- Residency - Harvard/Brigham and Women's Hospital/Massachusetts General Hospital (2004-2008), Radiation Oncology
- Internship - Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (2003-2004), Internal Medicine
- Medical School - Harvard Medical School (1998-2003)

David Sher, M.D.
Vice Chair of Clinical Operations and Quality, and Medical Director of Radiation Oncology; Chief of Head and Neck Radiation Oncology Service
- Radiation Oncology
- Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer
New Patient Appointment Accepting Virtual Visits or 214-645-8525
David Sher, M.D., M.P.H., Professor, Chief of Head and Neck Radiation Oncology Service, and Vice Chair and Medical Director for Clinical Operations and Quality, graduated summa cum laude from Yale University with a degree in molecular biophysics and biochemistry. He earned his medical degree from Harvard Medical School and additionally completed his residency training at Harvard while concurrently earning a master’s degree in public health.
A board-certified radiation oncologist, Dr. Sher is an active participant in several national committees of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) and is an associate senior editor for the prominent International Journal of Radiation Oncology ● Biology ● Physics. Dr. Sher has extensive experience in the formal teaching of residents, fellows, and post-docs, and has authored numerous papers advancing the field of radiation oncology.
Treating head and neck cancer has been Dr. Sher’s focus since the beginning of his medical career. He additionally has a strong interest in treating patients with stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT), and founded the SBRT program at Dana Farber Cancer Institute / Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
Dr. Sher holds a secondary appointment at UT Southwestern in the Department of Clinical Science’s Division of Outcomes and Health Services Research. In this role, he will lead efforts to further characterize the benefits of different types of radiation treatments, including heavy particle therapy.
In 2019, Dr. Sher was named a Texas Monthly Super Doctor Rising Star.
Meet Dr. Sher
Radiation oncologist in Dallas
David Sher, M.D., leads the team of radiation oncologists who specialize in treating patients with head and neck cancer at UT Southwestern. Head and neck cancer has been a focus for him since his earliest days as a medical resident.
“It’s both challenging and satisfying to work with patients with this type of cancer,” Dr. Sher says. “The anatomy of the head and neck is very complicated – everything is interrelated. Because of this, there is a high priority on both treatment planning and on patient symptom management.”
Successful treatment of head and neck cancer, he explains, requires close collaboration between a team of professionals, such as nurses and dosimetrists, to deliver treatment.
“It’s really a village with each person contributing their specialized skills to benefit the patient,” Dr. Sher says. “Working with this team is one of the most enjoyable aspects of treating head and neck cancer, when we all function together to bring about the best results possible.
“Likewise, patients with head and neck cancer should know when they decide to have treatment here that they are joining a team that is here solely for them. I encourage patients to communicate with their team – it’s important for us to have their feedback on how treatment is going for them so we can make adjustments as needed.”
“No two cases of head and neck cancer are the same,” Dr. Sher says. “Often a combination of different treatments is required, and we are fortunate at UT Southwestern to have all the tools in the toolbox to be able to select the right modality – or combination of modalities – to deliver optimal results.”
Education & Training
Honors & Awards
- Texas Super Doctors 2021
- Texas Super Doctors, Rising Star 2019
- Texas Super Doctors, Rising Star 2018
Books & Publications
Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy for T1 to T2 Glottic Larynx Cancer: Mature Results From the Phase 2 GLoTtic Larynx-SABR Trial
Sher DJ, Avkshtol V, Moon D, Vo D, Mau T, Childs L, Lin MH, Dubas J, Ahn C, Sumer BD International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2025 Jan 121 137-144 -
Considerations in screening for asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis in irradiated head and neck cancer survivors
Day AT, Mitchell DN, Eary RL, Jones E, Pinho MC, Zaha VG, Yang EH, Sher DJ Cancer 2025 Jan 131 -
International Recommendations on Postoperative Management for Potentially Resectable Locally Recurrent Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Li JS, Blanchard P, Wong CH, Ahn YC, Bonomo P, Bresson D, Caudell J, Chen MY, Chow VL, Chua ML, Corry J, Dupin C, Giralt J, Hu CS, Kwong DL, Le QT, Lee AW, Lee NY, Li YZ, Lim CM, Lin JC, Mendenhall WM, Moya-Plana A, O'Sullivan B, Ozyar E, Pan JJ, Qiu QH, Sher DJ, Snyderman CH, Tao YG, Tsang RK, Wang XS, Wu PA, Yom SS, Ng WT International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2024 Dec 120 1294-1306 -
Mitigating Risks in Cone Beam Computed Tomography Guided Online Adaptive Radiation Therapy: A Preventative Reference Planning Review Approach
Rahman M, Iqbal Z, Parsons D, Salazar D, Visak J, Zhong X, Wang S, Stanley D, Godley A, Cai B, Sher D, Lin MH Advances in Radiation Oncology 2024 Nov 9 -
Radiation Therapy for HPV-Positive Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: An ASTRO Clinical Practice Guideline
Margalit DN, Anker CJ, Aristophanous M, Awan M, Bajaj GK, Bradfield L, Califano J, Caudell JJ, Chapman CH, Garden AS, Harari PM, Helms A, Lin A, Maghami E, Mehra R, Parker L, Shnayder Y, Spencer S, Swiecicki PL, Tsai JC, Sher DJ Practical Radiation Oncology 2024 Sep 14 398-425 -
In silico evaluation and feasibility of near margin-less head and neck daily adaptive radiotherapy
Dohopolski M, Visak J, Choi B, Meng B, Parsons D, Zhong X, Inam E, Avkshtol V, Moon D, Sher D, Lin MH Radiotherapy and Oncology 2024 Aug 197 -
Target Delineation in Postoperative Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer After Flap Reconstruction
Chen XS, Sher DJ, Sullivan CB, Repka MC, Shen CJ, Chera B Practical Radiation Oncology 2024 Jul 14 328-333 -
Assessing population-based to personalized planning strategies for head and neck adaptive radiotherapy
Visak J, Liao CY, Zhong X, Wang B, Domal S, Wang HJ, Maniscalco A, Pompos A, Nyguen D, Parsons D, Godley A, Lu W, Jiang S, Moon D, Sher D, Lin MH Journal of applied clinical medical physics 2024 -
In Silico Analysis of Adjuvant Head and Neck Online Adaptive Radiation Therapy
All S, Zhong X, Choi B, Kim JS, Zhuang T, Avkshtol V, Sher D, Lin MH, Moon DH Advances in Radiation Oncology 2024 Jan 9 -
HYPORT: Phase 1 Study of 3-Week Hypofractionated Postoperative Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Moon DH, Avkshtol V, Vo D, Ahn C, Sumer B, Day AT, Tillman B, Myers L, Truelson J, Sher DJ International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2024 Jan 118 157-164 -
