Patient Essentials

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We want you to be certain you've made the right choice when it comes to deciding where to have your corrective laser eye surgery. The physicians and services at the Laser Center for Vision Care are uniquely tailored to you.

Peer-Reviewed Published Research

Our surgeons have authored or co-authored hundreds of research papers, which have appeared in peer-reviewed journals and other publications. Peer-review is the gold standard of scientific research.

Advanced Experience in Refractive Surgery

UT Southwestern Medical Center is the place that trains doctors in the expanding field of refractive surgery. This means our surgeons stay abreast of and use the latest technologies.

Comprehensive Personalized Care

Our surgeons are with you every step of the way, from initial screening and evaluation to post-operative follow-up. You can get to know us at one of our free seminars in Dallas or Fort Worth, and if you can't make it to one of these you can schedule a free private consultation with one of our doctors.

Transparent Pricing and Quality Assurance

At the Laser Center for Vision Care, what you see is what you get. Beware of the "as low as" advertised prices other surgeons offer. These ads are frequently used to attract patients, and then add-ons inflate the final price. The surgeon's practice should be professionally, NOT profit driven. At UT Southwestern, we are upfront about our basic and customized vision correction surgeries. When we quote you a price, it includes all of your eye care for all stages of the preparation, surgery, and aftercare.

Top 10 Questions to Ask Your LASIK Surgeon

1: Are you the one who does the entire LASIK procedure?

The ideal answer: Yes. I perform the procedure on every eye of every patient. Anything less would be inappropriate, and introduce unacceptable risk to your eyes.

2: Do you do all of pre- and post-operative exams yourself?

The ideal answer: Yes, I conduct all pre- and post-operative exams on every patient. This care is a critical part of any responsibly done surgical procedure and should not be delegated to anyone else who may be potentially less skilled.

3: Is this practice a “mill”?

The ideal answer: Absolutely not. Eye surgery is too delicate of a procedure, and your vision is too precious to put it at risk to increase volume and offer reduced prices.

4: Is this a center that sees hundreds or thousands of patients and might treat me like I’m a number?

The ideal answer: No. While we do a significant number of patients’ eyes, this gives us the ability to both maintain our surgical skills and analyze patient outcome data to publish and advance the field.

5: Are you in the business or profession of medicine?

The ideal answer: We are absolutely in the profession of medicine with good patient outcomes and safety being are primary concerns.

6: Is your advertised price a bait and switch?

The ideal answer: No. The price we state in any communication is the price we will charge for the procedure, which includes a pre-operative evaluation, the procedure, as well as one year of post-operative care.

7: Do you have a medical malpractice attorney on retainer?

The ideal answer: No, as we have no need for such a thing, but we are aware of some high-volume surgeons who may need such an arrangement due to malpractice litigation.

8: Do you offer other eye care services, or do you only perform LASIK?

The ideal answer: I am in a professional ophthalmology practice that not only does a significant number of LASIK procedures but also provides care for all diseases involving the eye. We are driven by professionalism rather than a singular surgical procedure.

9: Do you analyze and publish your surgical outcomes?

The ideal answer: Yes. We rank among the best and safest surgical outcomes reported in respected peer-reviewed journals by anyone, anywhere in the world.

10: Is this LASIK center/office part of an accredited facility, or affiliated with an accredited facility?

The ideal answer: Yes. Our practice is not only part of a respected academic institution, but our laser facility is affiliated with an accredited hospital, which is strictly overseen by multiple accrediting bodies.

Financing Options

Can I finance my surgery?

Yes. Please visit Med Loan Finance or ask us for more information. You can also use Flex dollars from your employer-based Flexible Savings Account (FSA), or Health Savings Account (HSA). Some insurance plans and employers offer discounts for refractive surgery procedures, so be sure to check your employee benefits and health insurance plan.

Is the cost of refractive surgery tax deductible?

It is possible that your surgical procedure can be claimed as a medical expense to be itemized on your federal income tax return.

Can I use funds from an HSA or FSA to pay for surgery?

Yes. Refractive surgery is an eligible medical expenditure for HSAs and FSAs.