- Internship - American University of Beruit (1995-1996), Pediatrics
- Medical School - American University - Beirut (1991-1995)
- Residency - American University of Beruit (1996-1998), Pediatrics
- Fellowship - UT Southwestern Medical Center (1998-2001), Neonatal-perinatal Medicine
- Graduate School - UT Southwestern Medical Center (2008-2011)
- Other Post Graduate Training - UT Southwestern Medical Center (2008-2011)
- Internship - Children's Medical Center Dallas (2001-2002), Pediatrics
- Residency - Children's Medical Center Dallas (2002-2004), Pediatrics

Lina Chalak, M.D.
Chief, Division of Neonatal-perinatal Medicine
- The William Buchanan Chair in Pediatrics
- Pediatrics - Neonatal-Perinatal
- Fetal-neonatal neurology
- Neonatal asphyxia
Lina Chalak, M.D., M.S.C.S., is a Professor in the Department of Pediatrics and the Department of Psychiatry at UT Southwestern Medical Center. A physician-scientist, she specializes in fetal-neonatal neurology and developmental neuroscience.
Dr. Chalak earned her medical degree at the American University of Beirut, where she also performed a residency in pediatrics. She completed a second residency in pediatrics at Children’s Health in Dallas and received advanced training in neonatal-perinatal medicine and in neonatal resuscitation through fellowships at UT Southwestern. In addition, she holds a master’s degree in clinical science from UT Southwestern.
Certified by the American Board of Pediatrics in neonatal-perinatal medicine, she joined the UT Southwestern faculty in 2008.
Dr. Chalak’s primary focus is to improve neonatal neurologic care and outcomes. Her synergistic clinical and research programs integrate cutting-edge research and team science clinical care focused on the neonatal brain. Her research trajectory has evolved from bridging translational studies in a piglet model of asphyxia to elucidating mechanisms of neonatal brain injury to conducting clinical trials aimed at optimizing neuroprotection and developing novel physiological biomarkers of brain health. Her interdisciplinary collaborations include nationally funded networks, including the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) and the Neonatal Research Network (NRN).
In parallel with her sustained National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded research program, Dr. Chalak created UT Southwestern’s clinical Neurological Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NeuroNICU) program in 2018 and the Fetal and Neonatal Neurology Fellowship Training Program in 2019. Additionally, she is the Associate Chief for Academic Affairs and Faculty Development in the Division of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine in UTSW’s Department of Pediatrics.
Dr. Chalak is Co-Chair of the Newborn Brain Society (NBS) Research and Quality Committee, Chair of the NIH NST Study Section, and Chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Section on Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellow Western Conference on Perinatal Research. She also serves on the executive council of the Society for Pediatric Research (SPR) and the council of the American Pediatric Society (APS). In addition, she is a member of several other professional organizations, including the Perinatal Research Society and the International Perinatal Collegium. She has delivered scores of lectures and presentations and authored more than 100 publications focused on neonatal brain injury research. She serves as Associate Section Editor of Pediatric Research and as a reviewer for numerous medical and scientific journals.
In 2021, she received UT Southwestern’s Best Mentor Award.
Education & Training
Professional Associations & Affiliations
- American Pediatric Society
- International Perinatal Collegium
- Newborn Brain Society
- Perinatal Research Society
- Society for Pediatric Research
Honors & Awards
- Best Mentor Award 2021, UT Southwestern Leaders in Clinical Excellence Awards
- Program Development Award Nomination 2020, UT Southwestern Leaders in Clinical Excellence Awards
- Mentor Award Nomination 2020, UT Southwestern Leaders in Clinical Excellence Awards
- Acarin Award for Outstanding Presentation 2016, 2016, 10th Hershey Conference Equivilly, France
- PRS Young Research Investigator Award 2010, Perinatal Research Society Annual Meeting Travel Award
- Dean’s Teaching Award for Education 2007-2008, Department of Pediatrics, University of Arkansas, Little Rock
- Best Teacher Award 2006-2007, Department of Pediatrics, University of Arkansas, Little Rock
- Educator of the Year 2005-2006, Department of Pediatrics, University of Arkansas, Little Rock
- AAP Young Investigator Award 2004, AAP Annual Meeting
- Perinatal Travel Grant Award, 2004, 2001, AAP Annual Meeting
- Best Graduating Resident Award 1998, Department of Pediatrics, American University of Beirut
- Dean’s Honor List, 1990, 1989, 1988, 1987, American University of Beirut
Books & Publications
Placental inflammatory response and association with the severity of neonatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
Mashat S, Bitar L, Mir IN, Leon RL, Brown LS, Chalak LF Early Human Development 2025 Feb 201 -
Web-based training and certification of clinical staff during the randomised clinical trial SafeBoosC-III
Author Collaboration ST, Rasmussen MI, Hansen ML, Peters C, Greisen G, Yin Z, Peng Z, Vesoulis Z, Xu X, Gao X, Karadyova V, Nordvik T, Szczapa T, Karen T, Marciniak S, Oguz S, Fredly S, Kersin SG, Hyttel-Sørensen S, Pisoni S, Zeng S, Rao SA, Suna S, Nesargi S, Borregas SP, Lauterbach R, del Rio Florentino R, Sanchez-Salmador R, Maton P, Korcek P, Agergaard P, Zafra P, Baud O, Vaccarello OO, Koksal N, Baş M, Akin MS, Kadri MM, Fumagalli M, Alsina M, Cetinkaya M, Agosti M, Stocker M, Palacio MT, Ybarra MM, Baserga M, Wilinska M, Arruza L, Cornette L, Yang L, Chalak L Trials 2024 Dec 25 -
Placental pathology in SARS-CoV-2 infected pregnancies: A single-institution retrospective cohort analysis
Le T, Lee D, Brown LS, Payton BW, Sepulveda P, Sisman J, Leon RL, Chalak LF, Mir IN Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2024 Oct 17 623-636 -
Brain Injury Outcomes after Adjuvant Erythropoietin Neuroprotection for Moderate or Severe Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy: A Report from the HEAL Trial
Author Collaboration TH, Wisnowski JL, Monsell SE, Bluml S, Goodman AM, Li Y, Comstock BA, Heagerty PJ, Juul SE, Wu YW, Mckinstry RC, Mathur AM, Ahmed K, Chen PS, Dix J, Bendel-Stenzel E, Lampland A, Patterson R, Ramos YM, Chang T, Fricke S, Whitehead M, Wu TW, Yanowitz T, Panigrahy A, Flibotte J, Berman J, Vossough A, Poindexter B, Tkach J, KlineFath B, Riley D, Head HW, Maitre N, Smith M, Rusin J, Beserga M, Oveson M, Rampton J, Mietzsch U, Sokol GM, Ho CY, Mayock D, Friedman S, Shaw D, Van Meurs K, Vasanawala S, Yeom K, Gonzalez F, Chalak L, Rollins N Developmental Neuroscience 2024 Oct 46 285-296 -
A New Horizon for Understanding the Comparative Effectiveness for Cooling Prospectively Infants with Mild Encephalopathy
Chalak LF, Slaughter JL, King WC, Sepulveda P, Wisniewski SR Clinics in Perinatology 2024 Sep 51 605-616 -
