- Medical School - Marmara University School of Medicine, Turkey (1992-2000)
- Fellowship - University of California San Francisco School of Medicine (2006-2009), Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
- Fellowship - UT Southwestern/Children's Medical Center (2019-2021), Pediatric Infectious Disease
- Residency - UT Southwestern/Children's Medical Center (2021-2023), Pediatrics

Gokhan Kalkan, M.D.
- Pediatrics - Infectious Disease
Education & Training
Books & Publications
Epidemiology of pediatric severe sepsis and septic shock in Turkey: Prevalence, Results and Treatments Study.
Evren G, Karaarslan U, Yildizdas D, Sik G, Azapagasi E, Konca C, Kendirli T, Udurgucu M, Koroglu TF, Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992) 2022 Jul -
Prevalence and Time Course of Thiamine Deficiency in Critically Ill Children: A Multicenter, Prospective Cohort Study in Turkey.
Akkuzu E, Yavuz S, Ozcan S, Sincar S, Bayrakci B, Kendirli T, Pasaoglu H, Kalkan G, Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies 2022 May 23 5 399-404 -
The skills of defibrillation practice and certified life-support training in the healthcare providers in Turkey.
Derinoz-Guleryuz O, Uysal-Yazici M, Udurgucu M, Karacan C, Akça H, Ongun EA, Ekinci F, Duman M, Akça-Çaglar A, Vatansever G, Bilen S, Uysalol M, Akcan-Yildiz L, Saz EU, Bal A, Piskin E, Sahin S, Kurt F, Anil M, Besli E, Alakaya M, Gültekingil A, Yilmaz R, Temel-Koksoy O, Kesici S, Akcay N, Cebisli E, Emeksiz S, Kilinc MA, Köker A, Çoban Y, Erkek N, Gurlu R, Eksi-Alp E, Apa H, International journal of clinical practice 2021 Dec 75 12 e14978 -
The Burden of Burnout Syndrome in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Pediatric Emergency Department: A Multicenter Evaluation.
Yazici MU, Teksam O, Agin H, Erkek N, Arslankoylu AE, Akca H, Esen F, Derinoz O, Yener N, Kilinc MA, Yilmaz R, Koksoy Ö, Kendirli T, Anil AB, Yildizdas D, Ozturk N, Tekerek N, Duyu M, Kalkan G, Emeksiz S, Kurt F, Alakaya M, Goktug A, Ceylan G, Bayrakci B, Pediatric emergency care 2021 Dec 37 12 e955-e961 -
Ventilator associated pneumonia due to carbapenem resistant microorganisms in children.
Kara SS, Polat M, Tapisiz A, Kalkan G, Simsek H, Tezer H, Minerva pediatrica 2019 Aug 71 4 349-357 -
Comprehensive Analysis of Severe Viral Infections of Respiratory Tract admitted to PICUs during the Winter Season in Turkey.
Kockuzu E, Bayrakci B, Kesici S, Citak A, Karapinar B, Emeksiz S, Anil AB, Kendirli T, Yukselmis U, Sevketoglu E, Paksu S, Kutlu O, Agin H, Yildizdas D, Keskin H, Kalkan G, Hasanoglu A, Yazici MU, Sik G, Kilinc A, Durak F, Perk O, Talip M, Yener N, Uzuner S, Indian journal of critical care medicine : peer-reviewed, official publication of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine 2019 Jun 23 6 263-269 -
Six year mortality profile of a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: associaton between out-of-hours and mortality.
Ayar G, Uysal Yazici M, Sahin S, Gunduz RC, Yakut HI, Oden Akman A, Kalkan G, Archivos argentinos de pediatria 2019 Apr 117 2 120-125 -
Early initiated feeding versus early reached target enteral nutrition in critically ill children: An observational study in paediatric intensive care units in Turkey.
Bagci S, Keles E, Girgin F, Yildizdas DR, Horoz ÖÖ, Yalindag N, Tanyildiz M, Bayrakçi B, Kalkan G, Akyildiz BN, Köker A, Köroglu T, Anil AB, Zengin N, Dinleyici EÇ, Kiral E, Dursun O, Yavuz ST, Bartmann P, Müller A, Journal of paediatrics and child health 2018 May 54 5 480-486 -
Outcome of out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest in children: A multicenter cohort study.
Kurt F, Kendirli T, Gündüz RC, Kesici S, Akça H, Sahin S, Kalkan G, Derbent M, Tuygun N, Ödek Ç, Gültekingil A, Oguz S, Polat E, Derinöz O, Tekin D, Teksam Ö, Bayrakci B, Suskan E, The Turkish journal of pediatrics 2018 60 5 488-496 -
Alteration of thiol-disulphide homeostasis in acute tonsillopharyngitis.
