- Residency - Aegean University Medical School, Turkey (1976-1980), Radiology
- Internship - Aegean University Medical School, Turkey (1975-1976), Rotating
- Medical School - Aegean University Medical School, Turkey (1969-1976)
- Fellowship - UT Southwestern Medical Center (2003)
- Fellowship - Medical College of Wisconsin (1983-1984)

Zerrin Yetkin, M.D.
- Radiology - Neuroradiology
Zerrin Yetkin, M.D., is an Associate Professor of Radiology at UT Southwestern Medical Center and a member of its Neuroradiology Division.
Dr. Yetkin is an expert in high-end imaging and was a member of the team that pioneered functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and resting-state fMRI at Medical College of Wisconsin. She was recruited to UT Southwestern in 2000 to help establish the system for fMRI, MRI perfusion, MRI spectroscopy, and other high-end imaging and radiology techniques.
Dr. Yetkin earned her medical degree at Aegean University Medical School in Turkey, where she completed a residency in Radiology and worked as a faculty physician. She later completed a neuroradiology fellowship at UT Southwestern Medical Center.
Dr. Yetkin’s current research centers on the application of resting-state fMRI to clinical practice and using fMRI to measure memory dominance.
During her career, Dr. Yetkin has published extensively on the development of and best practices for functional MRI, resting-state fMRI, and neuroradiology.
She is a member of the American Society of Neuroradiology, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Radiological Society of North America, and Society for Neuroscience.
Meet Dr. Yetkin
Neuroradiologist in Dallas
Zerrin Yetkin, M.D., is one of the pioneers of modern neuroradiology imaging technology.
Before joining UT Southwestern, Dr. Yetkin was part of the team at Medical College of Wisconsin that first developed functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and resting-state fMRI. These two high-end imaging techniques revolutionized the field of neuroradiology. The article they published on the concept and imaging technique of resting state fMRI has been fourth among the 100 most-cited articles in neuroimaging.
Since then, resting-state fMRI has grown into its own neuroscience specialty, with more than 80,000 published papers devoted to the topic.
“That’s the beauty of radiology,” Dr. Yetkin says. “Medicine changes with technology, and most of that technology takes place in radiology or interfaces with radiology. That ongoing change makes it a really exciting field.”
Dr. Yetkin came to UT Southwestern in 2000 and established the high-end imaging system for the Radiology Department. UT Southwestern now boasts one of the most comprehensive and sophisticated neuroradiology centers in North Texas.
In her work, Dr. Yetkin focuses primarily on diagnostic imaging. She maps brain function, connections within the brain, and is able to identify tumors, infarctions, signs of epilepsy, and other neurological conditions. To do this, she works closely with patients, walking them through the imaging process and making sure they feel comfortable every step of the way.
Neuroradiology requires great detail, discipline, and technical accuracy. Dr. Yetkin’s services are used by a wide variety of specialties, from neurology and neurosurgery to emergency medicine and orthopedic surgery. She also receives referrals from outside institutions and, occasionally, from nearby states.
Education & Training
Professional Associations & Affiliations
- Society for Neuroscience
- Radiological Society of North America
- Organization for Human Brain Mapping
- International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
- American Society of Neuroradiology
Books & Publications
Functional magnetic resonance imaging of imaging of activation in subcortical auditory pathway.
Yetkin FZ, Roland PS, Mendelsohn DB, Purdy PD Laryngoscope 2004 114 (1) 96-101 -
Evaluation of auditory cortex activation using silent functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Yetkin FZ, Roland PS, Purdy PD, Christensen WF American Journal of Otolaryngology 2003 24(5) 281-289 -
Hypoxia imaging in brain tumors.
Yetkin FZ, Mendelsohn D Neuroimaging Clinics of North America 2002 12(4) 537-552 -
Assessment of auditory cortex activation using functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Ulualp SO, Biswal BB, Yetkin FZ, Kidder TM Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery 2000 122(2) 241-245 -
Functional MR of frontal lobe activation: Comparison with Wada language results.
Yetkin FZ, Swanson S, Fischer M, Akansel G, Morris G, Mueller WM, Haughton VM American Journal of Neuroradiology 1998 19 1095-1098 -
Functional magnetic resonance imaging assessment of the risk of postoperative hemiparesis after excision of cerebral tumors.
Yetkin FZ, Ulmer JL, Mueller W, Cox RW, Klosek MM, Haughton VM International Journal of Neuroradiology 1998 4(4) 253-257 -
Functional MR activation correlated with intraoperative cortical mapping.
Yetkin FZ, Mueller WM, McAuliffe TL, Ulmer JL, Cox RW, Daniels DL, Haughton VM American Journal of Neuroradiology 1997 18 1311-1315 -
Effect of motion outside the field of view on functional MR.
Yetkin FZ, Haughton VM, Cox RW, Hyde J, Birn RM, Wong EC American Journal of Neuroradiology 1996 17 1005-1009 -
A comparison of functional MR activation patterns during silent and audible language tasks.
Yetkin FZ, Mueller WM, Morris GL, Hammeke TA, Haughton VM American Journal of Neuroradiology 1995 16 1087-1092 -
Functional connectivity in the motor cortex of resting human brain using echo-planar MRI.
Biswal B, Yetkin FZ, Haughton VM, Hyde JS Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 1995 34 537-541
Functional magnetic resonance imaging of imaging of activation in subcortical auditory pathway.
- fMRI of Neurologic/Psychiatric Disorders
- fMRI for Preoperative Brain Mapping
- Clinical and Basic Neuroscience Applications of fMRI
- Brain Tumor Perfusion & Oxygenation