Moving the Needle in Perinatal Asphyxia
Chalak LF Clinics in Perinatology 2024 Sep 51 xxi-xxiii -
Reverse Therapy: Impact of Hyperthermia and Rewarming on Newborn Outcomes
Chalak LF, Davidson JO, Gunn AJ Clinics in Perinatology 2024 Sep 51 565-572 -
Key Inflammatory Biomarkers in Perinatal Asphyxia: A Comprehensive Review
Bitar L, Stonestreet BS, Chalak LF Clinics in Perinatology 2024 Sep 51 617-628 -
Prognostic value of quantitative EEG in early hours of life for neonatal encephalopathy and neurodevelopmental outcomes
Kota S, Kang S, Liu YL, Liu H, Montazeri S, Vanhatalo S, Chalak LF Pediatric Research 2024 Aug 96 685-694 -
Postnatal Cerebral Hemodynamics and Placental Vascular Malperfusion Lesions in Neonates With Congenital Heart Disease
Leon RL, Bitar L, Sharma K, Mir IN, Chalak LF Pediatric Neurology 2024 Jul 156 72-78 -
Perinatal asphyxia impact on networks of cortical activity
Kota S, Chalak L Pediatric Research 2024 Jul 96 17-18 -
Association between decreased cord blood inter-alpha inhibitor levels and neonatal encephalopathy at birth
Bitar L, Stonestreet BS, Lim YP, Qiu J, Chen X, Mir IN, Chalak LF Early Human Development 2024 Jun 193 -
Genetic and Congenital Anomalies in Infants With Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
Morell AS, Monsell SE, Cornet MC, Wisnowski JL, McKinstry RC, Mathur AM, Li Y, Glass HC, Gonzalez FF, Mayock DE, Benninger KL, Van Meurs KP, Lampland AL, Wu TW, Riley D, Mietzsch U, Chalak L, Flibotte J, Weitkamp JH, Ahmad KA, Yanowitz TD, Baserga M, Merhar S, Rao R, Sokol GM, Comstock BA, Heagerty PJ, Juul SE, Wu YW Pediatric Neurology 2024 May 154 44-50 -
Evolution of the Sarnat exam and association with 2-year outcomes in infants with moderate or severe hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy: a secondary analysis of the HEAL Trial
Author Collaboration HT, Mietzsch U, Kolnik SE, Wood TR, Natarajan N, Gonzalez FF, Glass H, Mayock DE, Bonifacio SL, Van Meurs K, Comstock BA, Heagerty PJ, Wu TW, Wu YW, Juul SE, Ahmad KA, Baserga M, Bendel-Stenzel E, Benninger KL, Chalak L, Chang T, Flibotte J, Lampland AL, Maitre NL, Mathur AM, Merhar S, Poindexter BB, Rao R, Riley D, Smyser CD, Sokol GM, Weitkamp JH, Yanowitz T Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition 2024 May 109 308-316 -
Development of neonatal connectome dynamics and its prediction for cognitive and language outcomes at age 2
Xu Y, Liao X, Lei T, Cao M, Zhao J, Zhang J, Zhao T, Li Q, Jeon T, Ouyang M, Chalak L, Rollins NK, Huang H, He Y Cerebral Cortex 2024 May 34 -
A Comparison of Criteria for Defining Metabolic Acidemia in Live-Born Neonates and Its Effect on Predicting Serious Adverse Neonatal Outcomes
Kraus AC, Saucedo AM, Byrne JJ, Chalak LF, Pruszynski JE, Spong CY Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey 2024 Apr 79 189-191 -
Human Parechovirus (HPeV) infections: clinical presentations, patterns, and evolution of neonatal brain injury
Oren MS, Clarke RL, Price M, Thomas JM, Machie M, Dolce AM, Chalak LF, Angelis D Journal of Perinatology 2024 Apr 44 581-583 -
Asperger’s syndrome – about time to rename it?
Bearer C, Abman SH, Agostoni C, Ballard P, Bliss J, de Boode WP, Canpolat FE, Chalak L, Cilio MR, Dammann O, Davis J, El-Metwally D, Ferriero D, Ford S, Fuentes-Afflick E, Gano D, Giussani D, Gonzalez F, Gunn A, Hogeveen M, Huang AY, Kaplan J, Klebanoff M, Lachman P, Mak R, Malhotra A, Miller S, Mitchell WB, Molloy E, Mulkey SB, Roland D, Sampath V, Sant’Anna G, Schaff P, Singer LT, Stroustrup A, Tingay D, Tiribelli C, Toldi G, Tryggestad J, Valente EM, Wilson-Costello D, Zupancic J Pediatric Research 2024 Feb 95 582-584 -
Development of sensorimotor-visual connectome gradient at birth predicts neurocognitive outcomes at 2 years of age
Xia Y, Zhao J, Xu Y, Duan D, Xia M, Jeon T, Ouyang M, Chalak L, Rollins NK, Huang H, He Y iScience 2024 Feb 27 -
EEG Spectral Power and Neurovascular Coupling as Early Predictors of Neurodevelopmental Outcome in Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
Kota S, Liu Y, Bitar L, Chalak L 2024 -
Consensus definition and diagnostic criteria for neonatal encephalopathy—study protocol for a real-time modified delphi study
Author Collaboration SG, Branagan A, Hurley T, Quirke F, Devane D, Taneri PE, Badawi N, Sinha B, Bearer C, Bloomfield FH, Bonifacio SL, Boylan G, Campbell SK, Chalak L, D’Alton M, deVries LS, El Dib M, Ferriero DM, Gale C, Gressens P, Gunn AJ, Kay S, Maeso B, Mulkey SB, Murray DM, Nelson KB, Nesterenko TH, Pilon B, Robertson NJ, Walker K, Wusthoff CJ, Molloy EJ Pediatric Research 2024 -
A validated NICU database: recounting 50 years of clinical growth, quality improvement and research
Babata K, Rosenfeld CR, Jaleel M, Burchfield PJ, Oren MS, Albert R, Steven Brown L, Chalak L, Brion LP Pediatric Research 2024 -
Mild HIE and therapeutic hypothermia: gaps in knowledge with under-powered trials
Chalak LF, Ferriero DM, Gunn AJ, Robertson NJ, Boylan GB, Molloy EJ, Thoresen M, Inder TE Pediatric Research 2024 -
Practice variation in therapeutic hypothermia for hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy among neonates with congenital heart disease in the United States
Author Collaboration OB, Chawla V, Peluso AM, Ball MK, Tabbutt S, Bailly DK, Mueller D, Rao R, Levy PT, Welch C, Sullivan K, Short BL, Lee KS, Van Marter L, Downey A, Rao R, Brozanski B, Jacobsen E, DiGeronimo R, Speziale M, Ling CY, Bendel-Stenzel E, Yanowitz T, Griffiths P, Quinones V, Padula M, Weiss A, Wadhawan R, Dereddy N, Mikhael M, Birge N, Williams P, Tipple T, Joe P, Lagatta J, Weems M, Menda N, Chapman R, Carroll L, Weiner J, Lindower J, Rose R, Reber K, Katarkan L, Gotiolo A, Johnson Y, Chi A, Natarajan G, Chalak L, Yallapragada S, Acun C Journal of Perinatology 2024 -
A New Horizon for Understanding the Comparative Effectiveness for Cooling Prospectively Infants with Mild Encephalopathy
Chalak LF, Slaughter JL, King WC, Sepulveda P, Wisniewski SR Clinics in Perinatology 2024 51 605-616 -
Corrigendum to ‘A comparison of criteria for defining metabolic acidemia in live born neonates and its effect on predicting serious adverse neonatal outcomes’. [American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 229/4 (2023) 439-440](S0002937823001941)(10.1016/j.ajog.2023.03.031)
Kraus AC, Saucedo AM, Byrne JJ, Chalak LF, Pruszynski JE, Spong CY American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 2024 Jan 230 108 -
Neurodevelopmental outcomes in extremely preterm infants with placental pathologic evidence of fetal inflammatroy response
Alayli Y, Brown LS, Tolentino-Plata K, Leon R, Heyne RJ, Chalak LF, Mir IN Pediatric Research 2024 -
Perinatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy among a Large Public Hospital Population
Chalak LF, Bitar L, Kota S JAMA Network Open 2024 e2444448 -
Neonatal encephalopathy and hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy: moving from controversy to consensus definitions and subclassification
