Childhood Sarcoma

Childhood Sarcoma Diagnosis and Stages

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UT Southwestern Medical Center partners with Children’s Health to diagnose and treat pediatric cancers such as childhood sarcoma. UT Southwestern treats a high volume of patients, which means we offer a high level of expertise.

Diagnosing Childhood Sarcoma

Our pediatric cancer specialists use the most advanced diagnostic tools to identify childhood sarcoma.

Our physicians begin with a thorough evaluation that includes a:

  • Discussion of symptoms
  • Review of personal and family medical history
  • Physical and neurological exam

They may order additional tests, such as:

Once the type, size, and location of the tumor are known, a course for treatment can be determined.

We may also include genetic tests that can identify genetic mutations and help determine the best treatment strategies.

Stages of Childhood Sarcoma

Staging is a way to measure the spread and size of the sarcoma. This helps our doctors create a treatment plan that’s personalized to each patient.

Childhood sarcoma is often evaluated by stages – 1, 2, 3, or 4 – with some stages divided into substages. The lower the number, the more contained the cancer is. A higher number indicates that the cancer is more advanced.

Parents should consult their doctor about their child’s cancer stage and how it affects their treatment plan.