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All heart disease

Can I donate blood if I have cardiovascular disease?

Having a heart condition doesn’t necessarily exclude you from donating blood. UT Southwestern explains which heart patients can and can’t safely give blood.

10 questions to test your heart-health knowledge

How much do you know about heart disease risks? Take this 5-minute quiz to find out what you know – and don't – about heart health.

Medication as effective as stents, bypass for treating blocked arteries, major study shows

A landmark study has confirmed that, in certain patients with chest pain and abnormal stress tests, drug therapy can be just as effective as bypass or stents to prevent heart attack. In this MedBlog, UT Southwestern discusses how the findings can help patients save time and money, plus reduce unnecessary risks.

The bitter truth: 25 cups of coffee a day might not be healthy

Is it safe to drink 25 cups of coffee a day like a 2019 study suggests? UT Southwestern says probably not. Find out where the confusion comes from and what the experts say in this week’s MedBlog. Learn more.

Four people who should see a preventive cardiologist

UT Southwestern discusses how people in these four categories can benefit most from preventive cardiology to lower cholesterol and reduce their risk of heart disease.

How a sleep apnea implant may lower your heart disease risk

Sleep apnea can raise the risk for heart disease. A new surgical implant may reduce that risk and treat sleep apnea without CPAP masks and hoses.

Diabetes dilemma: The connection between diabetes and heart disease

Diabetes affects more than just blood sugar — it also endangers the heart. UT Southwestern shares how to reduce the risk by controlling diabetes.

Why it’s time to care about the heart disease epidemic

Heart disease is a major health concern in North Texas and across the country. Learn the risks to have a heart-healthy 2016 and beyond.

How does Asian ancestry affect heart disease risk?

More and more people of South or East Asian ancestry are developing diabetes. Why is this happening, and what does it mean for their heart disease risk?

Common condition, rarely recognized: Peripheral artery disease

Heavy feeling in the legs? Tight calves? It may be peripheral artery disease.

Why do African-Americans face higher risk of heart disease?

UT Southwestern discusses why African-Americans face a higher risk of heart disease, and how to lower that risk.

Mini heart pump makes high-risk stenting safer

UT Southwestern explains how the Impella 2.5, a miniature heart pump, makes stent and angioplasty procedures safer.

Number of babies can affect women’s risk of heart disease

You can’t learn motherhood from a textbook. Three new moms who are Ob/Gyn professionals share their stories.

Answering your questions on heart health

Answering your questions about women’s heart health during the social media live chat on Feb. 18, 2015, as part of UT Southwestern’s Heart Month activities.

Complications during pregnancy can predict future heart disease risk

What a woman experiences during pregnancy can give doctors a glimpse into the future.