Molloy EJ, Branagan A, Hurley T, Quirke F, Devane D, Taneri PE, El-Dib M, Bloomfield FH, Maeso B, Pilon B, Bonifacio SL, Wusthoff CJ, Chalak L, Bearer C, Murray DM, Badawi N, Campbell S, Mulkey S, Gressens P, Ferriero DM, de Vries LS, Walker K, Kay S, Boylan G, Gale C, Robertson NJ, D’Alton M, Gunn A, Nelson KB Pediatric Research 2023 Dec 94 1860-1863 -
A comparison of criteria for defining metabolic acidemia in live-born neonates and its effect on predicting serious adverse neonatal outcomes
Kraus AC, Saucedo AM, Byrne JJ, Chalak LF, Pruszynski JE, Spong CY American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 2023 Oct 229 439.e1-439.e11 -
Evaluation of heterogeneity in effect of therapeutic hypothermia by sex among infants with neonatal encephalopathy
Sewell EK, Shankaran S, Natarajan G, Laptook A, Das A, McDonald SA, Hamrick S, Baack M, Rysavy M, Higgins RD, Chalak L, Patel RM Pediatric Research 2023 Oct 94 1380-1384 -
Tissue Oxygenation Changes after Transfusion and Outcomes in Preterm Infants: A Secondary Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study of the Transfusion of Prematures Randomized Clinical Trial (TOP NIRS)
Chock VY, Kirpalani H, Bell EF, Tan S, Hintz SR, Ball MB, Smith E, Das A, Loggins YC, Sood BG, Chalak LF, Wyckoff MH, Kicklighter SD, Kennedy KA, Patel RM, Carlo WA, Johnson KJ, Watterberg KL, Sánchez PJ, Laptook AR, Seabrook RB, Cotten CM, Mancini T, Sokol GM, Ohls RK, Hibbs AM, Poindexter BB, Reynolds AM, Demauro SB, Chawla S, Baserga M, Walsh MC, Higgins RD, Van Meurs KP JAMA Network Open 2023 Sep 6 E2334889 -
Commentary to Adverse short- and long-term outcomes among infants with mild neonatal encephalopathy PR-2022-0126
Chalak LF Pediatric Research 2023 Sep 94 866-867 -
Sex Vulnerabilities to Hypoxia-Ischemia at Birth
Chalak LF, Pruszynski JE, Spong CY JAMA Network Open 2023 Aug 6 -
Evaluation of neurovascular coupling during neuroprotective therapies: A single site HEAL ancillary study
Chalak LF, Kang S, Kota S, Liu H, Liu Y, Juul SE, Wu YW Early Human Development 2023 Aug 183 -
Antiseizure medication at discharge in infants with hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy: An observational study
Sewell EK, Shankaran S, McDonald SA, Hamrick S, Wusthoff CJ, Adams-Chapman I, Chalak LF, Davis AS, Van Meurs K, Das A, Maitre N, Laptook A, Patel RM Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition 2023 Jul 108 421-428 -
Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy: Changing Outcomes Across the Spectrum
Pappas A, Milano G, Chalak LF Clinics in Perinatology 2023 Mar 50 31-52 -
Placental clearance not synthesis tempers exaggerated pro-inflammatory cytokine response in neonates exposed to chorioamnionitis
Mir IN, Uddin N, Liao J, Brown LS, Leon R, Chalak LF, Savani RC, Rosenfeld CR Pediatric Research 2023 Feb 93 675-681 -
Cerebral Oximetry Monitoring in Extremely Preterm Infants
Hansen ML, Pellicer A, Hyttel-Sørensen S, Ergenekon E, Szczapa T, Hagmann C, Naulaers G, Mintzer J, Fumagalli M, Dimitriou G, Dempsey E, Tkaczyk J, Cheng G, Fredly S, Heuchan AM, Pichler G, Fuchs H, Nesargi S, Hahn GH, Piris-Borregas S, Širc J, Alsina-Casanova M, Stocker M, Ozkan H, Sarafidis K, Hopper AO, Karen T, Rzepecka-Weglarz B, Oguz SS, Arruza L, Memisoglu AC, Del Rio Florentino R, Baserga M, Maton P, Truttmann AC, De Las Cuevas I, Agergaard P, Zafra P, Bender L, Lauterbach R, Lecart C, De Buyst J, El-Khuffash A, Curley A, Vaccarello OO, Miletin J, Papathoma E, Vesoulis Z, Vento G, Cornette L, Lopez LS, Yasa B, Klamer A, Agosti M, Baud O, Mastretta E, Cetinkaya M, McCall K, Zeng S, Hatzidaki E, Bargiel A, Marciniak S, Gao X, Huijia L, Chalak L, Yang L, Rao SA, Xu X, Gonzalez BL, Wilinska M, Yin Z, Sadowska-Krawczenko I, Serrano-Viñuales I, Krolak-Olejnik B, Ybarra MM, Morales-Betancourt C, Korček P, Teresa-Palacio M, Mosca F, Hergenhan A, Koksal N, Tsoni K, Kadri MM, Knöpfli C, Rafinska-Wazny E, Akin MS, Nordvik T, Peng Z, Kersin SG, Thewissen L, Alarcon A, Healy D, Urlesberger B, Baş M, Baumgartner J, Skylogianni E, Karadyova V, Valverde E, Bergon-Sendin E, Kucera J, Pisoni S, Wang L, Smits A, Sanchez-Salmador R, Rasmussen MI, Olsen MH, Jensen AK, Gluud C, Jakobsen JC, Greisen G New England Journal of Medicine 2023 388 1501-1511 -
Vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation: rationalizing medical management of neonatal heart failure
Cory MJ, Durand P, Sillero R, Morin L, Savani R, Chalak L, Angelis D Pediatric Research 2023 Jan 93 39-48 -
Mild hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE): timing and pattern of MRI brain injury
Li Y, Wisnowski JL, Chalak L, Mathur AM, McKinstry RC, Licona G, Mayock DE, Chang T, Van Meurs KP, Wu TW, Ahmad KA, Cornet MC, Rao R, Scheffler A, Wu YW Pediatric Research 2022 Dec 92 1731-1736 -
The effects of betamethasone on the amplitude integrated EEG of infants born at 34- or 35-weeks gestation
Author Collaboration EK, Author Collaboration EK, Laptook AR, Chalak L, Pappas A, Davis A, Sanchez PJ, Van Meurs KP, Oh W, Sommers R, Shankaran S, Hensman AM, Rouse DJ, McDonald S, Das A, Goldberg RN, Ambalavanan N, Gyamfi-Bannerman C, Thom EA, Higgins RD, Laptook AR, Chalak L, Pappas A, Davis A, Sanchez PJ, Van Meurs KP, Oh W, Shankaran S, Hensman AM, McDonald S, Das A, Goldberg RN, Ambalavanan N, Higgins RD, Rouse DJ, Gyamfi-Bannerman C, Thom EA Journal of Perinatology 2022 Dec 42 1615-1621 -
"Mild'' Hypoxic-Ischaemic Encephalopathy and Therapeutic Hypothermia: A Survey of Clinical Practice and Opinion from 35 Countries
Singla M, Chalak L, Kumar K, Hayakawa M, Mehta S, Neoh SH, Kitsommart R, Yuan Y, Zhang H, Shah PS, Smyth J, Wandita S, Yeo KT, Lim G, Oei JL Neonatology 2022 Dec 119 712-718 -
Neuroprotection for hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: Contributions from the neonatal research network
Bonifacio SL, Chalak LF, Van Meurs KP, Laptook AR, Shankaran S Seminars in Perinatology 2022 Nov 46 -
Placental vascular malperfusion lesions in fetal congenital heart disease
Leon RL, Sharma K, Mir IN, Herrera CL, Brown SL, Spong CY, Chalak LF American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 2022 Oct 227 620.e1-620.e8 -
Early brain and abdominal oxygenation in extremely low birth weight infants
Author Collaboration ft, Chock VY, Smith E, Tan S, Ball MB, Das A, Hintz SR, Kirpalani H, Bell EF, Chalak LF, Carlo WA, Cotten CM, Widness JA, Kennedy KA, Ohls RK, Seabrook RB, Patel RM, Laptook AR, Mancini T, Sokol GM, Walsh MC, Yoder BA, Poindexter BB, Chawla S, D’Angio CT, Higgins RD, Van Meurs KP Pediatric Research 2022 Oct 92 1034-1041 -
Placental pathologic lesions associated with stroke in term neonates
Leon RL, Kalvacherla V, Andrews MM, Thomas JM, Mir IN, Chalak LF Frontiers in Endocrinology 2022 Sep 13 -
A phase-II clinical trial of targeted cerebral near infrared spectroscopy using standardized treatment guidelines to improve brain oxygenation in preterm infants (BOx-II): A study protocol
Vesoulis Z, Hopper A, Fairchild K, Zanelli S, Chalak L, Noroozi M, Liu J, Chock V Contemporary Clinical Trials 2022 Sep 120 -
Trial of Erythropoietin for Hypoxic–Ischemic Encephalopathy in Newborns
