Pediatric-Adolescent Gynecology Services We Offer
At UT Southwestern and Children’s Health, our team offers comprehensive care for babies, girls, and young women, focusing on treatment for complex conditions. We also have expertise in working with patients who have special needs or developmental delays. Our services include:
- Minimally invasive surgery for conditions such as ovarian cysts and endometriosis
- Counseling and provision of contraception as birth control and as treatment for certain conditions such as heavy menstrual bleeding
- Evaluation and treatment for menstrual abnormalities, pelvic pain, and STDs
- Fertility preservation for patients undergoing certain types of cancer treatment (at UTSW)
- Reconstructive surgery for developmental anomalies of reproductive organs
Anything that patients (either adults or teens) tell their health care providers is, by law, confidential unless the doctor believes the patient:
- Is a danger to herself or others
- Cannot make decisions on her own
However, it is helpful and important for teens and their parents to have an open line of communication between them so that they can discuss any health concerns or other worries. Teens need to know their parents will be there to protect and support them.
Patient Education Resources
For more information about conditions that affect girls, please visit the North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology (NASPAG) Patient Tools site.
Clinical Trials
We are active in clinical research to improve understanding and treatment of conditions that affect children. We are currently conducting research related to transgender youth as well as ovarian cysts/masses in adolescents. For more information about clinical trials, please talk to our doctors.