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Family Planning and Contraception

Glucose guide: Monitoring blood sugar during pregnancy

Continuous glucose monitors have taken the diabetes world by storm. But are they the right fit for pregnant patients? Our expert breaks down key factors to consider when looking for the perfect blood sugar monitor for you.

Are wearable breast pumps worth the hype?

Dive into the future of breastfeeding technology and discover whether wearable breast pumps are right for you. Factor in cost, effectiveness, reliability, and more.

RhoGAM shortage: Managing Rh incompatibility in pregnancy

UT Southwestern is taking a proactive stance to protect women and newborns who may be Rh incompatible during a nationwide shortage of Rho(D) immune globulin (RhIg).

Is genetic screening recommended during pregnancy if you’ve had IVF?

Even if you get preimplantation genetic testing with IVF, pregnancy is a blank slate. Learn why you might still want genetic screening during pregnancy.

How does a father’s age affect fertility and a baby’s health?

How can a dad’s age affect fertility? Explore potential age-related risks to sperm health, pregnancy, and the baby’s future health.

Bottoms up! Tips to prevent and treat diaper-area skin irritation in newborns

How can you help your baby avoid diaper rash? UT Southwestern discusses best practices and products on the Your Pregnancy Matters blog.

Planning for pregnancy? Peek into your genetic compatibility with carrier screening

Planning for pregnancy? Your DNA can provide insights into your future baby’s health. Explore genetic carrier screening with UT Southwestern.

Alphabet soup! Your guide to pregnancy-related abbreviations

Confused by some of the abbreviations and acronyms in your digital pregnancy care chart? Check out our guide to common pregnancy-related shorthand.

Self-serve birth control? The future of OTC contraceptives

All women deserve safe, effective birth control should they want it. UT Southwestern talks about how we can improve access to contraception while keeping women safe and healthy.

Acetaminophen is still safe in pregnancy, despite controversy

Despite a class-action lawsuit raising concerns, research suggests short-term use of pain-relief medications such as Tylenol is safe for most pregnant patients.

Risk of anxiety, depression doubles in hospitalized pregnant patients

The risk of anxiety and depression symptoms double in hospitalized pregnant patients. UT Southwestern provides specific treatment and support options for patients and families.

Comprehensive tests for fertility may help estimate chance of getting pregnant – now or later

Whether you’re waiting to get pregnant for career or other reasons, a fertility assessment may help determine the chances of having a baby in your 30s.

Personalizing birth control to minimize health risks

Certain types of birth control can cause health risks, such as blood clots. But personalized planning can help patients choose a safe, effective option. Learn more.

Kangaroo care: Health benefits for newborns and parents

Kangaroo care, or skin-to-skin contact, has many doctor-recognized benefits for newborns and parents. Research suggests it can reduce postpartum depression risk by 25%.

3 key topics to discuss at postpartum visits

Postpartum care should be the start of ongoing health maintenance, not just a one-time visit. Here are 3 topics to discuss with your Ob/Gyn after having a baby.