Wu YW, Comstock BA, Gonzalez FF, Mayock DE, Goodman AM, Maitre NL, Chang T, van Meurs KP, Lampland AL, Bendel-Stenzel E, Mathur AM, Wu TW, Riley D, Mietzsch U, Chalak L, Flibotte J, Weitkamp JH, Ahmad KA, Yanowitz TD, Baserga M, Poindexter BB, Rogers EE, Lowe JR, Kuban KC, O’Shea TM, Wisnowski JL, McKinstry RC, Bluml S, Bonifacio S, Benninger KL, Rao R, Smyser CD, Sokol GM, Merhar S, Schreiber MD, Glass HC, Heagerty PJ, Juul SE New England Journal of Medicine 2022 Jul 387 148-159 -
Feasibility of EEG Phase‐Amplitude Coupling to Stratify Encephalopathy Severity in Neonatal HIE Using Short Time Window
Wang X, Liu H, Ortigoza EB, Kota S, Liu Y, Zhang R, Chalak LF Brain Sciences 2022 Jul 12 -
Identification and Treatment of Neonatal Seizures during Therapeutic Hypothermia and Rewarming - Reply
Chalak LF JAMA neurology 2022 May 79 530-531 -
New Horizons in Mild Hypoxic-ischemic Encephalopathy: A Standardized Algorithm to Move past Conundrum of Care
Chalak L Clinics in Perinatology 2022 Mar 49 279-294 -
Neuroplacentology in congenital heart disease: placental connections to neurodevelopmental outcomes
Leon RL, Mir IN, Herrera CL, Sharma K, Spong CY, Twickler DM, Chalak LF Pediatric Research 2022 Mar 91 787-794 -
EEG phase-amplitude coupling to stratify encephalopathy severity in the developing brain
Wang X, Liu H, Kota S, Das Y, Liu Y, Zhang R, Chalak L Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 2022 Feb 214 -
The impact of the COVID pandemic on prematurity rates: Conflicting results, publication ethics and academic frustration
Greisen G, Chalak L, Hansen ML, Rasmussen MI Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics 2022 Feb 111 269-271 -
Cerebral Blood Flow Monitoring in High-Risk Fetal and Neonatal Populations
Leon RL, Ortigoza EB, Ali N, Angelis D, Wolovits JS, Chalak LF Frontiers in Pediatrics 2022 Jan 9 -
Correction: The american pediatric society and society for pediatric research joint statement against racism and social injustice (Pediatric Research, (2022), 91, 1, (72), 10.1038/s41390-020-01107-9)
Abman SH, Armstrong S, Baker S, Bogue CW, Carlo W, Chalak L, Daniels SR, Davis S, Debaun MR, Fike C, Frazer L, Gibson K, Gill M, Glass H, Gordon CM, Goyal M, Hirschhorn J, Holtz L, Hunstad DA, Leonard MB, Maitre N, Markham L, McAllister-Lucas L, Orange J, Shah P, Simon T, Steinhorn RH, Tarini B, Walker-Harding LR Pediatric Research 2022 Jan 91 264 -
A neonatal neuroNICU collaborative approach to neuromonitoring of posthemorrhagic ventricular dilation in preterm infants
Whittemore BA, Swift DM, M. Thomas J, F. Chalak L Pediatric Research 2022 Jan 91 27-34 -
The american pediatric society and society for pediatric research joint statement against racism and social injustice
Abman SH, Armstrong S, Baker S, Bogue CW, Carlo W, Chalak L, Daniels SR, Davis S, Debaun MR, Fike C, Frazer L, Gibson K, Gill M, Glass H, Gordon CM, Goyal M, Hirschhorn J, Holtz L, Hunstad DA, Leonard MB, Maitre N, Markham L, McAllister-Lucas L, Orange J, Shah P, Simon T, Steinhorn RH, Tarini B, Walker-Harding LR Pediatric Research 2022 Jan 91 72 -
Stakeholder engagement in neonatal clinical trials: an opportunity for mild neonatal encephalopathy research
Chalak L, Pilon B, Byrne R, Maitre N Pediatric Research 2022 -
Association between Increased Seizures during Rewarming after Hypothermia for Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy and Abnormal Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at 2-Year Follow-up: A Nested Multisite Cohort Study
Chalak LF, Pappas A, Tan S, Das A, Sánchez PJ, Laptook AR, Van Meurs KP, Shankaran S, Bell EF, Davis AS, Heyne RJ, Pedroza C, Poindexter BB, Schibler K, Tyson JE, Ball MB, Bara R, Grisby C, Sokol GM, D'Angio CT, Hamrick SE, Dysart KC, Cotten CM, Truog WE, Watterberg KL, Timan CJ, Garg M, Carlo WA, Higgins RD JAMA neurology 2021 Dec 78 1484-1493 -
Erratum: Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network. Association between increased seizures during rewarming after hypothermia for neonatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy and abnormal neurodevelopmental outcomes at 2-year follow-up: a nested multisite cohort study (JAMA Neurol (2021) DOI: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2021.3723)
Chalak LF, Pappas A, Tan S JAMA neurology 2021 Dec 78 1533 -
Neurovascular coupling (NVC) in newborns using processed EEG versus amplitude-EEG
Das Y, Wang X, Kota S, Zhang R, Liu H, Chalak LF Scientific reports 2021 Dec 11 -
Central data monitoring in the multicentre randomised SafeBoosC-III trial – a pragmatic approach
Author Collaboration TS, Olsen MH, Hansen ML, Safi S, Jakobsen JC, Greisen G, Gluud C, Pellicer A, Bargiel A, Hopper A, Truttmann A, Klamer A, Heuchan AM, Memisoglu A, Krolak-Olejnik B, Rzepecka B, Loureiro B, Lecart C, Hagmann C, Ergenekon E, Hatzidaki E, Mastretta E, Dempsey E, Papathoma E, Lou F, Dimitriou G, Pichler G, Vento G, Hahn GH, Naulaers G, Cheng G, Fuchs H, Ozkan H, De Las Cuevas I, Sadowska-Krawczenko I, Tkaczyk J, Sirc J, Zhang J, Mintzer J, De Buyst J, McCall K, Bober K, Sarafidis K, Bender L, Lopez LS, Chalak L, Yang L, Cornette L, Arruza L, Baserga M, Stocker M BMC Medical Research Methodology 2021 Dec 21 -
Early Use of Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography to Stratify Neonatal Encephalopathy
Natique KR, Das Y, Maxey MN, Sepulveda P, Brown LS, Chalak LF Pediatric Neurology 2021 Nov 124 33-39 -
Bedside and laboratory neuromonitoring in neonatal encephalopathy
Chalak L, Hellstrom-Westas L, Bonifacio S, Tsuchida T, Chock V, El-Dib M, Massaro AN, Garcia-Alix A Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 2021 Oct 26 -
Unanswered questions regarding therapeutic hypothermia for neonates with neonatal encephalopathy
Author Collaboration NB, Sabir H, Bonifacio SL, Gunn AJ, Thoresen M, Chalak LF Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 2021 Oct 26 -
Acute and Chronic Placental Abnormalities in a Multicenter Cohort of Newborn Infants with Hypoxic–Ischemic Encephalopathy
Chalak L, Redline RW, Goodman AM, Juul SE, Chang T, Yanowitz TD, Maitre N, Mayock DE, Lampland AL, Bendel-Stenzel E, Riley D, Mathur AM, Rao R, Van Meurs KP, Wu TW, Gonzalez FF, Flibotte J, Mietzsch U, Sokol GM, Ahmad KA, Baserga M, Weitkamp JH, Poindexter BB, Comstock BA, Wu YW Journal of Pediatrics 2021 Oct 237 190-196 -
EEG Spectral Power: A Proposed Physiological Biomarker to Classify the Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Severity in Real Time
Kota S, Jasti K, Liu Y, Liu H, Zhang R, Chalak L Pediatric Neurology 2021 Sep 122 7-14 -
Acetaminophen and the developing brain: A critical review of the evidence
Angelis D, Chalak L Early Human Development 2021 Aug 159 -
Placental contribution to neonatal encephalopathy
Author Collaboration NB, Penn AA, Wintermark P, Chalak LF, Armstrong J, Redline R, Scher MS, Nelson KB Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 2021 Aug 26 -
Part I. Mechanisms of actions and metabolism of acetaminophen related to the neonatal brain
Angelis D, Savani RC, Jagarapu J, Hu J, Wan-Huen P, Chalak L Early Human Development 2021 Aug 159 -
Part III. Neuronal biochemical effects of acetaminophen and neurodevelopmental outcomes: Friend or foe?
