Patient Resources

Video Visit FAQ

Video Visit Instructions or 214-648-8888

Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled a list of commonly asked questions to help you understand and navigate the video visit process and regulations. If you have a question that was not answered on this page, please reach out to us at 214-648-3111 and we will assist you.

What do I need to get started for a Video Visit?

To participate in a Video Visit, you will need:

  • An active MyChart account
  • A connection to the internet
  • A smartphone, tablet, desktop, or laptop with a camera and microphone
When are Video Visits available?

Video Visits are available during normal clinic hours Monday through Friday, typically between 8am-5pm. Hours may vary by clinic. Please reach out to your specific clinic to confirm hours of operation.

Who is eligible for Video Visits?

UT Southwestern is offering Video Visits across nearly all clinical specialties where it is clinically appropriate. Video Visits are available for both new and established patients. Please reach out to your provider or the clinic to see if your appointment qualifies to be seen as a Video Visit.

Are Video Visits available for non-English speakers?

Yes, UT Southwestern has interpreters who are able to join your Video Visit and provide translation services.

Can I use this service for my child?

Yes. Please discuss with your child’s physician for more details. Depending on where your child is seen, your visit will take place using either UT Southwestern’s MyChart or Children’s Health MyChart. This information will be provided when scheduling your visit.

Is this service available for me when I am outside the state of Texas?

Regulations require that both the patient and the provider be physically located in the state of Texas during this visit. ***With the COVID-19 pandemic, this regulation requiring both parties to be located in the state of Texas has temporarily been removed. ***

Can I have family members or caregivers join my Video Visit?

Yes. Once you join the Video Visit and connect with our videoconferencing platform you can share the link directly with the family member or caregiver to join your Video Visit.

Will my insurance cover this visit?

Each insurance plan has a specific benefit design based on your coverage. While most insurance companies are fully covering video visits in the same way in-person visits are covered, we encourage you to reach out to your insurance company regarding your benefits. If your insurance does not cover the service provided, you will be billed for the entire cost of the visit.

Will I have to pay a copay prior to the Video Visit?

Yes. You will be prompted to pay a copay for your visit if your insurance plan requires. More information insurance and copays can be found here.

What happens if I pay a copay in advance, but I am unable to complete the Video Visit?

You can credit the amount paid to put towards future visits and payments or request a refund for the amount. More information about billing can be found here.

Can I get a prescription?

Yes, if it is medically appropriate. As with an in-person appointment, the prescription will be ready on the same day and delivered to the pharmacy of your choice.

Is my privacy protected during a video or audio visit?

UT Southwestern Medical Center strictly adheres to the privacy policies detailed in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and those same confidentiality rules apply to video visits and any appointment conducted by phone call. Additionally, the physician or care team member conducting the video visit will be in a private location and all patient information will be protected under HIPAA.

Are video visits recorded?

No, UT Southwestern does not record Video Visits.

What if I am having difficulties with MyChart, the video, or my device?

If you have technical issues or questions, you can call 214-648-8888 to speak to a member of our MyChart support team. This service is available 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday – Friday.

What should I do if I failed the hardware test prior to my visit?

First, check the permissions of your app or browser to make sure you are allowing the camera and microphone to be used. Once you allow these devices to be used by the app or browser, re-run the hardware test. If you continue to have issues, please call the MyChart Help Desk at 214-648-8888.

What happens if my Video Visit is disconnected during the visit?

You can log back into your MyChart account to try to rejoin the visit. If you are still unable to reconnect, the health care professional you were speaking with will reach out to you by phone.

Your physician and care team will let you know if a video visit is an option for you. In some cases, it may not be appropriate such as for emergency situations. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 or go to the closest emergency room.