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UT Southwestern Medical Center surgeons and their teams provide exceptional care to correct nasal airway problems using septoplasty.

Expertise in Septoplasty

Septoplasty is reconstructive surgery to correct problems with the nasal septum, the bone and cartilage structure inside the nose that separates the two nostrils. With this procedure, surgeons can straighten and reposition the septum to restore airflow through the nose.

Our skilled ear, nose, and throat (ENT) surgeons have extensive experience and training in reconstructive surgical procedures to correct congenital (present since birth) conditions, injuries, and other conditions. Using the latest techniques for septoplasty, our surgeons help improve breathing and sleep for people who have problems with the nasal septum.

Conditions We Treat with Septoplasty

A septoplasty can help patients who have:

  • A deviated (displaced) or crooked septum, either congenital or resulting from injury, causing breathing issues and nasal deviation

Septoplasty Options

Our surgeons can perform a septoplasty alone or at the same time as other facial procedures, such as a rhinoplasty or face lift.

We can achieve several results with a septoplasty, such as:

  • Improving sleep quality and duration
  • Reducing snoring
  • Improving breathing ability
  • Cosmetic correction of nasal asymmetry (additional nasal surgery may be required)

What to Expect From Septoplasty

Septoplasty is an outpatient procedure, and patients can go home the same day. In the first step, our surgeons discuss anesthesia options with patients to provide comfort during the procedure. Anesthesia options include:

  • General anesthesia
  • Sedation

In the second step, the surgeon makes small incisions within the nasal cavity and sometimes across the columella (the tissue that separates the nostrils) to access the septum. The surgeon then:

  • Carefully lifts the mucous membrane, which protects the surface of the septum, away from the septum
  • Removes or straightens and repositions the septum
  • Removes any excess bone or cartilage that might be blocking the nasal airway
  • Replaces the mucous membrane around the septum and sutures it in place

In the final step, the surgeon closes the incisions using sutures. We might also insert soft silicone splints inside each nostril to support the septum, or place packing to prevent bleeding. These structures are removed within a day or two after the procedure.

During their recovery, patients can expect to:

  • Receive medication to relieve pain and/or reduce the risk of infection for a few days after the procedure
  • Have some swelling and mild bruising for the first few days; most swelling goes away in about two weeks, but some minor swelling can last several weeks
  • Return to work and most activities within a week
  • Resume more strenuous activities after a few weeks

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