Angelis D, León RL, Chalak L Early Human Development 2021 Aug 159 -
Extremely Preterm Infant Admissions Within the SafeBoosC-III Consortium During the COVID-19 Lockdown
Rasmussen MI, Hansen ML, Pichler G, Dempsey E, Pellicer A, EL-Khuffash A, A S, Piris-Borregas S, Alsina M, Cetinkaya M, Chalak L, Özkan H, Baserga M, Sirc J, Fuchs H, Ergenekon E, Arruza L, Mathur A, Stocker M, Otero Vaccarello O, Szczapa T, Sarafidis K, Królak-Olejnik B, Memisoglu A, Reigstad H, Rafińska-Ważny E, Hatzidaki E, Peng Z, Gkentzi D, Viellevoye R, De Buyst J, Mastretta E, Wang P, Hahn GH, Bender L, Cornette L, Tkaczyk J, del Rio R, Fumagalli M, Papathoma E, Wilinska M, Naulaers G, Sadowska-Krawczenko I, Lecart C, Couce ML, Fredly S, Heuchan AM, Karen T, Greisen G Frontiers in Pediatrics 2021 Jul 9 -
Autism spectrum disorders in extremely preterm infants and placental pathology findings: a matched case–control study
Mir IN, White SP, Steven Brown L, Heyne R, Rosenfeld CR, Chalak LF Pediatric Research 2021 May 89 1825-1831 -
Historical perspectives for therapeutic hypothermia in the newborn: a life worth saving
Chalak L Pediatric Research 2021 Apr 89 1057-1058 -
The cerebellum’s role in neonatal brain injury
Chalak L Pediatric Research 2021 Apr 89 1055-1056 -
Regional heterogeneity of cerebral hemodynamics in mild neonatal encephalopathy measured with multichannel near-infrared spectroscopy
Tian F, Sepulveda P, Kota S, Liu Y, Das Y, Liu H, Zhang R, Chalak L Pediatric Research 2021 Mar 89 882-888 -
Nitric oxide and the brain. Part 1: Mechanisms of regulation, transport and effects on the developing brain
Angelis D, Savani R, Chalak L Pediatric Research 2021 Mar 89 738-745 -
MRI Score Ability to Detect Abnormalities in Mild Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
Machie M, Weeke L, de Vries LS, Rollins NK, Brown L, Chalak L Pediatric Neurology 2021 Mar 116 32-38 -
Vulnerable child syndrome in the neonatal intensive care unit: A review and a new preventative intervention with feasibility and parental satisfaction data
Hoge MK, Heyne E, Nicholson TD, Acosta D, Mir I, Brown LS, Shaw RJ, Chalak L, Heyne R Early Human Development 2021 Mar 154 -
Nitric oxide and the brain. Part 2: Effects following neonatal brain injury—friend or foe?
Angelis D, Savani R, Chalak L Pediatric Research 2021 Mar 89 746-752 -
Limitations of Conventional Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a Predictor of Death or Disability Following Neonatal Hypoxic–Ischemic Encephalopathy in the Late Hypothermia Trial
Author Collaboration EK, Laptook AR, Shankaran S, Barnes P, Rollins N, Do BT, Parikh NA, Hamrick S, Hintz SR, Tyson JE, Bell EF, Ambalavanan N, Goldberg RN, Pappas A, Huitema C, Pedroza C, Chaudhary AS, Hensman AM, Das A, Wyckoff M, Khan A, Walsh MC, Watterberg KL, Faix R, Truog W, Guillet R, Sokol GM, Poindexter BB, Higgins RD, Caplan MS, Polin RA, Keszler M, Oh W, Vohr BR, McGowan EC, Alksninis B, Basso K, Bliss J, Bishop C, Burke RT, Cashore W, Caskey M, Gingras D, Guerina N, Johnson K, Keszler ML, Knoll AM, Sánchez PJ, Brion LP, Chalak LF, Heyne RJ Journal of Pediatrics 2021 Mar 230 106-111.e6 -
Placental origins of neonatal diseases: toward a precision medicine approach
Mir IN, Leon R, Chalak LF Pediatric Research 2021 Jan 89 377-383 -
Wavelet-based neurovascular coupling can predict brain abnormalities in neonatal encephalopathy
Das Y, Leon RL, Liu H, Kota S, Liu Y, Wang X, Zhang R, Chalak LF NeuroImage: Clinical 2021 Jan 32 -
Diffusion-MRI-based regional cortical microstructure at birth for predicting neurodevelopmental outcomes of 2-year-olds
Ouyang M, Peng Q, Jeon T, Heyne R, Chalak L, Huang H eLife 2020 Dec 9 1-20 -
Cerebral Oxygenation and Autoregulation in Preterm Infants (Early NIRS Study)
Chock VY, Kwon SH, Ambalavanan N, Batton B, Nelin LD, Chalak LF, Tian L, Van Meurs KP Journal of Pediatrics 2020 Dec 227 94-100.e1 -
Rigor of Neurovascular Coupling (NVC) Assessment in Newborns Using Different Amplitude EEG Algorithms
Das Y, Liu H, Tian F, Kota S, Zhang R, Chalak LF Scientific reports 2020 Dec 10 -
Statistical rigor and kappa considerations: which, when and clinical context matters
Chalak LF, Pavageau L, Huet B, Hynan L Pediatric Research 2020 Jul 88 5 -
Placental Pathology, Cerebral Blood Flow, and Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Preterm Infants: Is There a Link?
Pazandak C, Mir IN, Brown LS, Chalak LF Pediatric Neurology 2020 Jul 108 65-69 -
Impact of multiple placental pathologies on neonatal death, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and neurodevelopmental impairment in preterm infants
Mir IN, Chalak LF, Brown LS, Johnson-Welch S, Heyne R, Rosenfeld CR, Kapadia VS Pediatric Research 2020 Apr 87 885-891 -
Inter-rater reliability of the modified Sarnat examination in preterm infants at 32–36 weeks’ gestation
Pavageau L, Sánchez PJ, Steven Brown L, Chalak LF Pediatric Research 2020 Mar 87 697-702 -
The rewards of peer-reviewing
Bearer CF, Chalak L, Fuentes-Afflick E, Molloy EJ Pediatric Research 2020 Jan 87 2 -
Regional heterogeneity of cerebral hemodynamics in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
Tian F, Sepulveda P, Liu Y, Das Y, Liu H, Zhang R, Chalak L 2020 -
Neurovascular Coupling (NVC) in Newborns based on regional cerebral tissue oxygenation and amplitude EEG
Das Y, Liu H, Tian F, Liu YL, Kota S, Zhang R, Chalak LF 2020 -
A 20 years conundrum of neonatal encephalopathy and hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy: are we closer to a consensus guideline?
Chalak L, Ferriero DM, Gressens P, Molloy E, Bearer C Pediatric Research 2019 Nov 86 548-549 -
A Total Sarnat Score in Mild Hypoxic-ischemic Encephalopathy Can Detect Infants at Higher Risk of Disability
Chalak LF, Adams-Huet B, Sant'Anna G Journal of Pediatrics 2019 Nov 214 217-221.e1 -
Placental clearance/synthesis of neurobiomarkers GFAP and UCH-L1 in healthy term neonates and those with moderate–severe neonatal encephalopathy
Mir IN, Steven Brown L, Rosenfeld CR, Chalak LF Pediatric Research 2019 Oct 86 500-504 -
Development and Emergence of Individual Variability in the Functional Connectivity Architecture of the Preterm Human Brain
Xu Y, Cao M, Liao X, Xia M, Wang X, Jeon T, Ouyang M, Chalak L, Rollins N, Huang H, He Y Cerebral Cortex 2019 Sep 29 4208-4222 -
Quantitative end-tidal CO2 can predict increase in heart rate during infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Stine CN, Koch J, Brown LS, Chalak L, Kapadia V, Wyckoff MH Heliyon 2019 Jun 5 -
Should therapeutic hypothermia be offered to babies with mild neonatal encephalopathy in the first 6 h after birth?