Financial Toxicity and Quality-of-Life Outcomes on a Phase 1 5-fraction Stereotactic Partial Breast Irradiation Protocol for Early-Stage Breast Cancer
Simmons A, Sher D, Kim DD, Leitch M, Wooldridge R, Goudreau S, Seiler S, Neufeld S, Stein M, Albuquerque K, Spangler A, Heinzerling J, Garwood D, Stevenson S, Ahn C, Ding C, Timmerman RD, Rahimi A Practical Radiation Oncology 2024 -
Impact of Manual Contour Editing on Plan Quality for Online Adaptive Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer
Wang S, Liao CY, Choi B, All S, Bai T, Visak J, Moon D, Pompos A, Avkshtol V, Parsons D, Godley A, Sher D, Lin MH Practical Radiation Oncology 2024 -
Nodal Yield From Neck Dissection Predicts the Anti-Tumor Immune Response in Head and Neck Cancers
Chen S, Pyne JM, Liu Y, Abraham Y, Wen Z, Palsgrove D, Xiao G, Truelson J, Myers L, Tillman B, Day A, Gordin E, Stankova L, Xie Y, Sher D, Bishop J, Gao J, Sumer BD Head and Neck 2024 -
Efficacy and Quality-of-Life Following Involved Nodal Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: The INRT-AIR Phase II Clinical Trial
Sher DJ, Moon DH, Vo D, Wang J, Chen L, Dohopolski M, Hughes R, Sumer BD, Ahn C, Avkshtol V Clinical Cancer Research 2023 Sep 29 3284-3291 -
Early Experience of Online Adaptive Radiation Therapy for Definitive Radiation of Patients With Head and Neck Cancer
Avkshtol V, Meng B, Shen C, Choi BS, Okoroafor C, Moon D, Sher D, Lin MH Advances in Radiation Oncology 2023 Sep 8 -
Long-term Patient-Reported Outcomes in a Population-Based Cohort Following Radiotherapy vs Surgery for Oropharyngeal Cancer
Dohopolski MJ, Diao K, Hutcheson KA, Akhave NS, Goepfert RP, He W, Lei XJ, Peterson SK, Shen Y, Sumer BD, Smith BD, Sher DJ JAMA Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 2023 Aug 149 697-707 -
Preliminary Evaluation of PTV Margins for Online Adaptive Radiation Therapy of the Prostatic Fossa
Morgan HE, Wang K, Yan Y, Desai N, Hannan R, Chambers E, Cai B, Lin MH, Sher DJ, Wang J, Wang AZ, Jiang S, Timmerman R, Park C“, Garant A Practical Radiation Oncology 2023 Jul 13 e345-e353 -
PREVLAR: Phase 2a Randomized Trial to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of RRx-001 in the Attenuation of Oral Mucositis in Patients Receiving Head and Neck Chemoradiotherapy
Bonomi M, Blakaj DM, Kabarriti R, Colvett K, Takiar V, Biagioli M, Bar-Ad V, Goyal S, Muzyka B, Niermann K, Abrouk N, Oronsky B, Reid T, Caroen S, Sonis S, Sher DJ International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2023 Jul 116 551-559 -
Evaluating machine learning enhanced intelligent-optimization-engine (IOE) performance for ethos head-and-neck (HN) plan generation
Visak J, Inam E, Meng B, Wang S, Parsons D, Nyugen D, Zhang T, Moon D, Avkshtol V, Jiang S, Sher D, Lin MH Journal of applied clinical medical physics 2023 Jul 24 -
ARMO: automated and reliable multi-objective model for lymph node metastasis prediction in head and neck cancer
Zhou Z, Chen L, Dohopolski M, Sher D, Wang J Physics in medicine and biology 2023 May 68 -
Patient-Reported Financial Toxicity in a Population-Based Cohort of Oropharynx Cancer Survivors
Diao K, Lei X, Smith GL, Jagsi R, Peterson SE, Sumer BD, Smith BD, Sher DJ International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2023 May 116 142-153 -
Adherence to the American Cancer Society Head and Neck Cancer Survivorship Care Guideline According to Chart Review: A Nested Retrospective Cohort Pilot Study
Salley JR, Day AT, Balachandra S, Mehr J, Sumer BD, Sher DJ, Mayfield Arnold E, Danphuong Ho E, Lee SC, Eary R Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology 2023 May 132 481-491 -
Artificial intelligence guided physician directive improves head and neck planning quality and practice Uniformity: A prospective study
Mashayekhi M, McBeth R, Nguyen D, Yen A, Trivedi Z, Moon D, Avkshtol V, Vo D, Sher D, Jiang S, Lin MH Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology 2023 May 40 -
Towards reliable head and neck cancers locoregional recurrence prediction using delta-radiomics and learning with rejection option
Wang K, Dohopolski M, Zhang Q, Sher D, Wang J Medical physics 2023 Apr 50 2212-2223 -
Expert Consensus Statement: Management of Dysphagia in Head and Neck Cancer Patients
Kuhn MA, Gillespie MB, Ishman SL, Ishii LE, Brody R, Cohen E, Dhar SI, Hutcheson K, Jefferson G, Johnson F, Rameau A, Sher D, Starmer H, Strohl M, Ulmer K, Vaitaitis V, Begum S, Batjargal M, Dhepyasuwan N Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (United States) 2023 Apr 168 571-592 -
Case study: Lymph node malignancy classification for head and neck cancer radiation therapy
Wang J, Chen L, Dohopolski M, Sher D 2023 Jan 401-423 -
Patient-Reported Outcomes After Unilateral Treatment for Human Papillomavirus–Associated Tonsillar Cancer: Overrated or Still Overtreated?
Sherer MV, Sher DJ International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2023 Jan 115 189-191 -
Multimodality Treatment of Stage IIIA/N2 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: When YES to Surgery
All S, Sher DJ 2023 533-545 -
Artificial Intelligence–Empowered Radiation Oncology Residency Education
Kwon YS, Dohopolski M, Morgan H, Garant A, Sher D, Rahimi A, Sanford NN, Vo D, Albuquerque K, Kumar K, Timmerman R, Jiang SB Practical Radiation Oncology 2023 Jan 13 8-10 -
The Cost-Effectiveness of Consolidative Radiation Therapy in Oligometastatic Disease: High-Value Proposition or Wishful Thinking?
Sher DJ, Chen RC International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2022 Dec 114 824-826 -
3D printed integrated bolus/headrest for radiation therapy for malignancies involving the posterior scalp and neck
Hsu EJ, Parsons D, Chiu T, Godley AR, Sher DJ, Vo DT 3D Printing in Medicine 2022 Dec 8 -
Stereotactic Ablative Radiation for Systemic Therapy-naïve Oligometastatic Kidney Cancer
Hannan R, Christensen M, Christie A, Garant A, Pedrosa I, Robles L, Mannala S, Wang C, Hammers H, Arafat W, Courtney K, Bowman IA, Sher D, Ahn C, Cole S, Choy H, Timmerman R, Brugarolas J European Urology Oncology 2022 Dec 5 695-703 -
Veterans Affairs Radiation Oncology Quality Surveillance Program and American Society for Radiation Oncology Quality Measures Initiative
Park J, Puckett LL, Katsoulakis E, Venkatesulu BP, Kujundzic K, Solanki AA, Movsas B, Simone CB, Sandler H, Lawton CA, Das P, Wo JY, Buchholz TA, Fisher CM, Harrison LB, Sher DJ, Kapoor R, Chapman CH, Dawes S, Kudner R, Wilson E, Hagan M, Palta J, Kelly MD Practical Radiation Oncology 2022 Nov 12 468-474 -
Oligometastasis in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Moon DH, Sher DJ International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2022 Nov 114 803-811 -
Characteristics and outcomes of young patients with laryngeal cancer: National hospital-based retrospective cohort analysis
Yang A, Tanamal P, Tibbetts K, Sumer B, Blackwell JM, Schostag K, Sher D, Day A Head and Neck 2022 Oct 44 2095-2108 -
Advances in Automated Treatment Planning