Kara SS, Erel O, Demirdag TB, Cura Yayla BC, Gulhan B, Neselioglu S, Polat M, Kalkan G, Tapisiz A, Tezer H, Redox report : communications in free radical research 2017 Sep 22 5 205-209 -
Diagnostic Value of Upar, IL-33, and ST2 Levels in Childhood Sepsis.
Çekmez F, Fidanci MK, Ayar G, Saldir M, Karaoglu A, Gündüz RC, Tunc T, Kalkan G, Clinical laboratory 2016 62 5 751-5 -
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Children With In-Hospital and Out-of-Hospital Cardiopulmonary Arrest: Multicenter Study From Turkey.
Kendirli T, Erkek N, Köroglu T, Yldzdas D, Bayrakç B, Güzel A, Çtak A, Demirkol D, Agn H, Arslanköylü AE, Kutlu NO, Tuygun N, Paksu MS, Anl AB, Kalkan G, Duman M, Dündaröz R, Asloglu N, Yaman A, Ödek Ç, Tekin D, Dursun O, Sevketoglu E, Kesici S, Ates C, Gördü Z, Ylmaz HL, Ince E, Karaböcüoglu M, Pediatric emergency care 2015 Nov 31 11 748-52 -
Treatment of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Using Intravenous Colistin Alone or in Combination with Inhaled Colistin in Critically Ill Children.
Polat M, Kara SS, Tapisiz A, Tezer H, Kalkan G, Dolgun A, Paediatric drugs 2015 Aug 17 4 323-30 -
High serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are associated with pediatric sepsis.
Aydemir G, Cekmez F, Kalkan G, Fidanci MK, Kaya G, Karaoglu A, Meral C, Arziman I, Karademir F, Ayar G, Gunduz RC, Suleymanoglu S, The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine 2014 Dec 234 4 295-8 -
Evaluation report of pediatric intensive care units in Turkey.
Bayrakci B, Kesici S, Kendirli T, Kalkan G, Sari A, Tokmak N, Yilmaz G, Baloglu O, Sencan I, Turkish journal of medical sciences 2014 44 6 1073-86 -
Brain death and organ donation of children.
Gündüz RC, Sahin S, Uysal-Yazici M, Ayar G, Yakut HI, Akman AÖ, Hirfanoglu IM, Kalkan G, The Turkish journal of pediatrics 2014 56 6 597-603 -
Does age affect presenting symptoms in children with carbon monoxide poisoning?
Kurt F, Bektas Ö, Kalkan G, Öncel MY, Yakut HI, Kocabas CN, Pediatric emergency care 2013 Aug 29 8 916-21 -
Preserving mitochondrial function prevents the proteasomal degradation of GTP cyclohydrolase I.
Sharma S, Sun X, Kumar S, Rafikov R, Aramburo A, Kalkan G, Tian J, Rehmani I, Kallarackal S, Fineman JR, Black SM, Free radical biology & medicine 2012 Jul 53 2 216-29 -
Evaluation of the current disease severity scores in paediatric FMF: is it necessary to develop a new one?
Kalkan G, Demirkaya E, Acikel CH, Polat A, Peru H, Karaoglu A, Sari E, Dursun I, Gok F, Ozen S, Rheumatology (Oxford, England) 2012 Apr 51 4 743-8 -
Altered lymphatics in an ovine model of congenital heart disease with increased pulmonary blood flow.
Datar SA, Johnson EG, Oishi PE, Johengen M, Tang E, Aramburo A, Barton J, Kuo HC, Bennett S, Xoinis K, Reel B, Kalkan G, Sajti E, Osorio O, Raff GW, Matthay MA, Fineman JR, American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology 2012 Mar 302 6 L530-40 -
Pediatric tracheotomy: 3-year experience at a tertiary care center with 54 children.
Atmaca S, Bayraktar C, Asilioglu N, Kalkan G, Ozsoy Z, The Turkish journal of pediatrics 2011 53 5 537-40 -
Serum zinc and alkaline phosphatase values in pediatric bone marrow transplantation patients.
Uckan D, Cetin M, Dincer N, Kalkan G, Tuncer M, Tezcan I, Pediatric hematology and oncology 2003 Jun 20 4 265-71
Epidemiology of pediatric severe sepsis and septic shock in Turkey: Prevalence, Results and Treatments Study.