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Painful Periods and Heavy Bleeding

What to expect from a pediatric gynecologist visit

UT Southwestern's pediatric adolescent gynecologist merge conversations and medicine to provide care and education for girls dealing with reproductive health concerns.

Müllerian anomalies: How to spot and treat an irregularly shaped or missing uterus or cervix

The uterus is normally the size of a pear and the inner cavity is triangle-shaped. However, women with müllerian anomalies can have a uterus and cervix that are abnormally shaped or missing completely. Discover what problems these anomalies can create and what treatments are available.

Heavy periods aren’t normal in teens – and might indicate a serious concern

Heavy periods in teen girls are often brushed off as a normal part of adolescence. But it’s not normal, and it can indicate a more serious condition. Discover how the Young Women’s Blood Disorders Program offers proper diagnosis and treatment to prevent long-term complications.