Dharam Kumbhani, M.D.

Dharam Kumbhani, M.D.

Section Chief, Director of Interventional Cardiology

  • Jim and Norma Smith Distinguished Chair for Interventional Cardiology
  • Internal Medicine - Cardiology
  • Heart Valve Disorders
  • Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (PCI)


Dharam Kumbhani, M.D., is the Section Chief/Director of Interventional Cardiology and a Professor of Medicine in UT Southwestern Medical Center’s Department of Internal Medicine. He is also the Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory at Clements University Hospital. He holds the Jim and Norma Smith Distinguished Chair for Interventional Cardiology. He specializes in interventional cardiology and valvular heart disease.

Dr. Kumbhani earned his medical degree with honors at the University of Mumbai. He earned a master’s degree in clinical epidemiology at Harvard University before completing an internship and residency in internal medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and cardiovascular training at the Cleveland Clinic. He then completed fellowships in interventional cardiology and advanced structural and endovascular interventions and a postdoctoral research fellowship at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, where he was also an instructor in cardiology.

He brings a strong background in advanced interventional cardiology techniques to UT Southwestern. He helped start the percutaneous valve program at UT Southwestern in 2012. His clinical practice specializes in transradial coronary interventions, percutaneous valve technologies, and other adult structural heart disease interventions.

Dr. Kumbhani is also internationally recognized in the field of outcomes-based and quality-of-care research. He has authored or co-authored more than 200 articles in medical journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, and Circulation, among others. He has received numerous grants for his research, including from the American Heart Association and the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). He is an elected member of the American College of Epidemiology, the Sigma Xi Research Society, and the U.K.’s Royal College of Physicians.

He is an Associate Editor of Circulation and serves on the Editorial board of Cardiosource for the American College of Cardiology. He served as Co-Chair for the 2017 Expert Consensus Document on Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement. He has been on the Writing Committee of numerous national guideline and policy documents, including the 2023 ACC/AHA Guideline for the management of patients with Chronic Coronary Artery Disease.

Meet Dr. Kumbhani

Interventional Cardiologist

Interventional cardiologist Dharam Kumbhani, M.D., doesn’t settle for the traditional treatment options available to patients with complex heart and vascular problems.

A specialist in cutting-edge minimally invasive procedures such as transradial angioplasty to treat coronary artery disease, valve repair for aortic stenosis, and stent-based interventions for patients with peripheral vascular disease, Dr. Kumbhani offers procedures that, while still rare at many U.S. hospitals, promise quicker recovery compared to standard methods.

“We can provide several state-of-the-art treatment options to our patients – especially patients who aren’t good candidates for open-heart surgery – with minimal recovery times,” he says.

For example, he performs transradial angioplasty, which uses a patient’s wrist instead of the groin as the incision point and has a much lower rate of bleeding and faster recovery time.

In addition, he is part of the transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) team at UT Southwestern Medical Center, which provides aortic valve replacement to patients without open surgery. TAVR offers a new option to many patients who aren’t surgical candidates and may otherwise not receive any treatment.

Dr. Kumbhani also sees patients with various cardiac structural abnormalities or defects, many of which may need a nonsurgical intervention. He cares for patients through his outpatient clinic, which serves patients with heart, valve, and vascular problems.

An epidemiologist as well as a cardiologist, Dr. Kumbhani has conducted wide-ranging research on quality of care and outcomes in patients with various heart and vascular problems. His research focus mirrors his clinical practice: He looks at care of patients with heart attack or chest pain, complex angioplasties, and peripheral vascular disease. He recently published research that was instrumental in highlighting the importance of medications such as statins in preventing repeat procedures and amputations in patients with peripheral vascular disease.

Dr. Kumbhani also offers minimally invasive, stent-based procedures to his peripheral vascular disease (PVD) patients to reduce pain and avoid amputation and invasive bypass surgeries.

“I enjoy my practice,” he says. “Seeing such a wide range of patients and working with a wide range of techniques allows me to stay up to date with the whole heart-care scene, not just a narrow facet of it.”

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Education & Training
  • Fellowship - Brigham and Women's Hospital (2011-2012), Cardiology
  • Fellowship - Brigham and Women's Hospital (2010-2011), Interventional Cardiology
  • Fellowship - Cleveland Clinic Foundation (2007-2010), Cardiovascular Disease
  • Residency - University of Pennsylvania Health System (2004-2007), Internal Medicine
  • Undergraduate School - Harvard School of Public Health (2002-2003), Epidemiology
  • Medical School - University of Mumbai (1996-2002)
Professional Associations & Affiliations
  • American College of Cardiology (2007), Member
  • Sigma Xi Research Society (2008), Elected Member
  • American Mensa (2008), Elected Member
  • American College of Physicians (2008), Member
  • American College of Epidemiology (2008), Elected Member
  • American Heart Association (2009), Member
  • Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (2010), Member
  • Royal College of Physicians, UK (2012), Elected Member
Honors & Awards
  • Jack B. Wallach Scholarship 2002, Harvard University
  • Veterans Affairs Medical Scholar Award 2007, University of Pennsylvania
  • Young Investigator Award 2010, American Heart Association
  • Tomsich Award for Excellence in Research 2010, Cleveland Clinic
  • Gregory Braden Memorial Fellow of the Year Award 2012, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions
  • First place, Junior Faculty Research 2013, Northwestern Cardiovascular Young Investigators' Forum
  • Finalist 2013, Thomas J. Linnemeier Spirit of Interventional Cardiology Young Investigator Award, TCT
  • ACC/William F. Keating, Esq. Endowment Award 2015, American College of Cardiology
  • Leadership Recognition Award 2016, Cardiovascular Research Technologies
  • Next Gen Innovator 2017, Cardiology Today
Books & Publications
  • Clinical trials
  • Cardiovascular outcomes research
  • Valvular heart disease
  • Vascular medicine
  • Application of large national databases to understand disparities in health care delivery

Clinical Focus

  • Heart Valve Disorders
  • Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (PCI)
  • Heart Valve Repair/Replacement
  • Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization
  • General Cardiology

Dharam Kumbhani, M.D.

Dr. Kumbhani talks about his approach to patient care.

2021 Leaders in Clinical Excellence video: Dr. Dharam Kumbhani

AHA Scientific Sessions: Dr. Dharam Kumbhani

Darham Kumbhani, M.D., interventional cardiologist at UT Southwestern Medical Center, shares an update on TAVR at the 2017 American Heart Association Scientific Sessions.