
Public Health

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Diet and Nutrition; Prevention; Public Health

How diabetes reached epidemic proportions, and what we can do about it

About 96 million U.S. patients have prediabetes. UT Southwestern discusses how our new spin on community education empowers people to improve their health.

Women's Health; Public Health

Demystifying women’s health in the Muslim community

UT Southwestern demystifies women's health conditions for the Muslim community in Texas.

Diet and Nutrition; Public Health

Food Is Medicine research hits home, helps patients improve long-term health

The Food is Medicine movement is sweeping the nation. Explore how two new FIM initiatives at UT Southwestern are working to improve sustainable access to healthy nutrition.

Cancer; Public Health

Increasing access to cancer clinical trials across Texas

Explore how four new grants are expanding cancer clinical trial access, increasing participant diversity, and reducing patients’ expenses at UT Southwestern Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center.