Nguyen D, Lin MH, Sher D, Lu W, Jia X, Jiang S Seminars in Radiation Oncology 2022 Oct 32 343-350 -
Predicting local persistence/recurrence after radiation therapy for head and neck cancer from PET/CT using a multi-objective, multi-classifier radiomics model
Zhang Q, Wang K, Zhou Z, Qin G, Wang L, Li P, Sher D, Jiang S, Wang J Frontiers in Oncology 2022 Sep 12 -
A Proof-of-Concept Study of Artificial Intelligence– assisted Contour Editing
Bai T, Balagopal A, Dohopolski M, Morgan HE, McBeth R, Tan J, Lin MH, Sher DJ, Nguyen D, Jiang S Radiology: Artificial Intelligence 2022 Sep 4 -
Consensus Quality Measures and Dose Constraints for Head and Neck Cancer with an emphasis on Oropharyngeal and Laryngeal Cancer from the Veterans Affairs Radiation Oncology Quality Surveillance Program and American Society for Radiation Oncology Expert Panel
Katsoulakis E, Kudner R, Chapman C, Park J, Puckett L, Solanki A, Kapoor R, Hagan M, Kelly M, Palta J, Tishler R, Hitchcock Y, Chera B, Feygelman V, Walker G, Sher D, Kujundzic K, Wilson E, Dawes S, Yom SS, Harrison L Practical Radiation Oncology 2022 Sep 12 409-423 -
Smoking and other patient factors in HPV-mediated oropharynx cancer: A retrospective cohort study
Schostag K, Lynch PT, Leavitt T, Sumer BD, Yang A, Shah A, Emmet TR, Sher DJ, Day A American Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Medicine and Surgery 2022 Sep 43 -
T Stage and Pretreatment Standardized Uptake Values Predict Tumor Recurrence With 5-Fraction SABR in Early-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Hsu EJ, Mendel JT, Ward KA, El-Ashmawy M, Lee M, Choy H, Westover KD, Vo D, Timmerman RD, Sher DJ, Iyengar P Advances in Radiation Oncology 2022 Sep 7 -
Long-term opioid use in patients treated with head and neck intensity-modulated radiotherapy
Zhao L, Moon DH, Avkshtol V, Siropaides CH, Terauchi S, Day AT, Sumer BD, Hughes R, Sher DJ Supportive Care in Cancer 2022 Sep 30 7517-7525 -
Registration-guided deep learning image segmentation for cone beam CT–based online adaptive radiotherapy
Ma L, Chi W, Morgan HE, Lin MH, Chen M, Sher D, Moon D, Vo D, Avkshtol V, Lu W, Gu X Medical physics 2022 Aug 49 5304-5316 -
Locoregional recurrence prediction in head and neck cancer based on multi-modality and multi-view feature expansion
Wang R, Guo J, Zhou Z, Wang K, Gou S, Xu R, Sher D, Wang J Physics in medicine and biology 2022 Jun 67 -
Use of deep learning to predict the need for aggressive nutritional supplementation during head and neck radiotherapy
Dohopolski M, Wang K, Morgan H, Sher D, Wang J Radiotherapy and Oncology 2022 Jun 171 129-138 -
Survival and disease progression following solitary locoregional recurrence after head and neck radiotherapy
Zhao L, Day AT, Moon D, Avkshtol V, Sumer BD, Hughes R, Sher DJ Head and Neck 2022 May 44 1153-1163 -
Phase II Trial of Stereotactic Ablative Radiation for Oligoprogressive Metastatic Kidney Cancer
Hannan R, Christensen M, Hammers H, Christie A, Paulman B, Lin D, Garant A, Arafat W, Courtney K, Bowman I, Cole S, Sher D, Ahn C, Choy H, Timmerman R, Brugarolas J European Urology Oncology 2022 Apr 5 216-224 -
PET/CT: Radiation Therapy Planning in Head and Neck Cancer
Eraj S, Sher DJ PET Clinics 2022 Apr 17 297-305 -
Head and Neck Cancers, Version 1.2022 Featured Updates to the NCCN Guidelines
Caudell JJ, Gillison ML, Maghami E, Spencer S, Pfister DG, Adkins D, Birkeland AC, Brizel DM, Busse PM, Cmelak AJ, Colevas AD, Eisele DW, Galloway T, Geiger JL, Haddad RI, Hicks WL, Hitchcock YJ, Jimeno A, Leizman D, Mell LK, Mittal BB, Pinto HA, Rocco JW, Rodriguez CP, Savvides PS, Schwartz D, Shah JP, Sher D, St. John M, Weber RS, Weinstein G, Worden F, Bruce JY, Yom SS, Zhen W, Burns JL, Darlow SD JNCCN Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network 2022 Mar 20 225-234 -
Substance use and mental health burden in head and neck and other cancer survivors: A National Health Interview Survey analysis
Balachandra S, Eary RL, Lee R, Wynings EM, Sher DJ, Sura T, Liu Y, Tillman BN, Sumer BD, Arnold E, Tiro JA, Lee SC, Day AT Cancer 2022 Jan 128 112-121 -
Fifty Shades of GyE: Interpreting the Cost-Effectiveness of Proton Beam Therapy for Mediastinal Hodgkin Lymphoma
Sher DJ International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2022 Jan 112 167-168 -
Reirradiation for Head and Neck Cancer
Avkshtol V, Sher DJ 2022 Jan 153-172 -
Pilot Study of a Wearable Activity Monitor during Head and Neck Radiotherapy to Predict Clinical Outcomes
Sher DJ, Radpour S, Shah JL, Pham NL, Jiang S, Vo D, Sumer BD, Day AT JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics 2022 6 -
Exploratory ensemble interpretable model for predicting local failure in head and neck cancer: The additive benefit of CT and intra-treatment cone-beam computed tomography features
Morgan HE, Wang K, Dohopolski M, Liang X, Folkert MR, Sher DJ, Wang J Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery 2021 Dec 11 4781-4796 -
High-Risk Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck: A Clinical Review
Yan F, Tillman BN, Nijhawan RI, Srivastava D, Sher DJ, Avkshtol V, Homsi J, Bishop JA, Wynings EM, Lee R, Myers LL, Day AT Annals of Surgical Oncology 2021 Dec 28 9009-9030 -
Prognostic impact of matted lymphadenopathy in patients with oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma treated with definitive chemoradiotherapy
Burningham K, Moore W, Moon D, Avkshtol V, Day AT, Sumer B, Vo D, Bishop JA, Hughes R, Sher DJ Oral Oncology 2021 Dec 123 -
Institutional patterns of head and neck oncology care during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic: A retrospective, pooled cross-sectional analysis
Shah A, Sumer BD, Schostag K, Balachandra S, Sher DJ, Gordin EA, Day AT Oral Oncology 2021 Nov 122 -
¡Aviso, Médicos!: The Effect of Direct Patient-Doctor Communication Cannot Be Overlooked
Mailhot Vega RB, Sher DJ International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2021 Nov 111 865-866 -
Extracapsular extension, pathologic node status, and adjuvant treatment in primary surgery patients with human papillomavirus-mediated oropharyngeal cancer: National hospital-based retrospective cohort analysis
Day AT, Yang AM, Tanamal P, Blackwell JM, Wang E, Sumer BD, Bishop JA, Hughes RS, Khan SA, Sher DJ Head and Neck 2021 Nov 43 3345-3363 -
Recommendations for postoperative radiotherapy in head & neck squamous cell carcinoma in the presence of flaps: A GORTEC internationally-reviewed HNCIG-endorsed consensus
Carsuzaa F, Lapeyre M, Gregoire V, Maingon P, Beddok A, Marcy PY, Salleron J, Coutte A, Racadot S, Pointreau Y, Graff P, Beadle B, Benezery K, Biau J, Calugaru V, Castelli J, Chua M, Di Rito A, Dore M, Ghadjar P, Huguet F, Jardel P, Johansen J, Kimple R, Krengli M, Laskar S, Mcdowell L, Nichols A, tribius S, Valduvieco I, Hu C, Liem X, Moya-Plana A, D'onofrio I, Parvathaneni U, Takiar V, Orlandi E, Psyrri A, Shenouda G, Sher D, Steuer C, Shan Sun X, Tao Y, Thomson D, Tsai MH, Vulquin N, Gorphe P, Mehanna H, Yom SS, Bourhis J, Thariat J Radiotherapy and Oncology 2021 Jul 160 140-147 -
