Our Kidney Transplant Program offers personalized service and expertise that most programs can’t.
Kidney Transplant Providers
Results: 21 Providers
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Current Results: 21 Providers
Lee Anderson, M.D.
- Transplant
- Internal Medicine - Nephrology
- Kidney Transplantation
Elizabeth Brown, M.D.
- Pediatrics - Nephrology
- Chronic Kidney Disease
- Nephrotic Syndrome
George Eboh, M.D.
- Transplant
- Internal Medicine - Nephrology
- Kidney Transplantation
Alissar El Chediak, M.D.
- Internal Medicine - Nephrology
- Kidney Transplantation
- Dual Organ Transplant
Christine Hwang, M.D.
- Transplant
- Surgery - Surgical Transplantation
- Liver & Kidney Transplant Evaluations
- Liver & Kidney Transplantation Surgery
Katie Kraft, M.D.
- Surgery - Surgical Transplantation
- Liver Transplantation
- Kidney Transplantation
Ricardo La Hoz, M.D.
- Transplant
- Internal Medicine - Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine
- Infectious Complications Transplant Recipients
Laila Lakhani, M.D.
- Internal Medicine - Nephrology
- Infections in kidney transplant recipients
- Pregnancy and kidney transplantation
Christian Larsen, M.D.
- Transplant
- Internal Medicine - Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine
- Infections in transplant patients
- Infections in immunocompromised patients
Swee-Ling Levea, M.D.
- Transplant
- Internal Medicine - Nephrology
- Kidney Transplant Evaluations
- Kidney Transplant Medicine
Joseph (Joe) Lockridge “Joe”, M.D.
- Internal Medicine - Nephrology
- Nephrology
- Transplant nephrology
Kimberly Mackenzie, M.S.N., APRN, FNP-C
- Kidney Transplantation
Christopher Nauser, M.D.
- Surgery - Surgical Transplantation
- Kidney Transplantation
- Pancreas Transplantation
Tam-Nhi Nguyen, M.P.A.S., PA-C
- Surgery - Surgical Transplantation
- Kidney Transplantation
Madhukar Patel, M.D., M.B.A., SC.M.
- Transplant
- Surgery - Surgical Transplantation
- Liver Transplantation
- Hepatobiliary Surgery
Nilum Rajora, M.D.
- Internal Medicine - Nephrology
- Kidney Disease (Nephrology)
Kamal Sambandam, M.D.
- Transplant
- Internal Medicine - Nephrology
- Kidney Transplant Medicine
- Kidney Disease (Nephrology)
Jigesh Shah, D.O.
- Transplant
- Surgery - Surgical Transplantation
- Kidney Transplantation
- Liver Transplantation