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Planning for pregnancy when you have epilepsy

If you have epilepsy and want to have a baby, there are precautions to take before, during, and after pregnancy.

Epilepsy surgery advancements can eliminate seizures, improve patients’ memories

Recent advancements have made epilepsy surgery safer and more effective. UT Southwestern discusses when physicians who care for patients with epilepsy should consider referring them for a surgical evaluation.

Saving Ryan: A dramatic tale of hope, persistence, and medical ingenuity

Diagnosed at age 3 with a rare genetic disorder, Ryan Dant was not expected to live beyond age 10. But thanks to his parents who never lost hope and a clinical trial at UT Southwestern, the now 29-year-old recently finished college and is looking forward to life’s next chapter.

Ready to seize the day

Last summer, Trevor Williams had surgery to treat his epilepsy. Two months later, “everything changed,” he says.

Study: Can Better Heart Health Stave off Alzheimer’s?

UT Southwestern researchers are trying to determine whether regular aerobic exercise and taking specific blood pressure and cholesterol medications can help preserve brain function. Obesity is not only detrimental to your heart health; it also has a link to nearly a dozen types of cancer. Learn which ones and how to reduce your cancer risk.

Watch for stroke symptoms when pregnant

Each year, thousands of women have a stroke during their pregnancy or in the first few weeks following delivery. A UT Southwestern doctor in Dallas talks about stroke symptoms and reducing your risk.