Attention Guided Lymph Node Malignancy Prediction in Head and Neck Cancer
Chen L, Dohopolski M, Zhou Z, Wang K, Wang R, Sher D, Wang J International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2021 Jul 110 1171-1179 -
Factors Associated with Lymph Node Count in Mucosal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Neck Dissection
Bhalli H, Chen S, Day A, Tillman B, Gordin E, Truelson J, Sher D, Myers L, Gao J, Sumer BD Laryngoscope 2021 Jul 131 1516-1521 -
Prospective study of artificial intelligence-based decision support to improve head and neck radiotherapy plan quality
Sher DJ, Godley A, Park Y, Carpenter C, Nash M, Hesami H, Zhong X, Lin MH Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology 2021 Jul 29 65-70 -
NUT Carcinoma in a Patient with Unusually Long Survival and False Negative FISH Results
McLean-Holden AC, Moore SA, Gagan J, French CA, Sher D, Truelson JM, Bishop JA Head and Neck Pathology 2021 Jun 15 698-703 -
Discovery of RRx-001, a Myc and CD47 Downregulating Small Molecule with Tumor Targeted Cytotoxicity and Healthy Tissue Cytoprotective Properties in Clinical Development
Oronsky B, Guo X, Wang X, Cabrales P, Sher D, Cannizzo L, Wardle B, Abrouk N, Lybeck M, Caroen S, Oronsky A, Reid TR Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2021 Jun 64 7261-7271 -
Prospective Phase 2 Study of Radiation Therapy Dose and Volume De-escalation for Elective Neck Treatment of Oropharyngeal and Laryngeal Cancer
Sher DJ, Pham NL, Shah JL, Sen N, Williams KA, Subramaniam RM, Moore W, Chorley R, Ahn C, Khan SM International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2021 Mar 109 932-940 -
Comparative cost analysis between definitive radiotherapy and transoral surgery for oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: A SEER-Medicare analysis
Sher DJ, Yan J, Day AT, Khan S, Zhu H Oral Oncology 2021 Jan 112 -
Survivin expression and impact on head and neck cancer outcomes
Khan SA, Burke M, Zhu F, Yang DH, Dubyk C, Mehra R, Lango MJ, Ridge JA, Sher DJ, Burtness B Oral Oncology 2021 Jan 112 -
Cross-Sectional International Survey to Determine the Educational Interests of Spanish-Speaking Latin American Radiation Oncologists
Mailhot Vega RB, de la Mata D, Amendola B, Li B, Poitevin A, Sarria G, Sole S, Sher DJ, Hardenbergh P Journal of Global Oncology 2021 7 29-34 -
The Evolution and Future of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Clinical Practice Guidelines: A Report From the ASTRO Methodology Work Group on Behalf of the Guideline Subcommittee
Zaky S, Cabrera AR, Bradfield L, Harkenrider MM, Kruser TJ, Sher DJ, Simone CB, Smith G, Petit J Practical Radiation Oncology 2021 Jan 11 30-34 -
Surface guided motion management in glottic larynx stereotactic body radiation therapy
Zhao B, Park YK, Gu X, Reynolds Jr. RR, Timmerman R, Sher DJ Radiotherapy and Oncology 2020 Dec 153 236-242 -
Predicting lymph node metastasis in patients with oropharyngeal cancer by using a convolutional neural network with associated epistemic and aleatoric uncertainty
Dohopolski M, Chen L, Sher D, Wang J Physics in medicine and biology 2020 Nov 65 -
Radiation Fractionation Schedules Published During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review of the Quality of Evidence and Recommendations for Future Development
Thomson DJ, Yom SS, Saeed H, El Naqa I, Ballas L, Bentzen SM, Chao ST, Choudhury A, Coles CE, Dover L, Guadagnolo BA, Guckenberger M, Hoskin P, Jabbour SK, Katz MS, Mukherjee S, Rembielak A, Sebag-Montefiore D, Sher DJ, Terezakis SA, Thomas TV, Vogel J, Estes C International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2020 Oct 108 379-389 -
Recent Trends and Overall Survival of Young Versus Older Adults with Stage II to III Rectal Cancer Treated with and without Surgery in the United States, 2010-2015
Sanford NN, Dee EC, Ahn C, Kazmi SA, Beg MS, Folkert MR, Aguilera TA, Polanco PM, Pogacnik JS, Sher DJ American Journal of Clinical Oncology: Cancer Clinical Trials 2020 Oct 43 694-700 -
A multi-objective radiomics model for the prediction of locoregional recurrence in head and neck squamous cell cancer
Wang K, Zhou Z, Wang R, Chen L, Zhang Q, Sher D, Wang J Medical physics 2020 Oct 47 5392-5400 -
An Ounce of Prevention and a Pound of Cure: Randomized Clinical Trials of Therapeutics Against COVID-19 and an Assessment of Personal Protective Equipment and Distancing
Sher DJ International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2020 Oct 108 333-336 -
Multifaceted radiomics for distant metastasis prediction in head & neck cancer
Zhou Z, Wang K, Folkert M, Liu H, Jiang S, Sher D, Wang J Physics in medicine and biology 2020 Aug 65 -
Stage-specific Conditional Survival among Young (Age below 50 y) Versus Older (Age 50 y and Above) Adults with Colorectal Cancer in the United States
Sanford NN, Ahn C, Beg MS, Sanjeevaiah A, Kazmi SA, Folkert MR, Aguilera TA, Sher DJ American Journal of Clinical Oncology: Cancer Clinical Trials 2020 Jul 43 526-530 -
Head and neck oncology during the COVID-19 pandemic: Reconsidering traditional treatment paradigms in light of new surgical and other multilevel risks
Day AT, Sher DJ, Lee RC, Truelson JM, Myers LL, Sumer BD, Stankova L, Tillman BN, Hughes RS, Khan SA, Gordin EA Oral Oncology 2020 Jun 105 -
TGF-beta: a master immune regulator
Larson C, Oronsky B, Carter CA, Oronsky A, Knox SJ, Sher D, Reid TR Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets 2020 May 24 427-438 -
Diagnosis and Management of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Unknown Primary in the Head and Neck: ASCO Guideline
Maghami E, Ismaila N, Alvarez A, Chernock R, Duvvuri U, Geiger J, Gross N, Haughey B, Paul D, Rodriguez C, Sher D, Stambuk HE, Waldron J, Witek M, Caudell J Journal of Clinical Oncology 2020 Apr 38 2570-2596 -
Unique Patterns of Distant Metastases in HPV-Positive Head and Neck Cancer
Sacks R, Law JY, Zhu H, Beg MS, Gerber DE, Sumer BD, Myers LL, Truelson JM, Nedzi L, Sher D, Hughes RS, Khan SA Oncology (Switzerland) 2020 Feb 98 179-185 -
Cost effectiveness of DCISionRT for guiding treatment of ductal carcinoma in situ
Raldow AC, Sher D, Chen AB, Punglia RS JNCI Cancer Spectrum 2020 4 -
Alcohol use among patients with cancer and survivors in the United States, 2000–2017
Sanford NN, Sher DJ, Xu X, Ahn C, D’Amico AV, Aizer AA, Mahal BA JNCCN Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network 2020 18 69-79 -
In Reply to Mendenhall et al
Sher DJ, Timmerman RD, Nedzi LA, Ding C, Pham NL, Zhao B, Sumer BD International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2020 Jan 106 221 -
Head and neck neuroendocrine tumors at a single institution over 15 years
Bacalao M, Beg MS, Cavuoti DC, Zhu H, Sumer B, Myers L, Truelson J, Nedzi LA, Sher D, Hughes R, Khan S Clinical Case Reports 2019 Dec 7 2508-2512 -
Financial Toxicity and Cancer Therapy: A Primer for Radiation Oncologists
Schroeder SR, Agusala V, Sher DJ Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America 2019 Dec 33 1117-1128 -
