General Internal Medicine

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The General Internal Medicine Program at UT Southwestern Medical Center is widely respected for combining patient-centered adult care of the highest quality, physician expertise, and the latest advances in medical technology.

Our physicians specialize in maintaining long-term adult wellness and are experts in the prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment of common disorders including acid refluxanxietyheart disease, high cholesterol, and obesity. 

UT Southwestern internists provide consultations, preventive medicine, preoperative assessments, and comprehensive geriatric assessments. These physicians also provide second opinions, and coordinate care for patients with complex disorders, assuring that they receive the proper care for all aspects of their health. 

In addition to clinical care, our internists oversee research programs in Alzheimer’s disease, cancer epidemiology, genetic disorders, geriatrics, hypertension, and osteoporosis.

A leader in clinical and research activities, our General Internal Medicine Program offers patients a single health care setting that is among the finest in the nation.

Reducing Medication Errors

Taking medications incorrectly is one of the 
most common medical errors in America today. Your health is our top priority and we want to work carefully with you to avoid medication errors.

We encourage you to do the following to minimize your risk of a medication error:

  • Discard out of date, or discontinued, medications regularly.

  • List your medications, including the exact information as 
it is written on the label (name of the medication, dosage, directions, and the prescribing physician).
  • Review your medication list at each visit with your physician to ensure you are taking the correct medicines and know what purpose each serves.
  • Avoid adverse reactions by noting on your medication list a description of any reactions you may have to your medication, then alerting your physician and pharmacy.

After a Hospital Stay

Medications and prescription doses may change following a hospital visit. When in the hospital, review the list of medications being prescribed for you with your physician or nurse at the time you are discharged. Carefully compare your admission medications with your discharge medications to ensure you are aware of any changes. Be sure to ask your provider to clarify any questions you may have.

When discharged from the hospital, always take your list of discharge medications with you to your next clinic visit so your physician can update your outpatient medical records.

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