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Human Papillomavirus

Pap smears are safe – before, during and after pregnancy

Are Pap smears necessary? And should you get one while pregnant? UT Southwestern answers common questions about this misunderstood procedure.

8 essential health screenings for chronic and seasonal conditions

Health screenings are often the first line of defense against chronic and seasonal illnesses, and physicians incorporate these vital tools to help uncover clues to everything from heart disease and diabetes to colon cancer and coronavirus. Learn about some of the most essential health screenings from UT Southwestern.

Beating the social, emotional side effects of HPV-related head and neck cancer treatment

HPV-related head and neck cancer is increasing among young adults, but traditional treatments can affect how patients look, talk, and even eat – huge factors on a first date. Find out how UT Southwestern helps patients beat cancer and minimize socially awkward side effects.

HPV: The infection behind a throat cancer epidemic

HPV, a common sexually transmitted infection, causes throat cancer in young adults. UT Southwestern explains how a vaccine may be able to curb the epidemic.