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All back pain

Woman who could barely stand up has 'zero pain' after spinal fusion surgery

Laurie Zapatka was injured in a car accident 20 years ago and her back pain became progressively worse over the years. By the time she came to UT Southwestern, her mobility was severely limited, but a day after posterior spinal fusion surgery at UT Southwestern, she was up and moving with "zero pain."

Why the location of back pain is only part of the diagnosis

We often think of spine pain in terms of neck pain, upper back pain, or lower back pain. But there’s much more beyond the location that matters. UT Southwestern discusses several other important factors to consider, as well as how to avoid recurrent back pain.

Adult scoliosis can be a pain in the back and legs

Adult scoliosis can cause low-back pain, but it’s often leg pain or sciatica that drives patients to the Spine Center. In this week’s blog, find out how scoliosis can affect the legs and back and how many patients can overcome symptoms without surgery.

5 signs your back pain might be an emergency

Severe back pain might be a sign of a more serious underlying medical emergency. In this week’s MedBlog, UT Southwestern discusses five symptoms that should indicate seeing a doctor right away. Read more.

Easy tips to relieve stress-related neck and back pain

Stress is a commonly overlooked cause of spine pain. From the neck to the lower back, stress can cause aches and pains that affect your ability to work, play, and relax. In this MedBlog, find easy tips to overcome and prevent back pain. Learn more.

Back in action: Updated treatment recommendations for lower back pain

Lower back pain often responds to exercise therapy and conservative treatment. But for certain conditions, medication or surgery may be necessary.