El-Dib M, Inder TE, Chalak LF, Massaro AN, Thoresen M, Gunn AJ Pediatric Research 2019 Mar 85 442-448 -
Differential cortical microstructural maturation in the preterm human brain with diffusion kurtosis and tensor imaging
Ouyang M, Jeon T, Sotiras A, Peng Q, Mishra V, Halovanic C, Chen M, Chalak L, Rollins N, Roberts TP, Davatzikos C, Huang H Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2019 116 4681-4688 -
Age-specific gray and white matter DTI atlas for human brain at 33, 36 and 39 postmenstrual weeks
Feng L, Li H, Oishi K, Mishra V, Song L, Peng Q, Ouyang M, Wang J, Slinger M, Jeon T, Lee L, Heyne R, Chalak L, Peng Y, Liu S, Huang H NeuroImage 2019 Jan 185 685-698 -
Structural network maturation of the preterm human brain
Zhao T, Mishra V, Jeon T, Ouyang M, Peng Q, Chalak L, Wisnowski JL, Heyne R, Rollins N, Shu N, Huang H NeuroImage 2019 Jan 185 699-710 -
Brain imaging in preterm infants <32 weeks gestation: a clinical review and algorithm for the use of cranial ultrasound and qualitative brain MRI
Ibrahim J, Mir I, Chalak L Pediatric Research 2018 Dec 84 799-806 -
Prospective research in infants with mild encephalopathy identified in the first six hours of life: neurodevelopmental outcomes at 18–22 months
Chalak LF, Nguyen KA, Prempunpong C, Heyne R, Thayyil S, Shankaran S, Laptook AR, Rollins N, Pappas A, Koclas L, Shah B, Montaldo P, Techasaensiri B, Sánchez PJ, Sant’Anna G Pediatric Research 2018 Dec 84 861-868 -
Lenticulostriate vasculopathy in preterm infants: a new classification, clinical associations and neurodevelopmental outcome
Sisman J, Chalak L, Heyne R, Pritchard M, Weakley D, Brown LS, Rosenfeld CR Journal of Perinatology 2018 Oct 38 1370-1378 -
Fetal-placental crosstalk occurs through fetal cytokine synthesis and placental clearance
Mir IN, Chalak LF, Liao J, Johnson-Welch S, Brown LS, Longoria C, Savani RC, Rosenfeld CR Placenta 2018 Sep 69 1-8 -
Best practice guidelines on management of mild neonatal encephalopathy: Is it really mild?
Chalak LF Early Human Development 2018 May 120 74 -
A review of the conundrum of mild hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: Current challenges and moving forward
Chalak L, Latremouille S, Mir I, Sánchez PJ, Sant'Anna G Early Human Development 2018 May 120 88-94 -
Effect of Therapeutic Hypothermia Initiated after 6 Hours of Age on Death or Disability among Newborns with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Author Collaboration ft, Laptook AR, Shankaran S, Tyson JE, Munoz B, Bell EF, Goldberg RN, Parikh NA, Ambalavanan N, Pedroza C, Pappas A, Das A, Chaudhary AS, Ehrenkranz RA, Hensman AM, Van Meurs KP, Chalak LF, Hamrick SE, Sokol GM, Walsh MC, Poindexter BB, Faix RG, Watterberg KL, Frantz ID, Guillet R, Devaskar U, Truog WE, Chock VY, Wyckoff MH, McGowan EC, Carlton DP, Harmon HM, Brumbaugh JE, Cotten CM, Sánchez PJ, Hibbs AM, Higgins RD Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey 2018 Mar 73 141-143 -
Future alternative therapies in the pipeline for mild neonatal encephalopathy: Review of evidence of neuroprotection with erythropoiesis stimulating agents
DuPont T, Chalak L Early Human Development 2018 Jan -
Prospective research on infants with mild encephalopathy: The PRIME study
Prempunpong C, Chalak LF, Garfinkle J, Shah B, Kalra V, Rollins N, Boyle R, Nguyen KA, Mir I, Pappas A, Montaldo P, Thayyil S, Sánchez PJ, Shankaran S, Laptook AR, Sant'anna G Journal of Perinatology 2018 Jan 38 80-85 -
Impairment of cerebral autoregulation in pediatric extracorporeal membrane oxygenation associated with neuroimaging abnormalities
Tian F, Morriss MC, Chalak L, Venkataraman R, Ahn C, Liu H, Raman L Neurophotonics 2017 Oct 4 -
Effect of therapeutic hypothermia initiated after 6 hours of age on death or disability among newborns with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy a randomized clinical trial
Laptook AR, Shankaran S, Tyson JE, Munoz B, Bell EF, Goldberg RN, Parikh NA, Ambalavanan N, Pedroza C, Pappas A, Das A, Chaudhary AS, Ehrenkranz RA, Hensman AM, Van Meurs KP, Chalak LF, Hamrick SE, Sokol GM, Walsh MC, Poindexter BB, Faix RG, Watterberg KL, Frantz ID, Guillet R, Devaskar U, Truog WE, Chock VY, Wyckoff MH, McGowan EC, Carlton DP, Harmon HM, Brumbaugh JE, Cotten CM, Sánchez PJ, Hibbs AM, Higgins RD JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association 2017 Oct 318 1550-1560 -
Effect of depth and duration of cooling on death or disability at age 18 months among neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy a randomized clinical trial
Shankaran S, Laptook AR, Pappas A, McDonald SA, Das A, Tyson JE, Poindexter BB, Schibler K, Bell EF, Heyne RJ, Pedroza C, Bara R, Van Meurs KP, Huitema CM, Grisby C, Devaskar U, Ehrenkranz RA, Harmon HM, Chalak LF, DeMauro SB, Garg M, Hartley-McAndrew ME, Khan AM, Walsh MC, Ambalavanan N, Brumbaugh JE, Watterberg KL, Shepherd EG, Hamrick SE, Barks J, Michael Cotton C, Kilbride HW, Higgins RD JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association 2017 Jul 318 57-67 -
New Wavelet Neurovascular Bundle for Bedside Evaluation of Cerebral Autoregulation and Neurovascular Coupling in Newborns with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
Chalak LF, Zhang R Developmental Neuroscience 2017 Jul 39 89-96 -
Novel Wavelet Real Time Analysis of Neurovascular Coupling in Neonatal Encephalopathy
Chalak LF, Tian F, Adams-Huet B, Vasil D, Laptook A, Tarumi T, Zhang R Scientific reports 2017 Apr 7 -
Early development of functional network segregation revealed by connectomic analysis of the preterm human brain
Cao M, He Y, Dai Z, Liao X, Jeon T, Ouyang M, Chalak L, Bi Y, Rollins N, Dong Q, Huang H Cerebral Cortex 2017 Mar 27 1949-1963 -
Heterogeneous increases of regional cerebral blood flow during preterm brain development: Preliminary assessment with pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeled perfusion MRI
Ouyang M, Jeon T, Roberts TP, Huang H, Ouyang M, Liu P, Jeon T, Lu H, Huang H, Ouyang M, Jeon T, Liu P, Lu H, Chalak L, Heyne R, Rollins NK, Licht DJ, Detre JA, Detre JA, Roberts TP, Huang H NeuroImage 2017 Feb 147 233-242 -
Hypothermia for neonatal hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy: NICHD Neonatal Research Network contribution to the field
Shankaran S, Natarajan G, Chalak L, Pappas A, McDonald SA, Laptook AR Seminars in Perinatology 2016 Oct 40 385-390 -
Structural Development of Human Fetal and Preterm Brain Cortical Plate Based on Population-Averaged Templates
Yu Q, Ouyang A, Chalak L, Jeon T, Chia J, Mishra V, Sivarajan M, Jackson G, Rollins N, Liu S, Huang H Cerebral Cortex 2016 Oct 26 4381-4391 -
Inflammatory Biomarkers of Birth Asphyxia
Chalak LF Clinics in Perinatology 2016 Sep 43 501-510 -
Advantages of Bayesian monitoring methods in deciding whether and when to stop a clinical trial: An example of a neonatal cooling trial
Author Collaboration EK, Pedroza C, Tyson JE, Das A, Laptook A, Bell EF, Shankaran S, Keszler M, Hensman AM, Vierira E, Little E, Shah B, Guerina N, Bliss J, Mirza H, Sommers R, Walsh MC, Hibbs AM, Newman NS, Siner BS, Zadell A, Truog WE, Pallotto EK, Kilbride HW, Gauldin C, Holmes A, Johnson K, Schibler K, Kallapur SG, Alexander B, Fischer EE, Gratton TL, Grisby C, Jackson L, Jennings J, Kirker K, Muthig G, Wuertz S, Michael Cotten C, Goldberg RN, Finkle J, Fisher KA, Grimes S, Laughon MM, Bose CL, Bernhardt J, Sánchez PJ, Stoll BJ, Wyckoff M, Chalak LF, Brion LP Trials 2016 Jul 17 -
