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All colon cancer

Does high-fructose corn syrup cause colon cancer? 6 tips for millennials

By 2030, researchers expect up to a 90 percent increase in colon cancer diagnoses in millennials. But why? In this MedBlog, UT Southwestern discusses whether the U.S. food staple high-fructose corn syrup is to blame and offers tips for millennials to reduce their risk. Learn more.

10 years of surviving colon cancer: Charles’ story

Charles Quarton beat colon cancer in 2005. Ten years later, he’s fighting a new battle with lung cancer – but he’s also living life to the fullest.

Incubating Progress: PROSPR/Colon Cancer

The Cancer Center tackles the complex challenge of boosting colon cancer screening among minorities and underserved populations.

Why are doctors diagnosing fewer cases of colon cancer?

Colon cancer diagnoses are decreasing in the United States. UT Southwestern explains the causes. Add your voice –#CallOutCancer today.

What to expect if you have colon cancer

Surgical techniques for colon cancer offer more options than in the past.

8 common myths about colon cancer

Should women get colonoscopies? What about people who aren’t having symptoms? Our cancer doctors explain.