Prevalence of chronic pain among cancer survivors in the United States, 2010-2017
Sanford NN, Sher DJ, Butler SS, Xu X, Ahn C, Aizer AA, Mahal BA Cancer 2019 Dec 125 4310-4318 -
Benchmarking techniques for stereotactic body radiotherapy for early-stage glottic laryngeal cancer: LINAC-based non-coplanar VMAT vs. Cyberknife planning
Zhang Y, Chiu T, Dubas J, Tian Z, Lee P, Gu X, Yan Y, Sher D, Timmerman R, Zhao B Radiation Oncology 2019 Nov 14 -
Phase 1 Fractional Dose-Escalation Study of Equipotent Stereotactic Radiation Therapy Regimens for Early-Stage Glottic Larynx Cancer
Sher DJ, Timmerman RD, Nedzi L, Ding C, Pham NL, Zhao B, Sumer BD International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2019 Sep 105 110-118 -
Management of the neck in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity and oropharynx: ASCO clinical practice guideline
Koyfman SA, Ismaila N, Crook D, D'Cruz A, Rodriguez CP, Sher DJ, Silbermins D, Sturgis EM, Tsue TT, Weiss J, Yom SS, Christopher Holsinger F Journal of Clinical Oncology 2019 Jul 37 1753-1774 -
Corrigendum to “Adjuvant chemotherapy following stereotactic body radiotherapy for early stage non-small-cell lung cancer is associated with lower overall survival: A National Cancer Database Analysis” [Lung Cancer, Volume 130 (April)(2019)162–168](S0169500219303393)(10.1016/j.lungcan.2019.02.023)
Foster CC, Rusthoven CG, Sher DJ, Feldman L, Pasquinelli M, Spiotto MT, Koshy M Lung Cancer 2019 Jun 132 159 -
Unique mutation patterns in anaplastic thyroid cancer identified by comprehensive genomic profiling
Khan SA, Ci B, Xie Y, Gerber DE, Beg MS, Sherman SI, Cabanillas ME, Busaidy NL, Burtness BA, Heilmann AM, Bailey M, Ross JS, Sher DJ, Ali SM Head and Neck 2019 Jun 41 1928-1934 -
Prevalence and Nondisclosure of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use in Patients with Cancer and Cancer Survivors in the United States
Sanford NN, Sher DJ, Ahn C, Aizer AA, Mahal BA JAMA Oncology 2019 May 5 735-737 -
Reliable lymph node metastasis prediction in head neck cancer through automated multi-objective model
Zhou Z, Dohopolski M, Chen L, Chen X, Jiang S, Sher D, Wang J 2019 May -
Cancer Screening Patterns Among Current, Former, and Never Smokers in the United States, 2010-2015
Sanford NN, Sher DJ, Butler S, Xu X, Ahn C, D'Amico AV, Rebbeck T, Aizer AA, Mahal BA JAMA network open 2019 May 2 e193759 -
Timing and impact of posttreatment PET/CT after first 6 months on patient management and outcomes in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma
You H, Xi Y, Moore W, Sher D, Sanli Y, Subramaniam RM American Journal of Roentgenology 2019 May 212 1142-1147 -
Risk of Unplanned Hospital Encounters in Patients Treated With Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Moore ZR, Pham NL, Shah JL, Nedzi L, Sumer BD, Day AT, Khan SA, Sher DJ Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2019 Apr 57 738-745.e3 -
Automated Text Message Reminders Improve Radiation Therapy Compliance
Tan J, Christie A, Montalvo SK, Wallace C, Yan Y, Folkerts M, Yingling A, Sher D, Choy H, Jiang S, Westover KD International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2019 Apr 103 1045-1052 -
IMRT-based treatment of unknown primary malignancy of the head and neck: Outcomes and improved toxicity with decreased mucosal dose and larynx sparing
LaVigne AW, Margalit DN, Rawal B, Puzanov M, Annino DJ, Goguen LA, Sher DJ, Schoenfeld JD, Chau NG, Lorch JH, Rabinowits G, Haddad RI, Tishler RB Head and Neck 2019 Apr 41 959-966 -
Adjuvant chemotherapy following stereotactic body radiotherapy for early stage non-small-cell lung cancer is associated with lower overall: A National Cancer Database Analysis
Foster CC, Rusthoven CG, Sher DJ, Feldman L, Pasquinelli M, Spiotto MT, Koshy M Lung Cancer 2019 Apr 130 162-168 -
Combining many-objective radiomics and 3D convolutional neural network through evidential reasoning to predict lymph node metastasis in head and neck cancer
Chen L, Zhou Z, Sher D, Zhang Q, Shah J, Pham NL, Jiang S, Wang J Physics in medicine and biology 2019 Mar 64 -
Trends in Smoking and e-Cigarette Use among US Patients with Cancer, 2014-2017
Sanford NN, Sher DJ, Xu X, Aizer AA, Mahal BA JAMA Oncology 2019 Mar 5 426-428 -
Association between treatment delays and oncologic outcome in patients treated with surgery and radiotherapy for head and neck cancer
Tumati V, Hoang L, Sumer BD, Truelson JM, Myers LL, Khan S, Hughes RS, Nedzi LA, Sher DJ Head and Neck 2019 Feb 41 315-321 -
3D radiotherapy dose prediction on head and neck cancer patients with a hierarchically densely connected U-net deep learning architecture
Nguyen D, Jia X, Sher D, Lin MH, Iqbal Z, Liu H, Jiang S Physics in medicine and biology 2019 64 -
Overall survival according to immunotherapy and radiation treatment for metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer: A National Cancer Database analysis
Foster CC, Sher DJ, Rusthoven CG, Verma V, Spiotto MT, Weichselbaum RR, Koshy M Radiation Oncology 2019 Jan 14 -
Comparative effectiveness of primary radiotherapy versus surgery in elderly patients with locally advanced oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma
Sher DJ, Yan J, Day A, Sumer BD, Pham NL, Khan S, Zhu H Oral Oncology 2019 Jan 88 18-26 -
Sociodemographic disparities in the receipt of adjuvant chemotherapy among patients with resected stage I-III pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Sanford NN, Aguilera TA, Folkert MR, Ahn C, Mahal BA, Zeh H, Beg MS, Mansour J, Sher DJ JNCCN Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network 2019 17 1292-1300 -
Commercial Claims-Based Comparison of Survival and Toxic Effects of Definitive Radiotherapy vs Primary Surgery in Patients with Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Sher DJ, Agiro A, Zhou S, Day AT, Devries A JAMA Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 2018 Oct 144 913-922 -
Impact of concurrent medication use on pancreatic cancer survival-EER-medicare analysis
Beg MS, Gupta A, Sher D, Ali S, Khan S, Gao A, Stewart T, Ahn C, Berry J, Mortensen EM American Journal of Clinical Oncology: Cancer Clinical Trials 2018 Aug 41 766-771 -
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Versus Proton Therapy for Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Sher DJ, Tishler RB, Pham NL, Punglia RS International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2018 Jul 101 875-882 -
Malignant Peritoneal Mesothelioma: National Practice Patterns, Outcomes, and Predictors of Survival
Verma V, Sleightholm RL, Rusthoven CG, Koshy M, Sher DJ, Grover S, Simone CB Annals of Surgical Oncology 2018 Jul 25 2018-2026 -
Response to ASTRO consensus guideline for oropharyngeal cancer: In Regard to Walker et al
Sher DJ, Adelstein DJ, Bajaj GK, Brizel DM, Cohen EE, Halthore A, Harrison LB, Lu C, Moeller BJ, Quon H, Rocco JW, Sturgis EM, Tishler RB, Trotti A, Waldron J, Eisbruch A Practical Radiation Oncology 2018 May 8 e185-e186 -