Assessment of dynamic cerebral autoregulation in neonatal hypoxic- ischemic encephalopathy based on wavelet transform coherence
Tian F, Tarumi T, Liu H, Zhang R, Chalak L 2016 Apr 3 -
T1 and T2 values of human neonatal blood at 3 Tesla: Dependence on hematocrit, oxygenation, and temperature
Liu P, Chalak LF, Krishnamurthy LC, Mir I, Peng Sl, Huang H, Lu H Magnetic resonance in medicine 2016 Apr 75 1730-1735 -
Assessment of dynamic cerebral autoregulation in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy based on wavelet transform coherence
Tian F, Tarumi Ph.D. T, Liu H, Zhang R, Chalak L 2016 Apr -
The impact of ambient operating room temperature on neonatal and maternal hypothermia and associated morbidities: A randomized controlled trial
Duryea EL, Nelson DB, Wyckoff MH, Grant EN, Tao W, Sadana N, Chalak LF, McIntire DD, Leveno KJ American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 2016 Apr 214 505.e1-505.e7 -
Assessment of dynamic cerebral autoregulation in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy based on wavelet transform coherence
Tian F, Tarumi T, Liu H, Zhang R, Chalak L 2016 Apr -
Cerebral Hemodynamics in Asphyxiated Newborns Undergoing Hypothermia Therapy: Pilot Findings Using a Multiple-Time-Scale Analysis
Chalak LF, Tian F, Tarumi T, Zhang R Pediatric Neurology 2016 Feb 55 30-36 -
Perinatal asphyxia in the delivery room: Initial management and current cooling guidelines
Chalak LF NeoReviews 2016 17 e463-e470 -
Assessment of dynamic cerebral autoregulation in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy based on wavelet transform coherence
Tian F, Tarumi Ph.D. T, Liu H, Zhang R, Chalak L 2016 -
Wavelet coherence analysis of dynamic cerebral autoregulation in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
Tian F, Tarumi T, Liu H, Zhang R, Chalak L NeuroImage: Clinical 2016 11 124-132 -
Is preeclampsia associated with fetal malformation? A review and report of original research
Nelson DB, Chalak LF, McIntire DD, Leveno KJ Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 2015 Dec 28 2135-2140 -
Serial aEEG recordings in a cohort of extremely preterm infants: Feasibility and safety
Davis AS, Gantz MG, Do B, Shankaran S, Hamrick SE, Kennedy KA, Tyson JE, Chalak LF, Laptook AR, Goldstein RF, Hintz SR, Das A, Higgins RD, Ball MB, Hale EC, Van Meurs KP Journal of Perinatology 2015 May 35 373-378 -
Development of human brain structural networks through infancy and childhood
Huang H, Shu N, Mishra V, Jeon T, Chalak L, Wang ZJ, Rollins N, Gong G, Cheng H, Peng Y, Dong Q, He Y Cerebral Cortex 2015 May 25 1389-1404 -
Effect of depth and duration of cooling on deaths in the NICU among Neonates with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy: A randomized clinical trial
Shankaran S, Laptook AR, Pappas A, McDonald SA, Das A, Tyson JE, Poindexter BB, Schibler K, Bell EF, Heyne RJ, Pedroza C, Bara R, Meurs KP, Grisby C, Huitema CM, Garg M, Ehrenkranz RA, Shepherd EG, Chalak LF, Hamrick SE, Khan AM, Reynolds AM, Laughon MM, Truog WE, Dysart KC, Carlo WA, Walsh MC, Watterberg KL, Higgins RD Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey 2015 Apr 70 235-238 -
Placental pathology is associated with severity of neonatal encephalopathy and adverse developmental outcomes following hypothermia Presented in poster format at the annual meeting of the Pediatric Academic Societies, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 3-6, 2014.
Mir IN, Johnson-Welch SF, Nelson DB, Brown LS, Rosenfeld CR, Chalak LF American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 2015 213 849.e1-849.e7 -
Structural development of human brain white matter from mid-fetal to perinatal stage
Ouyang A, Yu Q, Mishra V, Chalak L, Jeon T, Sivarajan M, Jackson G, Rollins N, Liu S, Huang H 2015 -
Effect of depth and duration of cooling on deaths in the NICU among neonates with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy a randomized clinical trial
Shankaran S, Laptook AR, Pappas A, McDonald SA, Das A, Tyson JE, Poindexter BB, Schibler K, Bell EF, Heyne RJ, Pedroza C, Bara R, Van Meurs KP, Grisby C, Huitema CM, Garg M, Ehrenkranz RA, Shepherd EG, Chalak LF, Hamrick SE, Khan AM, Reynolds AM, Laughon MM, Truog WE, Dysart KC, Carlo WA, Walsh MC, Watterberg KL, Higgins RD, Caplan MS, Polin RA, Keszler M, Vohr BR, Hensman AM, Vierira E, Little E, Sommers R, Shah B, Guerina N, McKinley LT, Caskey M, Halbrook A, Burke RT, Hibbs AM, Newman NS, Pallotto EK, Kilbride HW, Gauldin C, Holmes A, Johnson K, Kallapur SG, Alexander B, Fischer EE, Gratton TL, Jackson L, Jennings J, Kirker K, Muthig G, Wuertz S, Goldberg RN, Finkle J, Fisher KA, Grimes S, Bose CL, Bernhardt J, Clark C, Stoll BJ, Carlton DP, Hale EC, Loggins Y, Archer SW, Sokol GM, Wilson LD, Herron DE, Gunn S, Smiley L, Jadcherla SR, Sánchez PJ, Luzader P, Fortney CA, Besner GE, Parikh NA, Wallace D, Zaterka-Baxter KM, Crawford M, Gabrio J, Gantz MG, Newman JE, Auman JO, Nolen TL, Stevenson DK, Ball MB, Adams MM, Davis AS, Kibler C, Parker JR, Proud MS, Wong RJ, Ambalavanan N, Collins MV, Cosby SS, Devaskar U, Chanlaw T, Geller R, Ellsbury DL, Colaizy TT, Brumbaugh JE, Johnson KJ, Campbell DB, Walker JR, Klein JM, Segar JL, Dagle JM, Lindower JB, McElroy SJ, Rabe GK, Roghair RD, Meyer LR, Murphy CR, Bhavsar V, Ohls RK, Lacy CB, Beauman S, Hartenberger C, Schmidt B, Kirpalani H, De Mauro SB, Chaudhary AS, Abbasi S, Mancini T, Cucinotta DM, Laroia N, D'Angio CT, Guillet R, Lakshminrusimha S, Wynn K, Wadkins HI, Scorsone AM, Conway P, Sacilowski MG, Guilford S, Williams A, Wyckoff M, Brion LP, Vasil DM, Chen L, Ramon E, Kennedy KA, McDavid GE, Arldt-McAlister J, Burson K, Garcia C, Martin K, Rodgers S, Tate PL, Wright SL, Sood BG, Barks J, Batts M, De Jesus L, Hayes-Hart K, Johnson ME, Natarajan G, Sulkowski L, Sumner L, Walker N, Weingarden K, Christensen M, Wiggins SA, Gleason CA, Boyle RJ, Clemons T, D'Alton ME, Redmond CK, Ross MG, Weiner SJ, Willinger M JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association 2014 Dec 312 2629-2639 -
Neurodevelopmental outcomes after hypothermia therapy in the era of Bayley-III
Chalak LF, Dupont TL, Sánchez PJ, Lucke A, Heyne RJ, Morriss MC, Rollins NK Journal of Perinatology 2014 Aug 34 629-633 -
Obstetric antecedents to body-cooling treatment of the newborn infant
Nelson DB, Lucke AM, McIntire DD, Sánchez PJ, Leveno KJ, Chalak LF American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 2014 Aug 211 155.e1-155.e6 -
Assessment of dynamic cerebral autoregulation in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy based on wavelet transform coherence
Tian F, Tarumi T, Liu H, Zhang R, Chalak L 2014 Jul -
Predictive value of neonatal MRI showing no or minor degrees of brain injury after hypothermia
Rollins N, Booth T, Morriss MC, Sanchez P, Heyne R, Chalak L Pediatric Neurology 2014 May 50 447-451 -
Biomarkers for severity of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and outcomes in newborns receiving hypothermia therapy
Chalak LF, Sánchez PJ, Adams-Huet B, Laptook AR, Heyne RJ, Rosenfeld CR Journal of Pediatrics 2014 Mar 164 468-474.e1 -
Quantitative assessment of global cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) in neonates using MRI
Liu P, Huang H, Rollins N, Chalak LF, Jeon T, Halovanic C, Lu H NMR in biomedicine 2014 Mar 27 332-340 -
Serum biomarkers to evaluate the integrity of the neurovascular unit
Mir IN, Chalak LF Early Human Development 2014 90 707-711 -
A "neurovascular unit" approach in newborns with HIE: Can we improve outcomes?
