression following stable, slow, and rapid rate of prescription opioid dose escalation.
Salas J, Scherrer JF, Schneider FD, Sullivan MD, Bucholz KK, Burroughs T, Copeland LA, Ahmedani BK, Lustman PJ Pain 2017 Feb 158 2 306-312 -
Comparison of Medical Diagnoses among Same-Sex and Opposite-Sex-Partnered Patients.
Heiden-Rootes KM, Salas J, Scherrer JF, Schneider FD, Smith CW Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM 2016 11/12 29 6 688-693 -
The influence of prescription opioid use duration and dose on development of treatment resistant depression.
Scherrer JF, Salas J, Sullivan MD, Schneider FD, Bucholz KK, Burroughs T, Copeland L, Ahmedani B, Lustman PJ Preventive medicine 2016 Oct 91 110-116 -
Response to Ruan et al. Letter to the Editor: Increased Risk of Depression Recurrence After Initiation of Prescription Opioids in Noncancer Pain Patients.
Scherrer JF, Salas J, Copeland LA, Stock EM, Schneider FD, Sullivan M, Bucholz KK, Burroughs T, Lustman PJ The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society 2016 Aug 17 8 946-7 -
Patient Portal Use and Blood Pressure Control in Newly Diagnosed Hypertension.
Manard W, Scherrer JF, Salas J, Schneider FD Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM 2016 Jul-Aug 29 4 452-9 -
Higher Referrals for Diabetes Education in a Medical Home Model of Care.
Manard WT, Syberg K, Behera A, Salas J, Schneider FD, Armbrecht E, Hooks-Anderson D, Crannage E, Scherrer J Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM 2016 May-Jun 29 3 377-84 -
New depression diagnosis following prescription of codeine, hydrocodone or oxycodone.
Scherrer JF, Salas J, Bucholz KK, Schneider FD, Burroughs T, Copeland LA, Sullivan MD, Lustman PJ Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety 2016 May 25 5 560-8 -
Increased Risk of Depression Recurrence After Initiation of Prescription Opioids in Noncancer Pain Patients.
Scherrer JF, Salas J, Copeland LA, Stock EM, Schneider FD, Sullivan M, Bucholz KK, Burroughs T, Lustman PJ The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society 2016 Apr 17 4 473-82 -
Antidepressant medication use and glycaemic control in co-morbid type 2 diabetes and depression.
Brieler JA, Lustman PJ, Scherrer JF, Salas J, Schneider FD Family practice 2016 Feb 33 1 30-6 -
Racial differences in the association between nonmedical prescription opioid use, abuse/dependence, and major depression.
Salas J, Scherrer JF, Lustman PJ, Schneider FD Substance abuse 2016 37 1 25-30 -
Prescription Opioid Duration, Dose, and Increased Risk of Depression in 3 Large Patient Populations.
Scherrer JF, Salas J, Copeland LA, Stock EM, Ahmedani BK, Sullivan MD, Burroughs T, Schneider FD, Bucholz KK, Lustman PJ Annals of family medicine 2016 Jan-Feb 14 1 54-62 -
A Plan for Useful and Timely Family Medicine and Primary Care Research.
deGruy FV, Ewigman B, DeVoe JE, Hughes L, James P, Schneider FD, Hickner J, Stange K, Van Fossen T, Kuzel AJ, Mullen R Family medicine 2015 Sep 47 8 636-42 -
Disability and disability benefit seeking in chronic low back pain.
Gebauer S, Scherrer JF, Salas J, Burge S, Schneider FD Occupational medicine (Oxford, England) 2015 Jun 65 4 309-16 -
Depression leads to incident vascular disease: evidence for the relevance to primary care.
Scherrer JF, Salas J, Brieler JA, Miller BJ, Meyer D, Schneider FD Family practice 2015 Apr 32 2 147-51 -
Change in opioid dose and change in depression in a longitudinal primary care patient cohort.
Scherrer JF, Salas J, Lustman PJ, Burge S, Schneider FD Pain 2015 Feb 156 2 348-55 -
Partner violence screening and women's quality of life.
Lazarus J, Campbell J, Schneider FD JAMA 2012 Dec 308 22 2334-5; author reply 2335-6 -
Interpersonal violence in Texas: a physician's role.
Schindeler-Trachta RE, Schneider FD Texas medicine 2007 Jan 103 1 43-50 -
Patients' advice to physicians about intervening in family conflict.
Burge SK, Schneider FD, Ivy L, Catala S Annals of family medicine 2005 May-Jun 3 3 248-54 -
What evidence supports teaching evidence-based medicine?
Dobbie AE, Schneider FD, Anderson AD, Littlefield J Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2000 Dec 75 12 1184-5 -
Teaching information mastery.
Dobbie AE, Schneider FD, Ferrer R The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice 2000 May-Jun 13 3 226 -
Vaginal bleeding associated with pregnancy.
Alexander JD, Schneider FD Primary care 2000 Mar 27 1 137-51 -
Evaluation and management of dyspepsia.
Bazaldua OV, Schneider FD American family physician 1999 Oct 60 6 1773-84, 1787-8 -
A clinical integration course.
Lawler WR, Dobbie AE, Schneider FD Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 1999 May 74 5 592 -
Alcohol-related problems: recognition and intervention.
Burge SK, Schneider FD American family physician 1999 Jan 59 2 361-70, 372 -
What is a national board exam in family medicine?
Schneider FD Family medicine 1996 Jun 28 6 441 -
Medical school application essays and specialty choice.
Schneider FD, Hosokawa MC, Campbell JD Family medicine 1994 Sep 26 8 509-12 -
Community attitudes and knowledge about advance care directives.
Elder NC, Schneider FD, Zweig SC, Peters PG, Ely JW The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice 1992 Nov-Dec 5 6 565-72 -
The physician's decision to use tube feedings: the role of the family, the living will, and the Cruzan decision.
Ely JW, Peters PG, Zweig S, Elder N, Schneider FD Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 1992 May 40 5 471-5 -
Physician willingness to withhold tube feeding after Cruzan: an empirical study.
Peters PG, Ely JW, Zweig SC, Elder NC, Schneider FD Missouri law review 1992 57 831-48
Sex Differences in the Association of Depression Symptoms and Cardiovascular Disease in Adults in the United States.
Q&A by Dr. Schneider
Results: 1 Locations
Family Medicine Clinic
at Professional Office Building 2 5939 Harry Hines Blvd., 3rd Floor, Suite 303Dallas, Texas 75390 214-645-3900 Directions to Family Medicine Clinic Parking Info for Family Medicine Clinic
Accepting Virtual Visits or 214-645-3900