Three-dimensional printer-aided casting of soft, custom silicone boluses (SCSBs) for head and neck radiation therapy
Chiu T, Tan J, Brenner M, Gu X, Yang M, Westover K, Strom T, Sher D, Jiang S, Zhao B Practical Radiation Oncology 2018 May 8 e167-e174 -
Post-treatment mortality after surgery and stereotactic body radiotherapy for early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer
Stokes WA, Bronsert MR, Meguid RA, Blum MG, Jones BL, Koshy M, Sher DJ, Louie AV, Palma DA, Senan S, Gaspar LE, Kavanagh BD, Rusthoven CG Journal of Clinical Oncology 2018 Mar 36 642-651 -
Prevalence and survival impact of pretreatment cancer-associated weight loss: A tool for guiding early palliative care
Gannavarapu BS, Lau SK, Carter K, Cannon NA, Gao A, Ahn C, Meyer JJ, Sher DJ, Jatoi A, Infante R, Iyengar P Journal of oncology practice 2018 Feb 14 e238-e250 -
Impact of socioeconomic status on pretreatment weight loss and survival in non–small-cell lung cancer
Lau SK, Gannavarapu BS, Carter K, Gao A, Ahn C, Meyer JJ, Sher DJ, Jatoi A, Infante R, Iyengar P Journal of oncology practice 2018 Feb 14 237-e220 -
Risk of contralateral nodal failure following ipsilateral IMRT for node-positive tonsillar cancer
Gottumukkala S, Pham NL, Sumer B, Myers L, Truelson J, Nedzi L, Khan S, Hughes R, Sher DJ Oral Oncology 2017 Dec 75 35-38 -
Reply to Tumor localization may change the type of adjuvant treatment in gastric cancer
Stumpf PK, Amini A, Jones BL, Koshy M, Sher DJ, Lieu CH, Schefter TE, Goodman KA, Rusthoven CG Cancer 2017 Dec 123 4737-4738 -
Association between hospital volume and receipt of treatment and survival in patients with glioblastoma
Koshy M, Sher DJ, Spiotto M, Husain Z, Engelhard H, Slavin K, Nicholas MK, Weichselbaum RR, Rusthoven C Journal of Neuro-Oncology 2017 Dec 135 529-534 -
Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for stage III non-small cell lung cancer
Sher DJ Frontiers in Oncology 2017 Dec 7 -
David sher on the updated astro guidelines for oropharyngeal cancer
Sher DJ ONCOLOGY (United States) 2017 Sep 31 656 -
Adjuvant radiotherapy improves overall survival in patients with resected gastric adenocarcinoma: A National Cancer Data Base analysis
Stumpf PK, Amini A, Jones BL, Koshy M, Sher DJ, Lieu CH, Schefter TE, Goodman KA, Rusthoven CG Cancer 2017 Sep 123 3402-3409 -
Lung stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) for early-stage non-small cell lung cancer in the very elderly (≥ 80 years old): Extremely safe and effective
Kreinbrink P, Blumenfeld P, Tolekidis G, Sen N, Sher D, Marwaha G Journal of Geriatric Oncology 2017 Sep 8 351-355 -
Clinical practice in PET/CT for the management of head and neck squamous cell cancer
Goel R, Moore W, Sumer B, Khan S, Sher D, Subramaniam RM American Journal of Roentgenology 2017 Aug 209 289-303 -
Radiation therapy for oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: Executive summary of an ASTRO Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline
Sher DJ, Adelstein DJ, Bajaj GK, Brizel DM, Cohen EE, Halthore A, Harrison LB, Lu C, Moeller BJ, Quon H, Rocco JW, Sturgis EM, Tishler RB, Trotti A, Waldron J, Eisbruch A Practical Radiation Oncology 2017 Jul 7 246-253 -
Metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma: Patterns of care and survival for patients receiving chemotherapy with and without local radiotherapy
Rusthoven CG, Lanning RM, Jones BL, Amini A, Koshy M, Sher DJ, Bowles DW, McDermott JD, Jimeno A, Karam SD Radiotherapy and Oncology 2017 Jul 124 139-146 -
Weighing Risk of Cardiovascular Mortality Against Potential Benefit of Hormonal Therapy in Intermediate-Risk Prostate Cancer
Lester-Coll NH, Johnson S, Magnuson WJ, Goldhaber SZ, Sher DJ, D'Amico AV, Yu JB Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2017 Jun 109 -
Cost-Effectiveness of Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy: a Critical Review
Lester-Coll NH, Sher DJ Current oncology reports 2017 Jun 19 -
Radiation plus temozolomide in patients with glioblastoma
Rusthoven CG, Koshy M, Sher DJ New England Journal of Medicine 2017 Jun 376 2195-2197 -
Association between intensity modulated radiotherapy and survival in patients with stage III non-small cell lung cancer treated with chemoradiotherapy
Koshy M, Malik R, Spiotto M, Mahmood U, Rusthoven CG, Sher DJ Lung Cancer 2017 Jun 108 222-227 -
Cutaneous adnexal adenocarcinoma with exquisite sensitivity to trastuzumab
Brown TJ, Sher DJ, Nedzi LA, Hughes RS, Beg MS, Mull J, Sarode VR, Khan SA Head and Neck 2017 May 39 E69-E71 -
The Impact of Postoperative Radiotherapy for Thymoma and Thymic Carcinoma
Jackson MW, Palma DA, Camidge DR, Jones BL, Robin TP, Sher DJ, Koshy M, Kavanagh BD, Gaspar LE, Rusthoven CG Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2017 Apr 12 734-744 -
Defining the value research agenda in radiation oncology
Sher DJ ONCOLOGY (United States) 2017 Apr 31 256-257 -
A comparative study of standard intensity-modulated radiotherapy and RapidArc planning techniques for ipsilateral and bilateral head and neck irradiation
Pursley J, Damato AL, Czerminska MA, Margalit DN, Sher DJ, Tishler RB Medical Dosimetry 2017 Feb 42 31-36 -
National patterns of care and predictors of neoadjuvant and concurrent chemotherapy use with definitive radiotherapy in the treatment of patients with oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma
Sher DJ, Rusthoven CC, Khan SA, Fidler MJ, Zhu H, Koshy M Cancer 2017 Jan 123 273-282 -
Cost effectiveness of the Oncotype DX DCIS Score for guiding treatment of patients with ductal carcinoma in situ
Raldow AC, Sher D, Chen AB, Recht A, Punglia RS Journal of Clinical Oncology 2016 Nov 34 3963-3968 -
Patterns of failure after reirradiation with intensity-modulated radiation therapy and the competing risk of out-of-field recurrences
Margalit DN, Rawal B, Catalano PJ, Haddad RI, Goguen LA, Annino DJ, Limaye SA, Lorch JH, Lavigne AW, Schoenfeld JD, Sher DJ, Tishler RB Oral Oncology 2016 Oct 61 19-26 -
Improved survival with prostate radiation in addition to androgen deprivation therapy for men with newly diagnosed metastatic prostate cancer
Rusthoven CG, Jones BL, Flaig TW, Crawford ED, Koshy M, Sher DJ, Mahmood U, Chen RC, Chapin BF, Kavanagh BD, Pugh TJ Journal of Clinical Oncology 2016 Aug 34 2835-2842 -
Patterns of care and comparative effectiveness of intensified adjuvant therapy for resected oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma in the human papillomavirus era
Sher DJ, Nedzi L, Khan S, Hughes R, Sumer BD, Myers LL, Truelson JM, Koshy M JAMA Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 2016 Aug 142 777-788 -
Combined-modality therapy with radiation and chemotherapy for elderly patients with glioblastoma in the temozolomide era: A national cancer database analysis
Rusthoven CG, Koshy M, Sher DJ, Ney DE, Gaspar LE, Jones BL, Karam SD, Amini A, Ormond DR, Youssef AS, Kavanagh BD JAMA neurology 2016 Jul 73 821-828 -
Quality of Life and Value Considerations in Head and Neck Proton Beam Therapy: The Holy Grail at Last, or the Quest Continues?
