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High Blood Pressure

8 essential health screenings for chronic and seasonal conditions

Health screenings are often the first line of defense against chronic and seasonal illnesses, and physicians incorporate these vital tools to help uncover clues to everything from heart disease and diabetes to colon cancer and coronavirus. Learn about some of the most essential health screenings from one of UT Southwestern's infectious diseases experts.

10 questions to test your heart-health knowledge

How much do you know about heart disease risks? Take this 5-minute quiz to find out what you know – and don't – about heart health.

Kidney disease and pregnancy: It’s challenging, but possible

Some patients with kidney disease worry that they can never have a baby. However, managing pregnancy and kidney issues is possible with specialized care. In this week’s #YourPregnancyMatters blog, Robyn Horsager-Boehrer, M.D., discusses risks and challenges patients should consider. Read more.

Robotic bariatric surgery: A new weapon in the fight against obesity

Weight-loss surgery has evolved dramatically in the last 20 years, and now the newest weapon in the fight against obesity is available at UT Southwestern: Robotic bariatric surgery. Learn about the advantages of the new technology from bariatric surgeon and division chief Benjamin Schneider, M.D., in this week’s MedBlog.

The bitter truth: 25 cups of coffee a day might not be healthy

Is it safe to drink 25 cups of coffee a day like a 2019 study suggests? Wanpen Vongpatanasin, M.D., says probably not. Find out where the confusion comes from and what the experts say in this week’s MedBlog. Learn more.

Blood pressure monitoring: Home is where your true BP numbers live

Hypertension is a leading risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and cardiovascular death. While hypertension is generally not curable, it is treatable if you are aware of it, and one of the best ways to stay on top of this disease is through home blood pressure monitoring. Read more.

Running marathons at 74? How exercise keeps the heart young

Dallas marathoner Rio King is still running strong in his 70s. Learn how exercise can keep your heart young and fit as you age.

Homing in on Blood Pressure Monitoring

Monitoring your blood pressure at home can be an important way to track your heart’s health. Check out these tips to help ensure you’re getting an accurate reading.