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Measles and pregnancy: Navigating the risks during an outbreak

Measles exposure can cause preterm birth or pregnancy loss, and women can't get the vaccine during pregnancy. In this Your Pregnancy Matters article, UT Southwestern discusses how updated measles guidelines might help women reduce their risk. Read more.

Navigating pregnancy over the holidays: Your guide for traveling, shopping, and hosting

Pregnancy adds a layer of planning for holiday travel, dining, and hosting guests. Get tips to prepare for safe, fun festivities in this Your Pregnancy Matters blog.

Examining the risks and outcomes of home birth

As home birth becomes more popular, it’s important to analyze the risks and outcomes of out-of-hospital births accurately. UT Southwestern explains

Opioid use and pregnancy: An honest discussion

Using opioid pain medications during and after pregnancy can have significant affects on you and your baby.

During pregnancy, avoid cold cuts and soft cheeses to reduce listeria risk

Listeria infection can cause miscarriages, stillbirths, and preterm labor and pregnant patients are at 10 times the risk of nonpregnant individuals from bacteria. Find out how to avoid it.

UTSW is a Level 4 maternal health center, the highest designation in state

In 2020, UT Southwestern earned the Level 4 maternal health center designation – the highest level of care. Explore what this does and doesn’t mean for patients.

Pregnancy: It takes a village

Gone are the days when health care was based on “doctor knows best.” How team-based care models put pregnant women at the center of decision-making.

Drinking while pregnant: What we know and what we don’t

Will an occasional drink during pregnancy harm a baby? UT Southwestern discusses what studies show, what national organizations say, and how we advise women.

Virtual relief: The next big thing in labor pain management?

Virtual reality in the delivery room? In this Your Pregnancy Matters blog, we visualize the future of VR headsets for childbirth pain management.

It’s not your fault: Understanding miscarriage

Miscarriage is far more common than many people think. UT Southwestern explains why it is important to disprove the myths about miscarriage.

What women and men need to know about reproductive coercion

Reproductive coercion is a type of intimate partner violence in which an abuser exerts power and control over a victim’s reproductive health and decisions. UT Southwestern discusses the ways reproductive coercion can manifest and how your health care provider can help.

3 questions to ask about Down syndrome testing during pregnancy

In July, Olympian Shawn Johnson East learned her new baby might have Down syndrome. She chose genetic testing to learn more, which is a personal choice during pregnancy. In this Your Pregnancy Matters blog, UT Southwestern offers 3 questions that can help patients choose. Read more.

How does sickle cell disease affect pregnancy?

Sickle cell disease is a genetic condition that can cause significant pregnancy issues. Find out what women need to know to safely manage symptoms and reduce risks for themselves and their babies. Learn more.

Q&A: Is it safe to take medications while breastfeeding?

During pregnancy and lactation, certain medications might not be safe or might not work well. In this week's Your Pregnancy Matters article, two experts discuss knowledge gaps regarding breastfeeding, supplements, and drugs, as well as how we're closing the gap with research. Read more.

Room for 7 more? My thoughts on group-based prenatal care

Ob/Gyn offices around the U.S. are beginning to offer group prenatal visits. UT Southwestern discusses the potential benefits and challenges of launching a group-based program. Learn more in this week’s Your Pregnancy Matters blog.