Sher DJ, Ringash J International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2016 May 95 40-42 -
Establishing Cost-Effective Allocation of Proton Therapy for Breast Irradiation
Mailhot Vega RB, Ishaq O, Raldow A, Perez CA, Jimenez R, Scherrer-Crosbie M, Bussiere M, Taghian A, Sher DJ, Macdonald SM International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2016 May 95 11-18 -
Human papillomavirus and induction chemotherapy versus concurrent chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced oropharyngeal cancer: The Dana Farber Experience
Lorch JH, Hanna GJ, Posner MR, O'Neill A, Thotakura VL, Limaye SA, Rabinowits G, Sher DJ, Tishler RB, Haddad RI Head and Neck 2016 Apr 38 E1618-E1624 -
Comparative effectiveness of induction chemotherapy for oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: A population-based analysis
Sher DJ, Schwartz DL, Nedzi L, Khan S, Hughes R, Fidler MJ, Koshy M Oral Oncology 2016 Mar 54 58-67 -
Koshy M, Malik R, Mahmood U, Husain Z, Weichselbaum RR, Sher DJ Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2016 Mar 108 -
Development of a standard survivorship care plan template for radiation oncologists
Chen RC, Hoffman KE, Sher DJ, Showalter TN, Morrell R, Chen AB, Benda R, Nguyen PL, Movsas B, Hardenbergh P Practical Radiation Oncology 2016 Jan 6 57-65 -
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Chemoradiation Therapy Versus Transoral Robotic Surgery for Human Papillomavirus-Associated, Clinical N2 Oropharyngeal Cancer
Sher DJ, Fidler MJ, Tishler RB, Stenson K, Al-Khudari S International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2016 94 512-522 -
Evaluation of initial setup accuracy and intrafraction motion for spine stereotactic body radiation therapy using stereotactic body frames
Han Z, Bondeson JC, Lewis JH, Mannarino EG, Friesen SA, Wagar MM, Balboni TA, Alexander BM, Arvold ND, Sher DJ, Hacker FL Practical Radiation Oncology 2016 Jan 6 e17-e24 -
Prevalence and Predictors of Inappropriate Delivery of Palliative Thoracic Radiotherapy for Metastatic Lung Cancer
Koshy M, Malik R, Mahmood U, Husain Z, Weichselbaum RR, Sher DJ Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2015 Dec 107 -
Cost-effectiveness analysis of neurocognitive-sparing treatments for brain metastases
Savitz ST, Chen RC, Sher DJ Cancer 2015 Dec 121 4231-4239 -
Comparative effectiveness of aggressive thoracic radiation therapy and concurrent chemoradiation therapy in metastatic lung cancer
Koshy M, Malik R, Mahmood U, Rusthoven CG, Sher DJ Practical Radiation Oncology 2015 Nov 5 374-382 -
Survival benefit of surgery after chemoradiotherapy for stage III (N0-2) non-small-cell lung cancer is dependent on pathologic nodal response
Ziel E, Hermann G, Sen N, Bonomi P, Liptay MJ, Fidler MJ, Batus M, Warren WH, Chmielewski G, Sher DJ Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2015 Oct 10 1475-1480 -
Economic benefits of palliative care consultation continue to unfold
Sher DJ Journal of Clinical Oncology 2015 Sep 33 2723-2724 -
Precision hypofractionated radiation therapy in poor performing patients with non-small cell lung cancer: Phase 1 dose escalation trial
Westover KD, Loo BW, Gerber DE, Iyengar P, Choy H, Diehn M, Hughes R, Schiller J, Dowell J, Wardak Z, Sher D, Christie A, Xie XJ, Corona I, Sharma A, Wadsworth ME, Timmerman R International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2015 Sep 93 72-81 -
In reply to Levy et al
Koshy M, Sher DJ International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2015 Jul 92 946-947 -
Relationship between radiation therapy dose and outcome in patients treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy and surgery for stage IIIA non-small cell lung cancer: A population-based, comparative effectiveness analysis
Sher DJ, Fidler MJ, Seder CW, Liptay MJ, Koshy M International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2015 Jun 92 307-316 -
Comparative effectiveness of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy versus chemotherapy alone followed by surgery for patients with stage IIIA non-small cell lung cancer
Sher DJ, Fidler MJ, Liptay MJ, Koshy M Lung Cancer 2015 Jun 88 267-274 -
Disparities in treatment of patients with inoperable stage I non-small cell lung cancer: A population-based analysis
Koshy M, Malik R, Spiotto M, Mahmood U, Weichselbaum R, Sher D Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2015 Feb 10 264-271 -
Stereotactic body radiotherapy and treatment at a high volume facility is associated with improved survival in patients with inoperable stage i non-small cell lung cancer
Koshy M, Malik R, Mahmood U, Husain Z, Sher DJ Radiotherapy and Oncology 2015 Feb 114 148-154 -
Increasing radiation therapy dose is associated with improved survival in patients undergoing stereotactic body radiation therapy for stage I non-small-cell lung cancer
Koshy M, Malik R, Weichselbaum RR, Sher DJ International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2015 91 344-350 -
Outcomes by tumor histology and kras mutation status after lung stereotactic body radiation therapy for early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer
Mak RH, Hermann G, Lewis JH, Aerts HJ, Baldini EH, Chen AB, Colson YL, Hacker FH, Kozono D, Wee JO, Chen YH, Catalano PJ, Wong KK, Sher DJ Clinical lung cancer 2015 Jan 16 24-32 -
Efficacy and tolerability of palliative split-course thoracic chemoradiotherapy for symptomatic non-small cell lung cancer
Dandekar VK, Young J, Kiel K, Bonomi P, Fidler MJ, Batus M, Sher DJ American Journal of Clinical Oncology: Cancer Clinical Trials 2015 Jan 38 605-609 -
The effect of radiotherapy dose on survival in stage iii non-small-cell lung cancer patients undergoing definitive chemoradiotherapy
Koshy M, Malik R, Sher DJ, Spiotto M, Mahmood U, Aydogan B, Weichselbaum RR Clinical lung cancer 2014 Sep 15 365-371 -
Patterns of locoregional failure in stage III non-small cell lung cancer treated with definitive chemoradiation therapy
Garg S, Gielda BT, Kiel K, Turian JV, Fidler MJ, Batus M, Bonomi P, Sher DJ Practical Radiation Oncology 2014 Sep 4 342-348 -
Aggressive therapy for patients with non-small cell lung carcinoma and synchronous brain-only oligometastatic disease is associated with long-term survival
Gray PJ, Mak RH, Yeap BY, Cryer SK, Pinnell NE, Christianson LW, Sher DJ, Arvold ND, Baldini EH, Chen AB, Kozono DE, Swanson SJ, Jackman DM, Alexander BM Lung Cancer 2014 Aug 85 239-244 -
Systematic review of the cost effectiveness of radiation therapy for prostate cancer from 2003 to 2013
Amin NP, Sher DJ, Konski AA Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 2014 Aug 12 391-408 -
Influence of conformal radiotherapy technique on survival after chemoradiotherapy for patients with stage III non-small cell lung cancer in the National Cancer Data Base
Sher DJ, Koshy M, Liptay MJ, Fidler MJ Cancer 2014 Jul 120 2060-2068 -
Prevalence and predictors of neoadjuvant therapy for stage IIIA non-small cell lung cancer in the national cancer database: Importance of socioeconomic status and treating institution
Sher DJ, Liptay MJ, Fidler MJ International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2014 Jun 89 303-312 -
Patterns-of-failure after helical tomotherapy-based chemoradiotherapy for head and neck cancer: Implications for CTV margin, elective nodal dose and bilateral parotid sparing
Dandekar V, Morgan T, Turian J, Fidler MJ, Showel J, Nielsen T, Coleman J, Diaz A, Sher DJ Oral Oncology 2014 May 50 520-526 -
Low incidence of chest wall pain with a risk-adapted lung stereotactic body radiation therapy approach using three or five fractions based on chest wall dosimetry
Coroller TP, Mak RH, Lewis JH, Baldini EH, Chen AB, Colson YL, Hacker FL, Hermann G, Kozono D, Mannarino E, Molodowitch C, Wee JO, Sher DJ, Killoran JH PloS one 2014 Apr 9 -
Cost-effectiveness analysis of SBRT versus IMRT for low-risk prostate cancer
Sher DJ, Parikh RB, Mays-Jackson S, Punglia RS American Journal of Clinical Oncology: Cancer Clinical Trials 2014 Jan 37 215-221 -
Decision analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis for comparative effectiveness research-a primer
Sher DJ, Punglia RS Seminars in Radiation Oncology 2014 Jan 24 14-24 -
Value considerations in the treatment of head and neck cancer: radiation, chemotherapy, and supportive care
Baxi SS, Sher DJ, Pfister DG American Society of Clinical Oncology educational book / ASCO. American Society of Clinical Oncology. Meeting 2014 e296-e303 -