Chalak LF Early Human Development 2014 90 685 -
The "neurovascular unit approach" to evaluate mechanisms of dysfunctional autoregulation in asphyxiated newborns in the era of hypothermia therapy
Chalak LF, Tarumi T, Zhang R Early Human Development 2014 90 687-694 -
Non-invasive assessment of neonatal brain oxygen metabolism: A review of newly available techniques
Liu P, Chalak LF, Lu H Early Human Development 2014 90 695-701 -
Resuscitation of preterm neonates with limited versus high oxygen strategy
Kapadia VS, Chalak LF, Sparks JE, Allen JR, Savani RC, Wyckoff MH Pediatrics 2013 Dec 132 e1488-e1496 -
Perinatal asphyxia with hyperoxemia within the first hour of life is associated with moderate to severe hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
Kapadia VS, Chalak LF, Dupont TL, Rollins NK, Brion LP, Wyckoff MH Journal of Pediatrics 2013 Oct 163 949-954 -
Change in care among nonenrolled patients during and after a randomized trial
LeVan JM, Wyckoff MH, Ahn C, Heyne R, Sánchez PJ, Chalak L, Jaleel MA, Jeannette Burchfield P, Christie L, Soll R, Badger GJ, Brion LP Pediatrics 2013 Oct 132 e960-e970 -
Short-term outcomes of newborns with perinatal acidemia who are not eligible for systemic hypothermia therapy
Dupont TL, Chalak LF, Morriss MC, Burchfield PJ, Christie L, Sánchez PJ Journal of Pediatrics 2013 Jan 162 35-41 -
Perinatal acidosis and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in preterm infants of 33 to 35 weeks' gestation
Chalak LF, Rollins N, Morriss MC, Brion LP, Heyne R, Sánchez PJ Journal of Pediatrics 2012 Mar 160 388-394 -
Neuroprotective approaches: Before and after delivery
Chalak LF, Rouse DJ Clinics in Perinatology 2011 Sep 38 455-470 -
Low-voltage aEEG as predictor of intracranial hemorrhage in preterm infants
Chalak LF, Sikes NC, Mason MJ, Kaiser JR Pediatric Neurology 2011 May 44 364-369 -
End-Tidal CO2 detection of an audible heart rate during neonatal cardiopulmonary resuscitation after asystole in asphyxiated piglets
Chalak LF, Barber CA, Hynan L, Garcia D, Christie L, Wyckoff MH Pediatric Research 2011 May 69 401-405 -
Immediate pro-inflammatory cytokine response associated with asphyxia and volume infusions in a neonatal piglet model
Chalak LF, Laptook AR, Perlman JM, Garcia D, Ramilo O, Wyckoff MH Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2008 1 69-75 -
Neonatal guideline hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE).
Chalak L, Kaiser J The Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society 2007 Oct 104 87-89 -
A newborn with Poland anomaly and liver ectopy: An unusual association with important prognostic implications
Chalak LF, Parham DM Pediatric and Developmental Pathology 2007 Mar 10 134-137 -
Resolution of pulmonary interstitial emphysema following selective left main stem intubation in a premature newborn: An old procedure revisited
Chalak LF, Kaiser JR, Arrington RW Paediatric anaesthesia 2007 Feb 17 183-186 -
Chorioamnionitis and neonatal encephalopathy in term infants with fetal acidemia: Histopathologic correlations
Shalak L, Johnson-Welch S, Perlman JM Pediatric Neurology 2005 Sep 33 162-165 -
Depression at birth in term infants exposed to maternal chorioamnionitis: Does neonatal fever play a role?
Shalak LF, Perlman JM, Jackson GL, Laptook AR Journal of Perinatology 2005 Jul 25 447-452 -
Erratum: Stages of status epilepticus in the developing brain (Epilepsy Research (2003) 55 (9-19) DOI: 10.1016/S0920-1211(03)00089-5)
Mikati MA, Werner S, Shalak L, Shamseddine A, Simaan E, Liu Z, Tarif S, Stafstrom C, Holmes G Epilepsy Research 2005 Feb 63 157 -
Erratum: Stages of status epilepticus in the developing brain (Epilepsy Research (2003) 55 (9-19) DOI: 10.1016/S0920-1211(03)00089-5)
Mikati MA, Werner S, Shalak L, Shamseddine A, Simaan E, Liu Z, Tarif S, Stafstrom C, Holmes G Epilepsy Research 2005 Feb 63 157 -
Hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in the term infant-current concepts
Shalak L, Perlman JM Early Human Development 2004 Nov 80 125-141 -
Chorioamnionitis, cytokines, and brain injury [5] (multiple letters)
Freeman JM, Shalak LF, Laptook AR, Perlman JM Pediatrics 2003 Jul 112 206-207 -
Amplitude-integrated electroencephalography coupled with an early neurologic examination enhances prediction of term infants at risk for persistent encephalopathy
Shalak LF, Laptook AR, Velaphi SC, Perlman JM Pediatrics 2003 Feb 111 351-357 -
Stages of status epilepticus in the developing brain
Mikati MA, Werner S, Shehab L, Shamseddine A, Simaan E, Liu Z, Tarif S, Stafstrom C, Holmes G Epilepsy Research 2003 55 9-19 -
Hemorrhagic-ischemic cerebral injury in the preterm infant: Current concepts
Shalak L, Perlman JM Clinics in Perinatology 2002 Dec 29 745-763 -
Clinical chorioamnionitis, elevated cytokines, and brain injury in term infants
Shalak LF, Laptook AR, Jafri HS, Ramilo O, Perlman JM Pediatrics 2002 Oct 110 673-680 -
Infection markers and early signs of neonatal encephalopathy in the term infant
Shalak LF, Perlman JM Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews 2002 8 14-19 -
Complete cleft sternum and congenital heart disease: Review of the literature
Shalak L, Kaddoura I, Obeid M, Hashem H, Haidar R, Bitar FF Pediatrics International 2002 44 314-316 -
Differences in brain temperature and cerebral blood flow during selective head versus whole-body cooling
Laptook AR, Shalak L, Corbett RJ Pediatrics 2001 108 1103-1110
Placental inflammatory response and association with the severity of neonatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
- Asphyxia
- Hypothermia
- Neonatal brain injury
Clinical Focus
- Fetal-neonatal neurology
- Neonatal asphyxia
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Children's Medical Center of Dallas
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