Patterns of regional failure in stage III non-small cell lung cancer treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy and resection
Garg S, Gielda BT, Turian JV, Liptay M, Warren WH, Bonomi P, Sher DJ Practical Radiation Oncology 2013 Oct 3 287-293 -
Cost-effectiveness of stereotactic body radiation therapy versus surgical resection for stage i non-small cell lung cancer
Shah A, Hahn SM, Stetson RL, Friedberg JS, Pechet TT, Sher DJ Cancer 2013 Sep 119 3123-3132 -
Prognostic significance of weight gain during definitive chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer
Sher DJ, Gielda BT, Liptay MJ, Warren WH, Batus M, Fidler MJ, Garg S, Bonomi P Clinical lung cancer 2013 Jul 14 370-375 -
Erratum: Death from high-risk prostate cancer versus cardiovascular mortality with hormonal therapy (Cancer DOI: 10.1002/cncr.27980)
Lester-Coll NH, Goldhaber SZ, Sher DJ, DAmico AV Cancer 2013 Jun 119 2358 -
Death from high-risk prostate cancer versus cardiovascular mortality with hormonal therapy: A decision analysis
Lester-Coll NH, Goldhaber SZ, Sher DJ, D'Amico AV Cancer 2013 May 119 1808-1815 -
Treatment of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma with IMRT: Patterns of failure after concurrent chemoradiotherapy and sequential therapy
Sher DJ, Thotakura V, Balboni TA, Norris CM, Haddad RI, Posner MR, Lorch J, Goguen LA, Annino DJ, Tishler RB Annals of Oncology 2012 Sep 23 2391-2398 -
SU‐E‐T‐401: Evaluation of Initial Setup Accuracy and Intra‐Fraction Motion for Spine SBRT Using Stereotactic Body Frames
Hacker F, Bondeson J, Lewis J, Mannarino E, Friesen S, Balboni T, Alexander B, Sher D Medical physics 2012 Jun 39 3796 -
Primary radiotherapy versus radical prostatectomy for high-risk prostate cancer: A decision analysis
Parikh R, Sher DJ Cancer 2012 Jan 118 258-267 -
TU‐E‐BRB‐02: A Decision Support Tool for SBRT Planning Using a Searchable DVH Database
Lewis J, Mak R, Molodowitch C, Mannarino E, Baldini E, Chen A, Kozono D, Sher D, Hacker F, Killoran J Medical Physics 2012 Jan 39 -
Clinical utility of 4D FDG-PET/CT scans in radiation treatment planning
Aristophanous M, Berbeco RI, Killoran JH, Yap JT, Sher DJ, Allen AM, Larson E, Chen AB International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2012 Jan 82 e99-e105 -
Salivary gland tumors treated with adjuvant intensity-modulated radiotherapy with or without concurrent chemotherapy
Schoenfeld JD, Sher DJ, Norris CM, Haddad RI, Posner MR, Balboni TA, Tishler RB International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2012 Jan 82 308-314 -
Relationship between radiation treatment time and overall survival after induction chemotherapy for locally advanced head-and-neck carcinoma: A Subset analysis of TAX 324
Sher DJ, Posner MR, Tishler RB, Sarlis NJ, Haddad RI, Holupka EJ, Devlin PM International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2011 Dec 81 e813-e818 -
Cost-effectiveness analysis of stereotactic body radiotherapy and radiofrequency ablation for medically inoperable, early-stage non-small cell lung cancer
Sher DJ, Wee JO, Punglia RS International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2011 Dec 81 e767-e774 -
Predictors of IMRT and conformal radiotherapy use in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: A SEER-medicare analysis
Sher DJ, Neville BA, Chen AB, Schrag D International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2011 Nov 81 e197-e206 -
Treatment of oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma with adjuvant or definitive intensity-modulated radiation therapy
Sher DJ, Thotakura V, Balboni TA, Norris CM, Haddad RI, Posner MR, Lorch J, Goguen LA, Annino DJ, Tishler RB International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2011 Nov 81 e215-e222 -
Efficacy and toxicity of chemoradiotherapy using intensity-modulated radiotherapy for unknown primary of head and neck
Sher DJ, Balboni TA, Haddad RI, Norris CM, Posner MR, Wirth LJ, Goguen LA, Annino D, Tishler RB International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2011 Aug 80 1405-1411 -
Effect of respiratory trace shape on optimal treatment margin
Winey B, Wagar M, Ebe K, Popple R, Lingos T, Sher D, Court L Medical physics 2011 Jun 38 3125-3129 -
Survival outcomes after radiation therapy for stage III non-small-cell lung cancer after adoption of computed tomography-based simulation
Chen AB, Neville BA, Sher DJ, Chen K, Schrag D Journal of Clinical Oncology 2011 Jun 29 2305-2311 -
Cost-effectiveness studies in radiation therapy
Sher DJ Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 2010 Oct 10 567-582 -
Utilizing computed tomography as a road map for designing selective and superselective neck dissection after chemoradiotherapy
Goguen LA, Chapuy CI, Sher DJ, Israel DA, Blinder RA, Norris CM, Tishler RB, Haddad RI, Annino DJ Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 2010 Sep 143 367-374 -
Sunitinib-induced pseudoprogression after whole-brain radiotherapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma
Kelly PJ, Weiss SE, Sher DJ, Perez-Atayde AR, Dal Cin P, Choueiri TK Journal of Clinical Oncology 2010 Sep 28 e433-e435 -
Efficacy and toxicity of reirradiation using intensity-modulated radiotherapy for recurrent or second primary head and neck cancer
Sher DJ, Haddad RI, Norris CM, Posner MR, Wirth LJ, Goguen LA, Annino D, Balboni T, Allen A, Tishler RB Cancer 2010 116 4761-4768 -
Cost-effectiveness of CT and PET-CT for determining the need for adjuvant neck dissection in locally advanced head and neck cancer
Sher DJ, Tishler RB, Annino D, Punglia RS Annals of Oncology 2009 Oct 21 1072-1077 -
Partial-Breast Irradiation Versus Whole-Breast Irradiation for Early-Stage Breast Cancer: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Sher DJ, Wittenberg E, Suh WW, Taghian AG, Punglia RS International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2009 Jun 74 440-446 -
SU‐FF‐T‐178: Optimization of Internal Target Margins for Dynamic IMRT and RapidARC
Winey B, Wagar M, Popple R, Sher D, Court L Medical physics 2009 Jun 36 2561 -
Sher DJ, Oh WK Urology 2009 Feb 73 362 -
Absence of Relationship Between Steroid Hormone Levels and Prostate Cancer Tumor Grade
Sher DJ, Mantzoros C, Jacobus S, Regan MM, Lee GS, Oh WK Urology 2009 Feb 73 356-361 -
Prognostic significance of mid- and post-ABVD PET imaging in Hodgkin's lymphoma: The importance of involved-field radiotherapy
Sher DJ, Mauch PM, Van Den Abbeele A, LaCasce AS, Czerminski J, Ng AK Annals of Oncology 2009 20 1848-1853 -
Relationship between serum adiponectin and prostate cancer grade
Sher DJ, Oh WK, Jacobus S, Regan MM, Lee GS, Mantzoros C Prostate 2008 Oct 68 1592-1598 -
In Reply to Dr. Jenkins
Sher DJ, Wolfgang JA, Niemierko A, Choi NC International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2008 Jun 71 644 -
The added value of concurrently administered temozolomide versus adjuvant temozolomide alone in newly diagnosed glioblastoma
Sher DJ, Henson JW, Avutu B, Hochberg FH, Batchelor TT, Martuza RL, Barker FG, Loeffler JS, Chakravarti A Journal of Neuro-Oncology 2008 May 88 43-50 -
Partial Breast Irradiation Versus Whole Breast Radiotherapy for Early-Stage Breast Cancer: A Decision Analysis
Sher DJ, Wittenberg E, Taghian AG, Bellon JR, Punglia RS International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2008 Feb 70 469-476 -
Multi-Institutional Review of Repeat Irradiation of Chest Wall and Breast for Recurrent Breast Cancer
Wahl AO, Rademaker A, Kiel KD, Jones EL, Marks LB, Croog V, McCormick BM, Hirsch A, Karkar A, Motwani SB, Tereffe W, Yu TK, Sher D, Silverstein J, Kachnic LA, Kesslering C, Freedman GM, Small W International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2008 Feb 70 477-484 -
Quantification of Mediastinal and Hilar Lymph Node Movement Using Four-Dimensional Computed Tomography Scan: Implications for Radiation Treatment Planning
Sher DJ, Wolfgang JA, Niemierko A, Choi NC International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2007 Dec 69 1402-1408 -
Ambient pollution and blood pressure in cardiac rehabilitation patients
Zanobetti A, Canner MJ, Stone PH, Schwartz J, Sher D, Eagan-Bengston E, Gates KA, Hartley LH, Suh H, Gold DR Circulation 2004 Oct 110 2184-2189
Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy for T1 to T2 Glottic Larynx Cancer: Mature Results From the Phase 2 GLoTtic Larynx-SABR Trial
Clinical Focus
- Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer
Q&A by Dr. Sher
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